Search results

  1. F

    Remote-To-Local File Sync

    Awesome thanks, Ill look into it.
  2. F

    Remote-To-Local File Sync

    So I have this seedbox located out of the country I would like to sync all my new downloads with a local folder on my PC. Is this possible at all? Like a "watch folder" or "folder sync" option. The server is Ubuntu and it would transferring to a windows home server 2011. Any...
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    Post your "rate my cables" here

    The hard drive heat is routed through the back so it never goes through the center of the case. All the air inside comes from the bottom and up through the top and/or out the back. I don't see why everyone says its bad.. :confused: Buy some good fans in throw them in there and your set. Just...
  4. F

    Post your "rate my cables" here

    Love Oregon :p I rarely go up to Portland but I've been to Frys once and let me tell yea... I was like a fat kid in a candy store haha I'll check out performance-PCs thanks for the info
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    Post your "rate my cables" here

    That's a great idea. Think I may order some now :P Just add a little more eye candy haha I was surprised how much I like the black on black also. Cleanest computer I've ever built!
  6. F

    Post your "rate my cables" here

    My new rig I just built last night!!! I need to learn how to sleeve cables.... :( but still don't think its that bad.
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    Mass HD Cloning

    I need to reimage a computer lab that is strictly running CAD software. I have been unsuccessful with Norton Ghost and UIU (due to image size) The is 32GB's of data on the hard drive. Suggestions?
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    Media Player Error

    Alright I am completely stumped on this. Problem: I have sound for everything but Windows Media Player 11. I am running windows xp w/ sp3 and up to date on all windows/media player updates. The speakers work fine. I can play sound from youtube, windows sounds, vlc player, and any thing else...
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    No sound in Media Player

    Alright I am completely stumped on this. Problem: I have sound for everything but Windows Media Player 11. I am running windows xp w/ sp3 and up to date on all windows/media player updates. The speakers work fine. I can play sound from youtube, windows sounds, vlc player, and any thing else...
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    Network imaging

    So I've just created a test image w/ Acronis to try it out. I'm guessing i need to make a boot able rescue cd to transfer the image over the network. This will be a fun project to start on tomorrow morning. I'm off for the day!!!!!! I will give some of the other programs a try soon but im...
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    Network imaging

    Sweet thanks for the recommendation. I'm downloading the trial as we speak! Thanks again!
  12. F

    Network imaging

    Hey guys So I have been using UIU(universal imaging utility) for a few months and love how i can reimage a pc over the network from our server. But the software is really flaky for making new images. I was wondering if anyone had any suggesions of other simular programs or what other...
  13. F

    Combining AVI files

    thx ill give it a try
  14. F

    Combining AVI files

    I am looking for a free simple way to combine 2 .avi files. (movies) Any recommendations? Thanks Cory
  15. F

    Dell 2407wfp and Xbox

    Thats not what i wanted to hear :p
  16. F

    Dell 2407wfp and Xbox

    haha darn:(
  17. F

    Dell 2407wfp and Xbox

    this is the 1st xbox not the 360 :(
  18. F

    Dell 2407wfp and Xbox

    So I just bought an Xbox today and plugged it into my monitor(component). It looks really blocky. Has anyone else done this, what settings have you used? Any suggestions? Thanks
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    Free Back Up Software

    Hey everyone, I'm looking for some free back up software like Karen's Replicator. The only reason I cant use that is due to filemaker, Karen's Replicator wont back it up since the program is always running. So I need a program that will back everything up,(so it will need to shutdown the...
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    Galaxy Gives it Away!

    Sign me up!
  21. F

    GTX 260 Core

    Hey everyone. I just seen the review on for the new Nvidia GTX260 Core. I was thinking of getting a GTX280 but w/ this new one seem to be a pretty close battle(performance wise) and can easily same myself a buck or two. Anyone used it yet? Your thoughts? :cool:
  22. F

    Last card you bought from ATI and Nvidia?

    Nvidia - 8800 GTX, 8800 GT ATI- Never
  23. F

    The MUST PLAY List

    The ONE game Team Fortress 2!!!
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    PCIe graphics card, different for Mac vs PC?

    Just thought I would point this out. On nvidia's website they have the 8800 GT just for a MAC Then another just for a pc.
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    I would recommend it to anyone!!! Great stuff. Ive owned 4 sets of OCZ memory including the exact same ones your looking at getting. Performs like a dream.:D
  26. F

    FUD: Nvidia to exit chipset business

    "Nvidia has denied that it’s planning to exit the chipset business, despite a claim to the contrary last week. The firm has issued a statement that stresses it has “no intention of getting out of the chipset business,” following a report by Digitimes last week that claimed the firm was poised...
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    Buring a Dual Layer dvd to 2-DVD's

    Can anyone help me with this. I have a game I would like to make a copy of thats 7.3 Gb's. I don't have a DL burner so is there a way to Rip it and Burn it to 2 DVD's? Thanks for the help:confused:
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    Setting up a File/Game Server

    OK well im g2g start installing xp pro on the machine and see how far I can get before I need some more help :) Thxs for all your help guys so far!!!
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    Setting up a File/Game Server

    I have a Asus P5ND2-SLI w/ P4 3.4GHz and 2GB of Memory.
  30. F

    Setting up a File/Game Server

    Found it Thx
  31. F

    Setting up a File/Game Server

    Its 800 up. It would be just for me any my buddies. Im sure the most we would play together are 8 ppl.
  32. F

    Setting up a File/Game Server

    Yea I think your right about Logmin. I forgot about that service. I haven't used it in a LONG time. Very very good! Im trying this stuff out on my personal computer right now and I can find "IIS" in the Add/Remove program list but there isnt anything for FTP. The only thing close I see to FTP...
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    Setting up a File/Game Server

    OK I do have some XP Pro Product keys laying arround. Then how do I set up the FTP and remote login? Thanks
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    Setting up a File/Game Server

    I have internet service through Comcast @ 10MB, Linksys WRT54G Wired/Wireless Router, I will hard wire the server into the router to get the best possible connection.
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    Setting up a File/Game Server

    Hey everyone. For quite some time now I have been wanting to setup a Home File server. Im new to this so bare with me. I finally have an extra computer laying around that Ill shove in the basement and let it run. Heres what I want to do: 1) Access It from everywhere so I can obtain my files...
  36. F

    BFG customer service? Good or bad?

    I have done 3 cards with them in the past 4 years(all different) Not once have they given me a hard time rmaing it. All they require is your name, address, and gfx card model. Easiest, fastest, and most reliable. IMO. I will also def. keeping buying them!!!:D
  37. F

    Gaming Projector?

    I have just recently started looking into a projector for my pc. I do alot of pc gaming such as Crysis, TF2, C&C, and so on. I also have a Blu-ray/HD-DVD drive in there so I would like the projector to look good! Right now I have a Dell 2407wfp monitor. Don't get me wrong this is an awesome...