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  1. D

    Failed Build

    What DVD drive do you have(Exact model #) and where is it plugged in(sata or IDE).
  2. D

    DirectX update?

    The last two versions don't work for me either, same error. When I did the August 08 update via dxwebsetup it worked back then.. Dunno wtf microsoft is doing now..
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    Where's my Overdrive?

    I did the same thing and I do this stuff for a living.. It didn't used to be that way in the older CCC versions =[
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    some ATI 4800 details

    Yes but how many will the 4000 series cards have? That's what we're talkin bout here right? :0
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    Vista SP1 *doubles* my DX10 Crossfire Crysis performance

    This could certainly be true. You're missing the point though. The current level of performance was available/normal prior to Vista SP1. The fact that some users were seeing substandard performance pre-SP1 was very certainly caused by some combination of the OS/drivers and the user's software...
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    Vista SP1 *doubles* my DX10 Crossfire Crysis performance

    As has been posted, you guys are seeing improvements due to hotfixes previously released as optional standalones that are now rolling you up to the latest code with SP1. The improvements are there nonetheless, not tryin to take anything away from that joy! It's just slightly inaccurate to...
  7. D

    What resolution is your 3870x2 (single card) in?

    Which websites are crashing for you? Which browser are you using? The monitor/monitor driver you are using is likely of no significance here. I would check which Sun JRE you have installed and be sure to uninstall any previous versions also present. Beyond that, we need to know more specific...
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    8.3 drivers & Aspect Ratio survey

    Works. Just see my sig for specs.
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    Catalyst 8.3, Crysis, TF2

    I actually was able to fix it, but I'm still not sure how. Here's what happened.. I saw some replies from various folks with the same hardware+OS saying they had no problems, so I focused on my system. On a whim, I disabled some startup items that had snuck back in after various software...
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    Catalyst 8.3, Crysis, TF2

    Hmm. Very odd then. What's goin on.. =[ Crysis runs much better, haven't tried 3dm06, ut3 or bioshock yet. Older Source games run fine.. I've cleared out registry settings and re-installed TF2..
  11. D

    Catalyst 8.3, Crysis, TF2

    Yes, there is a March update for DX available actually, and I have that. The 2nd time I reinstalled the 8.3s I used Driver Cleaner. Made no difference. I opened a ticket w/Valve and will submit feedback for the drivers too. I want to see if anyone else is having similar problems with TF2...
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    Catalyst 8.3, Crysis, TF2

    Yeah, I have the 1.2 patch installed. Crysis is way better, but I need my TF2 to work.. Arg. I'm reinstalling TF2 now.. *edit* The game's Directx detection is what's screwing up. HDR lighting options are missing from the advanced video options, forcing the game to run in DX8 eliminates the...
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    Catalyst 8.3, Crysis, TF2

    Well, I updated to the 8.3s today and Crysis is running ~55% faster in the GPU benchmark and in-game it is much smoother(and using both GPUs now!) However, TF2 crashes when I try to join a server and when I create a local game, the lighting is all haywire. Any TF2 players also getting this...
  14. D

    3870 X2 in my Mac Pro, need some help.

    You should be able to load the cat8.2s and Rivatuner from the Win environment without problems. If it has direct access to the hardware, then there's no reason it wouldn't work. I'm not sure, I haven't messed with vmware except at work with Macbooks. Never had to do anything like this..
  15. D

    3870 X2 in my Mac Pro, need some help.

    Heh, use vmware fusion in OSX to load Rivatuner in virtual Windows and turn the fans down when you're in OSX. ^_^
  16. D

    Some Crossfire(X) Questions

    The question is if a 3870X2 will saturate a 8x PCI-e bus. Not a question I can answer, but I doubt it would be much of a performance impact.
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    3870 X2 Sucks in older games

    Dude, I don't even have my Q3 CD anymore. I suppose I could download it.. It's free now right?
  18. D

    Some Crossfire(X) Questions

    I haven't seen 975x numbers specifically, but I doubt you'll see any performance degradation going from 2x16 to 2x8 pci-e lanes with dualgpu. I wouldn't bother with 2x3870X2 but a 3 GPU setup is looking pretty good. At any rate, if you find a review of any motherboard chipset doing 8x/8x vs...
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    Crysis Vista 64 fix for 3870x2!

    What he means is that setting it to 0 results in a performance increase. I have a theory that may explain this, I will try and confirm on my system later. In Vista64, Crysis reports MGPU is enabled, but the second GPU of my 3870X2 does not fire up to 3d clock speeds. I think Crysis is...
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    3870 X2 Vista Support...

    I am currently unable to get Crysis to use the 2nd GPU on my 3870X2, and my Crysis GPU benchmark numbers are almost identical to other mainstream website reviews I've seen of the X2, when they're reporting use of Vista x64. I have a feeling nobody is getting X2 Crossfire+Crysis+Vista64 working...
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    3870 xfire problem(s). really...

    You might look at the motherboard and possibly trying a different one or looking into other users' experience with it and xfire. I'm not familiar with yours but it seems like that could be the problem. You might also try Vista32.
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    3870 xfire problem(s). really...

    You might be running into problems with memory address space in xp32 if you have 4GB of ram and 1GB of addressable video memory. Not sure how that would all work in a 32bit OS.
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    Horrible flickering in Team Fortress 2 with Crossfire (video)

    Backlash, at max detail settings, 1680x1050 16x AA 8x AF the difference between single GPU and Crossfire operation is very noticeable. CPU is a larger factor in heavy action, lots of physics gibs flyin around etc but it's still very noticeable. I don't have good FPS comparisons cause the...
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    Horrible flickering in Team Fortress 2 with Crossfire (video)

    Yeah, I can't wait to do some overclocking and see how much better I can get things. :D
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    Horrible flickering in Team Fortress 2 with Crossfire (video)

    You're right, it's a bit better, or rather faster so less irritating. Anyway if you set AA to 16x in the CCC and set it to disabled in the TF2 adv video options, it fixes it. Game seems a bit smoother too, odd. I did some benchmarks with a demo I recorded while playing. I get a 3FPS drop...
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    Horrible flickering in Team Fortress 2 with Crossfire (video)

    Still happening under 8.2. arg... I'm gonna open a ticket w/AMD and Valve. arrrrrrrrrrg.
  27. D

    Horrible flickering in Team Fortress 2 with Crossfire (video)

    Let me know. Installing the Catalyst driver and hotfix was really weird under vista64. It gave no indication it was still in progress after the initial reboot... took a few reboots. Dunno what was goin on with that. I'll change drivers if that's resolved and there aren't any other major issues..
  28. D

    Horrible flickering in Team Fortress 2 with Crossfire (video)

    I get the same flickering in TF2 after you die and it shows what killed you. It's actually rendering the player who killed you(tracking their movement) and and the first location of that player who killed you right when you died, one on each GPU. So it trips out w/the flickering. When you...