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  1. 3

    All Of You Need To Grow Up!

    slow news day, heh?
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    Anyone checked out Universe at War: Earth Conflict?

    I dont like the fact that it uses GFW live for multiplayer. This game reeks of console port.
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    Diamond and Gold Covered Computers?

    I would like a gold desert eagle. :D
  4. 3

    cod4 mod tools dont work

    Hey, I've been trying to get the cod4 mod tools installed, but they dont work. Like the readme said, i copied the contents of the .zip file to my cod4 installation folder. It didnt work. the map editor, and other tools wont launch. And btw, is that really the old q3 radiant they are using...
  5. 3

    Attorney Blames Xbox For Infant Death

    the irony is that the xbox isnt worth as much as a roach's life, much less a human's.
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    Windows 7 -> 2011

    well, reality is that people still use those "ancient" devices. You cant just tell people, tough, upgrade or lose out. I started using xp full time like way after sp2 was released. So, maybe I'll switch to vista in 2010.
  7. 3

    Attorney Blames Xbox For Infant Death

    On a second thought, i didnt like this line: "Hoof also claimed that the three-page confession Salahuddin provided to homicide detectives was coerced." So maybe this is not as cut and dry as it seems.
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    Attorney Blames Xbox For Infant Death

    why is it that i dont hear no one killing others over a ps3? (no, people lining up to get one dont count)
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    Ah ok, thanks for clarifying that for me. So i would need a dvd decoder to get 1080p then, right?
  10. 3

    question about 64bit

    Damn, it seems like a lot of work and research to consider. I just want to use my pc for productive work. :) Maybe it'd be better to wait until every application under the sun is 64bits and 32bits becomes obsolete like 16bit are now.
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    What MMO's are you looking forward to?

    Agreed. Although, project entropia at least looks nice. Since it uses cryengine 2. :D
  12. 3

    question about 64bit

    ok, thank you for your answers. So I guess I would be restricted into finding the "x64" flavor of most stuff then. There are some applications that i use for work that don't work on 64bit systems, so i guess a solution would be dual booting.
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    Hi, I have a radeon x1950pro HDCP edition, and I have it hooked up to a flat screen samsung syncmaster 931bw 19inch display. Since Im a noobie like it says under my name, I dont know how to enable that HDCP on my card to display on my lcd. Could someone help me out here? Do i need additional...
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    question about 64bit

    Ok, ive been reading a lot of fanboyism about vista 64bit greatness, and so, I've been considering giving it a try. But i have some questions. Right now im using xp 32bit, mostly because i dont have to look for a special flavor of any software that i want to install in my computer. If i move...
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    Low-Cost Laptops For Third-World Reviewed

    for that price they could probably buy a psp and do more with it :D
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    eBay Lowers Listing Fees to Boost Sales

    Except that they seem to have the people's full trust, and there's actually no alternative to ebay. Or is there? yahoo auctions closed down. And the likes of ubid, don't register in the radar.