All Of You Need To Grow Up!

So I should get a job in a factory like in the 1960s? Really what factory am I going to work in? I guess I take whatever factory job here I can, and when I near retirement watch as the place is shut down, moved to China, and I lose my pension. Then since I don't have a high school diploma I will end up working at McDonald's for the rest of my life, all so I can be a man.

I don't think the author has realized the word has changed, and so has the culture. Seems like she has a daddy complex, and thinks all men should be like her father.

tl;dr Smack that bitch up
LOL, look at the fine specimen in the front row.:eek: The guy with the poster is just icing on the cake.
To the original post, If we're all to grow up, NOT playing videogames, who will buy all the videogames? The economy will collapse, thus, nuclear war with Russia is certain.

(of course, I'm joking)

I think if we had to quit playing video games, to be with our wife/girlfriend we would stop. If it came to that, if you take video games over your loved one, you have serious issues. Then you should stop.

And if you go with your loved one, wait til she goes to bed, then play video games;) That's what I do!

I think if we had to quit playing video games, to be with our wife/girlfriend we would stop. If it came to that, if you take video games over your loved one, you have serious issues. Then you should stop.

I don't know about that. If a "loved one" ever said "its me or the games" to me, I would respond with "don't let the door hit your fat ass on the way out", as clearly that person doesn't love you and wants to change you - fuck that.
Lady i was with for a while liked sex and beer, so she was willing to accept my gaming :) For the other parts were good :)

Is it time for a sexist joke yet?

Q. What do you call all that useless skin around the vagina?
A. A woman :)

The issue is the author feels that a certain age demographic is not living up to its true potential. The author focuses on certain mass media depictions i.e. several choice movies such as "Knocked Up" to emphasize their point of view. The author does stereotype a whole generation of people as one thing though. I do take offense to the drinking, over sexed video gamer since I wished I drank more, got more tail, and played more video games.

The overall PoV of the article is nothing new. It was the PoV from the 1980's when the arcades had the latest video game like Pac Man. I remember my mother being just as enthusiastic about having an Atari 2600 or the Commodore 64. Hell my parents talk about how my uncle bought them Pong back in the day. They would all play it for hours on end.

My wife who would be one of the author's "super woman" does out earn me. I guess according to the author, I am "loser". I would hope my wife would make more money since she has 2 science majors and 1 minor degree. Does my wife think less of me? No. Will my soon to be born daughter, think the same? No. When my wife and I were at a party for a friend's birthday, a guest brought a Wii. Guess what? All these "hyper super women" with their higher educations were playing the Wii more than "techie type" men were. Funny how all these women in their late 20s and early 30s have very well paying jobs, married, have children, own a home, etc, were the ones playing the video games and drinking wine and one getting laid since it was her birthday party. Humm....

Here is another one. My cousin and his girlfriend are renting the house next door. He is 22 and she is 20. They are both doing well. She is going back to school for a bachelor's degree so she can make more at her profession. My cousin has a very well paying and mobile job. I was helping them with the arrangements of the move as well as the other things like setting up house. When she and I were measuring the rooms, she wanted to make sure my cousin and her had a nice gaming area for the video games. Then she was a bit pissed at me when I told her the one area of the room would not fit the foosball table they owned! Oh wait I forgot. My cousin got rid of his dead end, low paying job to make a better life for himself as well as his girlfriend.(Same old story but now is the second generation.) Wait he plays video games with a girl who likes to drink and have have sex. Shit where did this couple go wrong?

However, this author truly set their gender back. My mother would have ripped into her big time. My mother feels that people like this author set my wife back, my cousin's girlfriend back, even my other cousin's wife back to the stone age. Unfortunately, it is the same old story. I think my family would give the author a good beating for what she is saying. (If you see me or the wife in line for the ass kickin', just nod and smile.)

Finally, I resent the fact that she uses "Knock Up" as an example. The fact the guy man ups to having a child is actually pretty powerful. The movie also reflects a "going in alone" approach that many women have decided to do when it came to child bearing. It was one of the factors in a higher birth rate experienced in this country since 1960. It has a very contemporary subject matter/ message. Then again I am an expectant father in waiting. I manned up at the rip old age of 28 with being the youngest in the family to buy a house. Then I got married a few months after that. I can only imagine what the future lies in wait for my daughter. I hope she does not meet some dead beat, video game playing, drinking, over sexed loser who lives with 20 other guys in a sausage fest conditions. <--- that was my attempt at some mild humor. I wonder if this author supports the draft as well.

I don't know about that. If a "loved one" ever said "its me or the games" to me, I would respond with "don't let the door hit your fat ass on the way out", as clearly that person doesn't love you and wants to change you - fuck that.

I meant a wife or a girlfriend. Obviously, if your playing videogames, more than with your wife. you Should change.
It's women like this that make men play video games and drink beer in the first place. As far as having sex, I hope it's not with a woman like that. It's not even for the lack of looks. It's for the fact that a man should have more respect for his member than to bed a woman who essentially thinks he's nothing more than a sperm donor and a source of income.

I mean, seriously. Men marry later in life and they're failures for it. Women marry later in life, and they're in some sort of "new girl order" of empowered womanhood. What? Am I missing something here?

If women are marrying later in their lives, then generally speaking, aren't these same "successful" women marrying men who typically have also chosen to marry later in their lives? Therefore, are these supposedly successful and empowered women marrying failures of men? Or is it the author's opinion that the ideal relationship between a woman and a man is where the woman is older, possibly between late 20's early 30's, picking up a male between 18-23? Somehow I think this woman is just secretly trying to say she'd much like to have a younger man than the father of her children to give her a good shagging.

Did I get that straight, or am I seriously missing something here? That men are only men if they get married and have kids?

If you're playing video games more than you're playing with a woman in a bed, yes, something is definitely wrong. I don't care if you're a man or a woman. naked woman + bed = the most fun you can have without smiling. Put the controller DOWN.

But no matter what, I'm sorry - no woman is going to define me as a man, whether I have kids by her or not. I work five, if not six days a week, for 12+ hours a day. I bust my ass for everything I have, and everything I want, and give freely without seeking a return of the favor, to those I care about and to those who I deem as special in my life, even if it means my last dollar. THAT makes me a man.

I may not have a college degree or a fancy house. But I have a nice car that i'm paying for out of my own pocket, paying off my school loan, and I still support my girlfriend with whatever she needs that I can afford to give her. If this woman thinks that means nothing, fuck her. My girlfriend thinks i'm the best thing to ever happen to her. That means more to me than the opinion of some bitch with a degree she's obviously wasted.
There are some very sexist comments in this thread that aren't funny, which serve no purpose but to highlight the stupidity of those who posted them.

The article makes some silly/ignorant statements and suppositions, such as grouping all single young males into one enormous category, suggesting that marriage is necessary for males to become "men" or that Knocked Up is a reflection of the typical single male.

First of all, I disagree with Hymowitz (if that is her husband's last name she should never have married him) that men would remain in her so-called "child-man" state unless forced out of it by, of all things, marriage (an institution with tremendous issues in its own right). This position is rather ludicrous, especially considering that Hymowitz brings up contributing social factors and then proceeds to ignore their effect altogether.

I would examine those social factors more closely. I cannot disagree with Hymowitz in her position that males these days (though I would expand that to popular culture at large) is obsessed with the crude, tasteless, material, base rubbish that is thrown at us and passed off as "popular culture." Television shows like Fox's new "Moment of Truth" or whatever the shit are utterly crap. The fact that more than zero people watch that show is tremendously disturbing.

However, while Hymowitz raises an interesting point about the way her "SYM" segment of the population behaves, she misses the larger issue at hand - not only men behave thus. It is true that the things with which she takes special issue (preoccupation with video games, sex, violence) are more prevalent among males, but it is not as though women are free of vices. And more to the point, regardless of which sex it is, these behaviors only exist because they are promoted and facilitated by the world's corporate machinery, entirely devoid of any values.

[As an aside, her problem with men playing video games is a sign of public ignorance with respect to video games. Although I would also argue that a lot of games are quite useless, and the medium would do well to have more thoughtful and original material (fewer crappy shooters, more BioShock, Portal or Super Mario: Galaxy).]

Hymowitz laments the way men are "immature." But in order to be immature there has to be a standard of maturity, which is in itself a social construct. I would argue that the majority of the population, mature or not, male or female, is nevertheless lacking.

Members of today's popular culture have a rather profound lack of appreciation for the arts, aesthetics, and good taste in general. It is a trend throughout history that those with the most money, by some cruel twist of fate, by and large have no sense of taste. The biggest mansions are also the ugliest, as are the most expensive cars and (more recently) the Dolce & Gabbana cell phones and ridiculously expensive fashions. This phenomenon is now widespread; everyone seems to have universally bad taste.

Young people hardly ever attend the symphony, patronize theatre, or spend a night out at the opera. Museums only ever have old white people or tourists (not mutually exclusive) in them. The study of the humanities is a lost art because it is not profitable and does not lead to any high-paying jobs.

Ultimately, I think Ky Hymowitz is both right and wrong.

She is right in that popular culture has taken a turn for the worse. I do not say this as an indictment of the physical media (television, film, computers, internet) by which popular culture is dispersed and consumed. Rather, I am critical of the content, which makes no attempt to raise itself from the crudest forms of entertainment. There are obviously numerous exceptions, but it is difficult to argue that these exceptions are by any stretch of the imagination the most popular in their respective media.

And she is wrong in that this simplicity of thought and desire, and stupidity in general, can be attributed to men being immature. It is much bigger than that.

tl;dr - It's not just men, it's everyone.
It sounds to me like this woman is writing this to appease all those 25 - 30 year old women who want to be married but aren't because they enable men to live these very lives she railes against.

"I sleep with random guys from a club, pick deadbeats to hang out with, am obsessed with my career to the detriment of my personal life, and view men as misogynistic enemies. Why am I not married? Well since I'm a extremist feminist woman, and rarely admit my culpability, IT MUST BE THE FAULT OF MEN!! BASTARDS!!"

I can't stand women like the Author.
This thread started out funny and then people started taking it seriously. You all need to grow up.
Ultimately, I think Ky Hymowitz is both right and wrong.

She is right in that popular culture has taken a turn for the worse. I do not say this as an indictment of the physical media (television, film, computers, internet) by which popular culture is dispersed and consumed. Rather, I am critical of the content, which makes no attempt to raise itself from the crudest forms of entertainment. There are obviously numerous exceptions, but it is difficult to argue that these exceptions are by any stretch of the imagination the most popular in their respective media.

And she is wrong in that this simplicity of thought and desire, and stupidity in general, can be attributed to men being immature. It is much bigger than that.

tl;dr - It's not just men, it's everyone.

i would entirely agree with you, but she isnt even trying to make that point (though it is made). She is hardly concerned with society or culture at all, and the article just reeks of the age old "Boys have cooties" arguement.
it may be equally inappropriate to retaliate, but the article was a joke and like fooshnik says, this thread is a joke and nothing in it should be taken seriously.
That article is close to describing me, 28, except I have a good job, my own house and a nice car. Sure I could have settled down with my previous girl but, "Not me not now." Why? Because times are different and I have the rest of my life to settle down.

Oh and guess who bought me my Wii? That's right, my girl. The right girl will set us guys straight. Therefor it's not our faults, it's the women and the lack of quality ones available.
I don't know about that. If a "loved one" ever said "its me or the games" to me, I would respond with "don't let the door hit your fat ass on the way out", as clearly that person doesn't love you and wants to change you - fuck that.

I had that with my ex-wife.

You can see what happened just from the EX part :D

Now i have a fiance that is a gamer to. She plays everything from WoW to UT3 to EvE.

So i guess she is a underachivre to since she has a bachlors (forgot what in) and is working on her 2nd bachlors in Computer networking with Cisco..
Can someone send these overachieving girls my way? I fail to see them anywhere. At my new job with a `world renowned' Management consulting company, the split will be 80-20 men to women, during my interviews with the other two of the `big four', there were barely any women to be seen. I'd love to be dating a smart, overachieving woman for a change, but they appear to be supremely rare.

However, it is true: I love to play video games, drink, party and have sex; though I understand that most of this will take a back seat to working in the near future.
[RIP]Zeus;1031995954 said:
I had that with my ex-wife.

You can see what happened just from the EX part :D

Now i have a fiance that is a gamer to. She plays everything from WoW to UT3 to EvE.

So i guess she is a underachivre to since she has a bachlors (forgot what in) and is working on her 2nd bachlors in Computer networking with Cisco..

Hmm. You've forgotten what your fiancé's first Bachelor's degree is in, so it seems you need to listen to her better. And while you're at it, try to achieve a little more in the spelling department. :D
Quick PS: The Economist has an interesting story on marriage in the USA:

There is a widening gulf between how the best- and least-educated Americans approach marriage and child-rearing. Among the elite (excluding film stars), the nuclear family is holding up quite well. Only 4% of the children of mothers with college degrees are born out of wedlock. And the divorce rate among college-educated women has plummeted. Of those who first tied the knot between 1975 and 1979, 29% were divorced within ten years. Among those who first married between 1990 and 1994, only 16.5% were.
American men, once married, tend to take their responsibilities seriously.
Americans expect a lot from marriage. Whereas most Italians say the main purpose of marriage is to have children, 70% of Americans think it is something else. They want their spouse to make them happy.
Young people hardly ever attend the symphony, patronize theatre, or spend a night out at the opera. Museums only ever have old white people or tourists (not mutually exclusive) in them. The study of the humanities is a lost art because it is not profitable and does not lead to any high-paying jobs.

Ultimately, I think Ky Hymowitz is both right and wrong.

She is right in that popular culture has taken a turn for the worse. I do not say this as an indictment of the physical media (television, film, computers, internet) by which popular culture is dispersed and consumed. Rather, I am critical of the content, which makes no attempt to raise itself from the crudest forms of entertainment. There are obviously numerous exceptions, but it is difficult to argue that these exceptions are by any stretch of the imagination the most popular in their respective media.

What makes a symphony, opera, or a theatre a "higher" form of entertainment? What makes other forms of entertainment "crude"? I don't see how its a decline in culture for people to prefer one form of entertainment over another. What makes a theatre with stage actors somehow inherently better for culture than a movie theater playing a movie?
When my GF got with me, she knew I played video games alot. 5 years later, I still play them. She still complains about it.
When COD 4 came out, I didn't pay attention to a word she said for like a month.
She's threatened to leave me like 5 times since then. I haven't tried to stop her. She's still here.
It's all talk. A woman will either learn what you're all about and deal with it or......well no. That's the only option...
These articles that spew male driven hate sicken me. I don’t see too many men writing stereotypical articles on why women buy the same shoes – repeatedly. Why getting a new pair of jeans magically renews a woman’s self worth, or how they can magically bleed every month and not die – that one still defies logic. This article actually reminds me of one I read on Gen[M]ay not to long ago. The thread contained a list of the top 10 things that a certain news anchor would want for a man to impress her. The list was shallow, self fulfilling, and an embarrassment to women. What it boiled down to is that men are walking piggybanks, and that spending time on themselves and the girls tops anything else. What would these two threads have in common? It’s all about “ME”. Why are people so hung up on everyone’s business – ready to pounce on every other thing that others do, but downplay their own actions? I agree with some people in this thread. The social construct, not only in video games, seem to be weak. In reality, society is just a strong now as it always was. People have been complaining about social constructs since they could start fire, and it’s not going to stop. If anything, you can hear the sounds of the ‘bitching drum’ more often given the popularity of such tools like the internet. Everyone has an opinion, and everyone wants you to hear it. I’m a married ‘child-man’. And all I can say is that I’m glad not all women are created equal. Games are apart of whom I am. If someone, namely a woman, doesn’t agree with that part of my hobbies, then that’s just the way it is – find someone else to pin your expectations on. Men and women will never see eye to eye, hence the two different sexes. My wife joins me every week to play video games with me. While she is not a giant gamer like most of us, she knows and respects what I enjoy, and in turn I give her the same respect. It just trivial to think every young man sits around playing with his pudd or joystick with beer in hand. I have high expectation for myself. I plan on continuing my career, raising a family, etcetera. Most importantly, I want to enjoy life on my terms. Gaming is just one of these in devours that I enjoy. Men do what they do; we’re simple creatures that don’t need certain things that we deem frivolous. We’re happy just hanging out and playing games. Women will never understand how guys can just ‘hang out’ and do nothing. To us its rejuvenation just let us be.
Eyes blurring.... Hands shaking.... Mouth dry..... Must have TW 2008....

but I could do without the lousy EA servers.
I didn't even bother reading the article, the comments are much better anyways lol. I'm going to go play WoW now.
Hmm. You've forgotten what your fiancé's first Bachelor's degree is in, so it seems you need to listen to her better. And while you're at it, try to achieve a little more in the spelling department. :D

I will admit. I suck at spelling, and always have. If i'm not in a rush i will stick it in word and do some spell checking.

But for the most part you all still understand what i typed :D

As for listening to my fiancé more? I do, i just can't remember what her bachlor is in right now.

But either way, We have fun with each other, being it in a game or in the bed room. The point is we are having fun. But per that bitches rant. I would considered a man-child? LOL
and she is an underachiever. Funny I think :D

Anyways. I guess i should quit my well respected Network Admin position for a fortune 500 company and find some kinda MILL, or Hard labor position LOL!!!

QQ No guys want to talk to me because of their video games and drinking and sexing. Of course it has nothing to do with the fact that I'm fat/ugly/annoying/a bitch/etc.:rolleyes:
It's all about power.

Women want power and men want power.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that most men don't want power. This article is talking about how men aren't taking up massive amounts of responsibility because they would rather be happy and have fun.

I know I don't want power - I just want a job that will pay for my hobbies, and its the same with all my friends...
Did she drink a bad cup of coffee or is she just naturally bitter? Jesus, lady, get over yourself. This type of general stereotyping makes her look like an ignorant idiot.

I'm pretty sure if a male wrote the same article in reverse he would be endlessly chastised and forever bear the label of "Chauvinist Pig".
I don't want power.

Most of us have not taken that road. I mean after all once you have fought and won - and then realized what you actually have - it sometimes feels a little shallow (especially if arms are involved in achieving it)

I think my grandfather might have been a little disappointed that I haven't fought for and won a quarter section of land yet. In its own way I feel that remaining slightly childish is in its own way very enlightening and civilized.

The feminists are fine with me.

Its seems that women nowadays want to take a more active role in spearing the boar and bringing home the bacon - so I say why not let them? Hillary could just as easily be as iron fisted as Thatcher, but I don't think a woman could possible screw up the world as bad as most males have in the last century.
So guys are getting brow-beat for not wanting to marry a woman that spends all his money, works all the time, constantly changes her career path, is likely to get bored with him and screw around with younger men.... Yeah, thats appealing :rolleyes:

I just wonder why so many won't become Desperate House Wives and will end up Knocked Up Cougars instead :D
article said:
For the problem with child-men is that they're not very promising husbands and fathers. They suffer from a proverbial "fear of commitment," another way of saying that they can't stand to think of themselves as permanently attached to one woman.

What these so-called "child-men" (what an insulting phrase!) fear, with very good reason, is a LACK of TRUE commitment by women.

Women initiate most divorces (about 75%). Women then take the kids, the car, the house, and half of any remaining money or investments.

Men not only lose the above, they are effectively indentured servants for the rest of their lives. They need to pay alimony for life in some states (California, if the marriage lasts at least ten years). They must pay child support for at least eighteen years (twenty-three if the kids go to college).

If women are rewarded for destroying a marriage, and men are punished for creating a marriage, then why the hell SHOULD men volunteer to become serfs??

Marriage is no longer a smart move - more often than not, it is the single most costly mistake a man can make.

Women must accept ACCOUNTABILITY and RESPONSIBILITY if they want to restore marriage to its former status.

I won't hold my breath waiting until THAT happens.

article said:
Men feel threatened by female empowerment, these thinkers argue, and in their anxiety, they cling to outdated roles.
Since female empowerment means having laws set up so that men get screwed in order to even the score of all the times men get away with rape, abuse... in order to keep the tallies even and maintain equality, then yes, men see they have no reason to get married or to have kids since they kids won't be theirs or will be taken away from them.

Men are choosing to live like teenagers and frat boys well into their 30's BECAUSE IT'S A BETTER LIFE.

Drink beer, sit around playing Halo 3, and spend all day making fart jokes with my buddies


settle down with some bimbo who will turn into an old frigid bitch that will expect you to spend all your money on them, squirt out some screaming brats, get divorced, dragged through the courts and taken to the cleaners. I think this one is a no-brainer. Beer, halo, toilet humor and buddies please.
What's up her ass? Who doesn't want to be a kid forever? I plan to be playful and goofy my whole life. So what if I'm easily amused? As long as you can sufficiently handle the responsibilities most adults face, what difference does it make how you spend free time? There are over 6 billion people in the world.

What these so-called "child-men" (what an insulting phrase!) fear, with very good reason, is a LACK of TRUE commitment by women.

Women initiate most divorces (about 75%). Women then take the kids, the car, the house, and half of any remaining money or investments.

Men not only lose the above, they are effectively indentured servants for the rest of their lives. They need to pay alimony for life in some states (California, if the marriage lasts at least ten years). They must pay child support for at least eighteen years (twenty-three if the kids go to college).

If women are rewarded for destroying a marriage, and men are punished for creating a marriage, then why the hell SHOULD men volunteer to become serfs??

Marriage is no longer a smart move - more often than not, it is the single most costly mistake a man can make.

Women must accept ACCOUNTABILITY and RESPONSIBILITY if they want to restore marriage to its former status.

I won't hold my breath waiting until THAT happens.

Since female empowerment means having laws set up so that men get screwed in order to even the score of all the times men get away with rape, abuse... in order to keep the tallies even and maintain equality, then yes, men see they have no reason to get married or to have kids since they kids won't be theirs or will be taken away from them.

Men are choosing to live like teenagers and frat boys well into their 30's BECAUSE IT'S A BETTER LIFE.

Drink beer, sit around playing Halo 3, and spend all day making fart jokes with my buddies


settle down with some bimbo who will turn into an old frigid bitch that will expect you to spend all your money on them, squirt out some screaming brats, get divorced, dragged through the courts and taken to the cleaners. I think this one is a no-brainer. Beer, halo, toilet humor and buddies please.
