Diamond and Gold Covered Computers?

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
I got an e-mail today from [H] reader “EC” that has to be seen to be believed. Two small form factor Core 2 Duo systems one with a gold case the other has diamonds. And, if I am reading this correctly, these things are priced at $750k and $560k. The Blu-ray – HD DVD drive is a nice touch but you’d think I could get some more RAM and a better video card for that kinda cash.
The perfect gift for those who have too much money and not enough brains.
I inquired about having my TJ-10 completley gold plated inside and out, the cost was about $3,000. :(
Perfect gift for the UAE Princes so that it can match their rides:


Rich people.....they have no imagination.

That is so useless... it sickens me.
I have to agree, all they give you is a 2GB of ram and a 256MB GeForce 8400GS. Thats horrible.
Wow only an 8400gs and a core 2 duo. For that kind of money I was expecting something semi- high end. Those are for people with more money that brains. I wonder if the system even includes the monitor/keyboard/mouse.
:eek: Can you imagine blinding EVERYONE on the road while driving that car ?? :D
A combo HD-DVD/Blu-Ray drive?

Why would you need HD-DVD? HD-DVD is dead. Talk about a waste of money...

I'll save myself a few dollars and just get this with a Blu-Ray drive, TYVM.
I would buy one, but they don't have the gold and diamond version yet. I guess I'll have to wait a bit. :D
Hey, anybody out there that can afford crap like this, how about throwing a little bit my way!!! I need a newer dual core system with a GeForce 8800 GT-- and a regular ugly steel case is fine with me! Getting 40+fps in Oblivion is more important to me than how snazzy the case looks. :D :p
Apparently some rich people aren't very creative. "Hmm, how can I make this better. I know, make it out of gold and cover it with diamonds." :rolleyes:
I looooove Gooooold! I like the feel' of it, the smell of it, the tekscture! I like gold so much I even lost my genitaliya in an unfortunate schmelting accident... hence the name, Goldmember :)
I've never stolen anything in my life. But if I saw that car, on general principal I would pop half a dozen diamonds off and donate them to a battered womans shelter.
Could you imagine the damage that car would cause if it exploded? It would be 100 times worse than a hand grenade.
It's a damned mirror on wheels that happens to be a BMW. I wonder if there are pics of the sun hitting that thing in the middle of a stretch of autobahn.
Qtip will do it for less.

I can't argue with that :D I saw this yesterday and it's really just like all of the other cases ever offered in that config: little detail, few real photos, etc.

There's really no justification for a computer costing over $10-20,000. At that point you're not even paying for the tech, just the exclusivity.

It would be fun to gold plate a desktop case...tastefully though.