What MMO's are you looking forward to?


Apr 10, 2006
I have finally broken the Everquest habit and am looking for some new MMO's coming up.

I currently have registered for a possible beta invite to Age of Conan, but is there anything else out there I should be looking forward to?
Age of Conan
Chronicles of Spellborn
Warhammer Online
Stargate MMO

I'll take the best one of the above that rises to the top. If they all fail or fail to deliver well then here's to the next year.

Yeah I know it has been on the verge of vaporware for a while, but there has been some meaningful activity by the devs lately. It is worth watching this year, but if it is not released by November it will never come out.
1. Age of Conan :)
2. Warhammer 40k (still a long ways away)
3. Bioware MMO .....Please be a new Star Wars since they Murdered SWG
Warhammer online! I wish they'd let me into the beta. :(

I recently picked up WOW again (quit years ago) to play burning crusade expansion with some friends, and I may play the wrath of lich king expansion, although i'm not sure that really counts as another mmo;)
huxley, and w/e else may be an MMOFPS. Anything else is just a waste of time (highly addicting) to me.
I dont know what to play i dont know what to look for lol..

Age of conan looks like it may be fun but every single mmo that has come out since wow has been a snorefest beyond comparison.

I really want wow to die but there is nothing out there or coming up that promises to deliver so i hope for the best and prepare for the worst.
DARKFALL!!! the only non-carebear game that is coming out, but me (us/we) keep waiting for it to come out.. will it? I hope so
A Deadlands MMO, that is if one ever materializes. Until such a time I'll steer clear of MMOs
I'm looking forward to one that doesn't suck and isn't named world of warcraft
Zombie survivor MMO anyone?


This has been sitting around with no real news what so ever for a long time now, but they've recently updated their site, I really hope this gets off the ground because it doesn't look like they've made much progress since starting out but I'm keeping my eye on it.
guildwars II

As long as they don't keep going in the direction they've taken since Prophecies. Worthless title-grinding FTL.

Worryingly, Age of Conan keeps looking worse with each new screenshot that's released, but that's the only other one on my "to do" list right now. Assuming it's ever released.
Im not so sure about age of conan. One thing that seems pretty troublesome is how they went away from the original gameplay because of some focus testing.

The different gameplay is what seemed to make it really unique. Also, every developer that has tried to throw us a curve ball with different fighting elements has failed miserably.
As long as they don't keep going in the direction they've taken since Prophecies. Worthless title-grinding FTL.

Worryingly, Age of Conan keeps looking worse with each new screenshot that's released, but that's the only other one on my "to do" list right now. Assuming it's ever released.

It's suppose to be a completely new game. We'll see.

Age of conan and warhammer, those might be flops. Look what happened to vanguard
It's suppose to be a completely new game. We'll see.

Age of conan and warhammer, those might be flops. Look what happened to vanguard

Vanguard had two big problems that hopefully those two don't have: an extremely buggy launch and internal business problems.
It's suppose to be a completely new game. We'll see.

Age of conan and warhammer, those might be flops. Look what happened to vanguard

Im not to sure about conan but I doubt Warhammer will be a flop. I have been following it for a while now and it looks very good and well made but this is all my opinion. But the fact they shut down the beta for 2 months just to work on the feed back they had gotten from their beta testers gives me lots of hope for this game lol.

Age of Conan disappointed me with the end game raiding. I want to steer clear of that after WoW. I like the idea of 24/7 large-scale PvP.

Age of Conan disappointed me with the end game raiding. I want to steer clear of that after WoW. I like the idea of 24/7 large-scale PvP.

I agree, WoW's 40/25 end game has burnt me out...

Warhammer Online's RvR system looks to be stellar and a ton of fun!
whats warhammer going to be? Another time sink into grinding and HAVING to 40 man for gear just to compete with the guy that puts in 24/7 with no job playing all night and day?

If not then i might look into warhammer...
Warhammer looks like tons of fun. WHO features a really neat collision system between enemy factions so a row of tanks holding a bridge will actually block enemy players. so clothies can hide behind tanks and the enemy won't be able to just run through.
AoC looks really cool.

WaR reminds me of WoW, but I will still check it out.
There isn't a shred of originality in any upcoming MMOs. Call me when something that isn't cookie-cutter fantasty, bland sci-fi, or some retarded combination of the two comes along.
Warhammer is trying to build a more fluid, interactive world that they started with dark age of camelot. That game was a lot of fun and had great potential group-diversity, especially on the PVP server. That said, we'll see what happens with it.

Darkfall is like a wet-dream for me. A levelless, skill gaining world combining kickass ideas from ultima online with all kinds of new shit. I hope that gets a huge backing.
Warhammer Online and Age of Conan - of course I won't know for sure until I get into one of the betas, but they should be interesting.

The Agency also holds some interest, as does Huxley.
Warhammer online is 80% PvP oriented unlike WoW. They are making the game less gear based and more skill based.

There will still be end game PvE raids but they have already said the top gear comes from Laying seige to your enemies capital city and sacking it for loot.

This game is alot more team-play oriented, they have Public quests in which your entire faction could participate in a huge quest and you are rewarded depending on the amount you participated.

There also leaving out alot of crowd control features, they don't want you to be stun locked from 100%-0% like other certain games... lol


Check out the podcasts on it, its going to be an amazing game.
I have been tracking Age of Conan, but they recently announced further possible delays in development. I'm not 100% sure it's going to make it out this year, at their present pace. Plus it's being developed by Funcom , and their development schedule track record for Anarchy Online was all over the charts. Here is to hoping they've hired new talent and tightened up their act. I can honestly say I've not been following WHO (Warhammer Online) much, but I may have to start looking into it more. I am normally not a PvP/RvR type, but if any game presents the right mechanics it can interest me.

I really have been interested in Huxley, Stargate:Worlds, The Agency, and the possibility of the two unnamed Blizzard and BioWare MMO's. (It has been confirmed that Blizzard is working on a "next gen MMO" project that is NOT World of Warcraft related, supposed to be a seperate I.P. from Warcraft. So here's to hoping it is "Starcraft Worlds".)