Search results

  1. F

    GA-A75N-USB & A8-3820

    Neither of these products is available from the Egg, so when I decided that the Gigabyte mini-ITX FM1 board was the best one for my purposes, I had to "think outside the Egg". Anyway, i want to share my experiences because i'm really impressed with this combo. First of all, the system specs...
  2. F

    Logitech Z-560 4.1 speaker system -- 400W bone rattling power! Boston area

    For sale -- for sale -- for sale Let's get out of the way immediately that these are not audiophile speakers. Anyone who frequents the audio subforum can go back to their $400+ sound system. These were Logitech's first foray into enthusiast-class speakers and met with rave reviews. They...
  3. F

    Importing Latest Q5 30" IPS, Full spec. 26" IPS monitors....ect...CHEAP...

    Sounds good to me. I couldn't care less about the audio or cupholders or whatnot. I just want a big, quality display at a reasonable price. Be sure you have all the bases covered before you move forward, though.
  4. F

    Current monitor options > 30"

    Greetings. My 21" CRT did the snap crackle pop acrid smoke only displays horizontal line thingy last night and i need a new monitor. I want to get rid of my TV (permanent diagonal lines through the display) and use the new display for both TV and computing. To do so i need an LCD over 30" or...
  5. F

    2 Monitors = TV + Full-screen Game?

    I'm late to the thread but can report on this. With the 3870 i briefly owned, i couldn't get this to work at all. It seems like the Catalyst drivers at that point were extremely flaky at dealing with overlays, and due to a plethora of problems i bailed out and bought a 9600. The 9600 is much...
  6. F

    MSI Geforce 9600 GT OC $159+S&H after MIR

    Well you can look in the review. The cooler performed better than the stock cooler, so maybe you can compare how much better vs. how much better the Pallit did in another review. You can also clock it down to normal levels if it comes to that. Really, though, all the 9600s run so much cooler...
  7. F

    MSI Geforce 9600 GT OC $159+S&H after MIR

    Looks like a pretty nice card according to this very thorough German review. Then again, maybe my babelfish-ese is not good. In any case, i have one on the way and will give my impressions. It is replacing a Radeon 3850 i couldn't stand. The card is $179 + S&H and has a $20 MIR, so about...
  8. F

    Radeon HD 3850 512MB $159AR

    It's back on the egg now, but at a higher price without the MIR. I gave up and sold mine for a loss on Ebay -- the support in linux was basically nonexistent, and the windows drivers caused random reboots and didn't support any UI effects while in 3D mode (resulting in exceedingly slow...
  9. F

    Radeon HD 3850 512MB $159AR

    One thing i'm finding that i hadn't counted on: the tv-out doesn't seem to work on mine. If anyone else could check and see if it's working on theirs, i'd appreciate it.
  10. F

    Radeon HD 3850 512MB $159AR

    I compared the ATI Tray Tool and Catalyst temps before, and they were both the same, and the same at idle as what ATI Tool tells me. The big difference is probably ambient T and the fact that i have one 5V 92mm intake blowing on my hdd and one 12cm outlet fan in my Solo case. The CPU is...
  11. F

    Radeon HD 3850 512MB $159AR

    ATI Tray Tool reports 512MB. It's probably a BIOS error, as you say. The chips are definitely 512 MB. Speaking of ATI Tray Tool, i've been trying to overclock with it due to the paltry options in Catalyst, but every time i do so, i get an instant BSOD. I'm not familiar with the "right" way...
  12. F

    Radeon HD 3850 512MB $159AR

    Interesting. I got mine today and it's a Rev 1.0. It has Qimonda HYB18H512321BF-10 chips and Sanyo 1500 uF, 6.3V caps. The card is 7.5 inches long and looks clean and the default clock is 670/830. It idles at about 43oC. Windows picked up an HD Audio something-or-other device as someone...
  13. F

    An Interview With the Misguided RIAA

    I actually have a better regard for the RIAA after reading that interview than i did beforehand. True, that's not saying much, but given their reason for existing and the means at their disposal, it doesn't seem like they've strayed much off the path of the logical. The main problem is that...
  14. F

    Radeon HD 3850 512MB $159AR

    Right here:
  15. F

    Radeon HD 3850 512MB $159AR

    Well, i found one guy who has good things to say about Apollo. I am getting impatient for a new card and want a 512 MB 3850, so i might as well try this out. I'll report back if there are any problems.
  16. F

    Radeon HD 3850 512MB $159AR

    I saw this a few days ago and googled around, trying to find something about Apollo. I ended up giving up on the deal for lack of information on the company. If anyone has experience with them, i'd love to hear it. The vendor's website is, and it looks like a...
  17. F

    FS: Maxtor 147GB 10k V U320 SCSI drive (or SCA) -- $120

    This is still available, and i've got a lower asking price. Fill out a server RAID array or something...
  18. F

    Blu-Ray-On Fire Hot

    /puts his fingertip on the deal /waits /waits /waits No burn reflex, not even a sensation of warmth. Sorry, but any dvd player, no matter how glorified, will have to be under $200 to be "on fire hot". :D I wish it was -- i'd consider buying now instead of waiting for a clearer victory...
  19. F

    ErgoHuman Chair $509 shipped.

    Well i really doubt it is any better than the <$400 brand new Ergohuman chair i got. You should have tried the one with the lumbar support (the one this thread is about). It's still cheaper than your aero... Well, to each his own.
  20. F

    MSI 8800GT $208 @

    I got my delay notice this morning. New "estimated shipping date": 12/22 If people don't start getting their cards this month, I think this is front page [H] worthy. Companies need bad publicity when they jerk around their customers.
  21. F


    Get the -S2. It's about $25 less than the price you mentioned on the egg.
  22. F

    Blu-ray Movies Buy One Get One Free 100+ Titles!

    Here's what i get:
  23. F


    I've played more with my Q6600 and G33M-S2 box. It was able to overclock stably (orthos + superpi + atitool + file copy) to 3.3 GHz without much trouble (1.34V setting). To reach 3.4 GHz stably, i had to push up the Vcore more than was sensible for a fanless CPU HSF, but i did get it there by...
  24. F

    ErgoHuman Chair $509 shipped.

    One thing that has put me off from buying one of this class of überchairs is that it seemed like there could be such a thing as too many adjustments/choices. I guess I expected that chair designers would have a better idea of the right conformation. Strange notion, yes. Mine was delivered...
  25. F


    I got my Q6600 and GA-G33M-S2 from the Egg and put a mini ninja on it and two 2 GB sticks of G.Skill PC6400. If there are OC BIOS options missing from the -S2, i can't imagine what they could be. There are a whole bunch of memory timing settings and voltage settings. I bumped the system up to...
  26. F

    HOWTO: Edit and flash your video card's BIOS in Windows (nVidia/G80 Specific)

    That's not true of the 8800GT. Google it -- you'll see a thread where people are modding the BIOS to give 0.05 V more and verifying it with a dmm. That's the extent of the range, though: 0.05 more and 0.05 less, I believe. There was some discussion of the possibility that the OC cards use the...
  27. F

    MPAA Tool Taken Down For Copyright Violations

    ROFL That's classic.
  28. F

    GeForce 8800 GT Overclocked Roundup @ [H]

    Thanks for the review. I will be using a 1080p LCD as my monitor soon and this is good stuff to know. I would like to echo the sentiments of some people who wondered if the tradeoff of going to an even lower res and higher settings is "worth it". Obviously, it's subjective, but after you've...
  29. F

    ErgoHuman Chair $509 shipped.

    Exactly my thoughts. I don't really care if it's perfect -- it has to be immensely better than what i'm using. It's very difficult to "prove" anything when it comes to human health and the effect thereon. There are just so many variables. I will see Monday how the delivery goes...
  30. F

    ErgoHuman Chair $509 shipped.

    I'm in -- $388 delivered. I sent it to my work office because I'm using a surplus reject bright orange upholstered '70s chair with the foam disintegrating that is anatomically correct for an octopus right now. I'll take this new comfort gem with me when i move on. :) Thanks to the OP for the...
  31. F


    Well yeah, it isn't very good for 800 MHz chips, but a brief browse through this thread would have warned you about the 1:1 missing. When i first read through it a while back, reading that is what led me to go get up to speed on mem dividers and such.
  32. F


    The 2160 is a 800 MHz FSB processor. What i get from that review is that he's got the system clocked to a point where it's a bit flaky (i.e. not stable at other multis). He is, after all, running the 800 MHz crapRAM at 1066 MHz with relatively tight timings and the 1.8 GHz processor at almost...
  33. F


    Well, i just pulled the trigger on an OEM Q6600, mini ninja and GA-G33M-S2 board from the egg, so I'll report more details here on that board for anyone who wants to save ~$25. It will replace my dually Pentium Tualatin S system that i put together from used parts over five years ago. :D...
  34. F

    MSI 8800GT $208 @

    Ok, thanks. Gonna be out of the country from the 22nd-6th, so it's basically now or next year. :D I'll wait a few days and see how this goes...
  35. F

    MSI 8800GT $208 @

    Grrr... If it isn't coming before the second half of December, i have no reason to buy before '08. How hard is it to cancel an order?
  36. F


    There seems to be a conflict there. Does the ninja/mini ninja fit on the mATX boards? Thanks for your reply. Makes a lot of sense to put beautiful power regulation hardware on a board and then castrate it. :( :eek: :mad: What options do the -s2x boards lose? Edit: The Vcore and FSB...
  37. F


    I'm seriously considering the -S2 and can't find any results to support (or contradict) what you are saying. I have no interest in RAID and would love to save the ~$20 difference. The -DS2R and -S2 both have the same number of VRMs (6) as opposed to perennial favorite P35-DS3L, which only has...
  38. F

    MSI 8800GT $208 @

    Seems to assume I'm a student when I use that link. :confused: 'sok, i am :D I pulled the trigger; hope it doesn't take too long!
  39. F

    Reverend Against Microsoft’s “Homosexual Agenda”

    How's that inquisition thing going over there? Seriously, you're really confused. Perhaps you're not aware of Jews for Jesus or the very large intersection of Jewish and Christian values. If religion is a vehicle for self improvement and living in accordance with divine law then that makes...
  40. F

    Reverend Against Microsoft’s “Homosexual Agenda”

    Well you gotta give the guy points for pluckiness. I'm not sure what the MS diversity policy consists of, but this isn't the first time they've drawn flack from Christian conservatives. I'll just continue in my long time policy of avoiding any action that puts money in MS coffers. If it...