MPAA Tool Taken Down For Copyright Violations

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
You can’t make this stuff up. The MPAA’s “University Toolkit” has been taken down due to copyright violations. Now that is ironic and funny all at the same time.

The Toolkit is based on the GPL-licensed Xubuntu operating system (a flavor of Linux). The GPL requires anyone who makes a program based on GPL'ed code has to release the source code for their program and license it under the GPL. The MPAA refused multiple requests to provide the sources for their spyware, so an Ubuntu developer sent a DMCA notice to the MPAA's ISP and demanded that the material be taken down as infringing.
I hope they get prosecuted to the fullest extent.

Its would be nice to see that the people trying to put the hurt on others get the hurt put on themselves
How inconvenient the law was for them this time. Apparently copy write law only applies to the people that the MPAA and the RIAA are trying to extort money from. And not themselves.
I'm crying I'm laughing so hard.

I really hope they sue them as they sent multiple requests. How funny would it be to find out they ripped off some other open or closed source apps at the same time or flat out pirated something that was a for pay app?
I'm hoping the MPAA doesn't take down the content, gets sued, loses and has to pay a big-ass restitution.
It's so funny to see big corporation finding out they aren't above the law :D
I hope they take them to court and prosecute and sue the crap out of them.

That's funny though.

It's ok for them to break the copyright law, yet they sue everyone and their brother for the same thing.

It's mighty convenient for them to ignore the very law that they sue other people for. I guess the law doesn't matter when it benefits you huh?
yeah it was on slashdot when that tool went up and people were asking for source right away.

also, isnt the violation calculated per download? wonder how many times it was dl'd after being on slashdot and who knows where else.
How inconvenient the law was for them this time. Apparently copy write law only applies to the people that the MPAA and the RIAA are trying to extort money from. And not themselves.

No kidding. It's too bad that even this embarrassing and ironic situation still wont teach them any lessons. I mean that from the perspective of actually helping others, and not just going after "big cases", or worse yet, those who should be left alone.

I've had to deal with the RIAA in the past, more than once, and they were literally as useless as tits on a bull.

I hope they get a seriously huge taste of their own medicine, and get sued into oblivion.
Don't even think for one second that the DMCA is somehow OK because of this, however awesomely cool it may be.

I wish my work would lift their ban on offensive language on T-shirts for a "f#@K the MPAA" T-shirt, I want to get one and wear it all the time.
I fell out of my chair and was laughing so hard my sides hurt. :D
Now they can say piracy isn't causing the music industry billions of dollars in money. Hypocritical dumbasses in the RIAA are costing the industry billions of dollars in money!

Should really blow the doors wide open and do an investigation on the whole ordeal top to bottom, from president to janitor, just find out how much shit they are guilty of pirating / infringing copyrights on.

Let them lose their credibility in the media. What little they did have left prior to this anyway
yeah it was on slashdot when that tool went up and people were asking for source right away.

also, isnt the violation calculated per download? wonder how many times it was dl'd after being on slashdot and who knows where else.

Maybe it's time to Torrent that puppy? :cool:

Boy this article gave me out hell of a guffaw. :D
If I was chief of MPAA I would commit suicide for this embarassment....... copyright enforcer and copyright infringer at the same time.

It's sad and disgusting what they do and did, and this situation is just too funny :D
They aint gonna get sued, the GPL is very clear in cases like this.
Either provide the source OR stop distributing. ONLY if they refused either of these would there be a possiblity of going to court

Sony recently got found to be (at one point) distributing a game that violated the GPL but nothing can happen cause they stopped making the game avail ages ago NOT due to the GPL but because not selling anymore

Funny-ass tho, best thing would be the MPAA get taken down for being crap by the gov'n
They aint gonna get sued, the GPL is very clear in cases like this.
Either provide the source OR stop distributing. ONLY if they refused either of these would there be a possiblity of going to court

Sony recently got found to be (at one point) distributing a game that violated the GPL but nothing can happen cause they stopped making the game avail ages ago NOT due to the GPL but because not selling anymore

Funny-ass tho, best thing would be the MPAA get taken down for being crap by the gov'n

The MPAA refused multiple requests to provide the sources for their spyware, so an Ubuntu developer sent a DMCA notice to the MPAA's ISP and demanded that the material be taken down as infringing

seems to me they did refuse, and their ISP was forced to take it down. so it seems they could be sued!
Ha ha ha, what a bunch of soulless bastards, I think they deserve a taste of their own stupidity.
The fact that the mpaa is using ubuntu based source code is
More laughable then the original charges will be the defense if it does go to court. No doubt they would have to hire Bill Clinton and use something similar to the “if” defense.:rolleyes:
More laughable then the original charges will be the defense if it does go to court. No doubt they would have to hire Bill Clinton and use something similar to the “if” defense.:rolleyes:

The Chewbacca Defense?