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  1. L

    pfSense/Smoothwall/Untangle vs Juniper/Sonicwall/Watchguard

    Hi, does anyone know if Untangle runs on a Watchguard Firebox x700 unit ? thanks
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    Corsair Vengeance RAM Giveaway! 5 12GB Kits!

    Because no other vendor makes RAMS that look like a secret project developed in Area 51 :-)
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    5870 X2 pics!

    The below goes with the 5870x2 pictures ;-) Behold AMD's, and soon aimed to be the industry's most powerful graphics accelerator: Radeon HD 5870 X2 "Hemlock". Armed with two "Cypress" Radeon HD 5870 graphics processors, this dual-GPU monstrosity packs twice the shader compute power. From the...
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    HD 5870 vs GTX 295

    where we going here guys ?
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    HD 5870 vs GTX 295

    I also found this but not sure how accurate it is : I like the CRASH part under Battelforge for the GTX295 lol
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    GT300 Release?

    According to some previous articles they were saying that Nvidia won't have something ready until Q1-2010 or Q2 due to some chip problems they had , they had to re-structure everything from scratch for the GT3xx series. But who knows , just wait until the end of this month or early October and...
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    HD 5870 vs GTX 295

    Why do you wanna compare a single GPU card(5870) to a dual gpu card (gtx295)? Why do you wanna compare a single GPU card(5870) to an SLI setup (gtx285/gtx295 in SLI or dual gpu sli setup in some benchmarks) ? The above don't make sense and obviously if someone got some common sense and logic...
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    HX620 Fan Problem !!

    oh !! well this is a new rig that I build , so corsair was what I bought for this new one , and then got a 2nd corsair !! I had an old P3 before that lol !! its been a while .
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    HX620 Fan Problem !!

    the fan is dead if the case is open / closed ... next day turning the pc on ... all the same !!
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    HX620 Fan Problem !!

    yeah pretty much normal !!! except that the FAN is not spinning at all and the sucka is really HOTTTT !!!
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    HX620 Fan Problem !!

    I bought the HX620 to replace my first HX620 that ended up with the same problem , fan spins for 5 minutes and then complete stop and never comes back on !!! What component would you think would cause that ?! Like everyone has stated nothing goes back from any of the components to PSU ... and...
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    HX620 Fan Problem !!

    I just tried it , and nothing really happend ... it didnt even spin !!!!
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    HX620 Fan Problem !!

    right !! that's why i'm really dazed on this one !!! the whole system is just plugged into a power strip ......... and the funny thing is that system is working abs fine ... I installeld windows a couple of programs , games ... no problem at all ... so the psu is not messing up like power wise...
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    HX620 Fan Problem !!

    yeah it does , but it shouldnt stop completly , and I had it for an hour , where it was just getting hotter and hotter without having the fun do a little spin .. so its kinda weird to have th same problem on 2 units !!!
  15. L

    HX620 Fan Problem !!

    helppppp !!! I bought 2 HX620 PSU's ..... and had the same problem with both ...... after I hook it up , I start the system .... the fan is spinning .. not to fast but its working ... after a few mins .. the stops spinning and will never come back on , not even after I turn the system off and...