5870 X2 pics!


Jan 20, 2008
From Xtremesystems.org forum via Fudzilla....


I am concerned that the X2 is going to be a flop. There are all sorts of rumors that it has a severe TDP issue that can only be corrected by lowering the clock. If that is the case they will be lucky to sell more than a few for anything above the 500USD rumored.
The length of this card might be the reason that it will be flop. It's supposed to be longer then 5870, and that means that lots of cases will be incompatible (maybe apart Antec Skeleton :D)... we will propably see the sticker on cases "Compatible with 5870x2" :D

There is also the price... 677 euro supposedly in Europe. High... very high, even Ultras were not priced that high, when they were released. I think Ati grew a bit overconfident with those cards, and they might get surprised with GT300, especially if nVidia prices them smartly. Competition is good :D
GT300, especially if nVidia prices them smartly. Competition is good :D

That statement right there does not fit in Nvidia Vocab.

Remember ATI is the one who made nvidia drop prices on the 200 series
I guess those eliminate the rumor that 5870 x2 was to be a single GPU chip. Is Sideport still a possiblity here (shared mem pool, better crossfire performance)?

Hopefully nV gets on the ball and releases GT300 soon to give some competition. Otherwise, we're looking at a $650-700 card. No way I'm paying that much for a single card, and there's no reason for my to upgrade to a single 5870 since I already have a 4870 x2.
This card will be fail if they don't get eyefinity working with crossfire. Nvidia better have multimon gaming support in gt300 or their shit will be fail as well.
Some people might not care, but I just wanted to put it out there because a lot of people have asked. The Antec Mini P180 case (since I don't need 5 hard drives) can take up to 12" video cards with the lower drive cage removed. Probably 12.5" if you push it.
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Hopefully nV gets on the ball and releases GT300 soon to give some competition. Otherwise, we're looking at a $650-700 card. No way I'm paying that much for a single card, and there's no reason for my to upgrade to a single 5870 since I already have a 4870 x2.

Dumbest comment . . . ever. Too much for a single card? Its cheaper than 2x single HD 5870's as-is. Oh and this coming from the person with 2x HD 4870 X2's, what did you pay for those X2's? Stop being a drama queen.

Also, if you don't want to pay that much THEN DON'T !!!
I am gonna have to knock some walls down in the house to fit that bad boy. May need to install some extra support beams too!
Dear Santa,
Please bring me a 5870x2 for X-mass as I've been a good boy this year. Thanks!

P.S. My Daddy said he'll need a "Tig Welder??" to get it in my computer... I don't know what that is but could you bring him a "Tig Welder??" also. Thanks!!

Little Jimmy
Dear Santa,
Please bring me a 5870x2 for X-mass as I've been a good boy this year. Thanks!

P.S. My Daddy said he'll need a "Tig Welder??" to get it in my computer... I don't know what that is but could you bring him a "Tig Welder??" also. Thanks!!

Little Jimmy
you better ask for an i7 too. a 5870X2 isnt going to reach its full potential on that Core 2 dual core.
you better ask for an i7 too. a 5870X2 isnt going to reach its full potential on that Core 2 dual core.

An e8400 @ 3.83.....I think he'll be as good as 99.9% of the people playing games out there; don't you think so? What is your cpu speed?

An e8400 @ 3.83.....I think he'll be as good as 99.9% of the people playing games out there; don't you think so? What is your cpu speed?
no actually he wont. the core 2 and Phenom 2 will be noticeably behind the i7 at the same speed when it comes to running a card that fast. how bad will depend on the game, settings, and res of course. my cpu speed is stock but I have no need for a 5870x2.
I am concerned that the X2 is going to be a flop. There are all sorts of rumors that it has a severe TDP issue that can only be corrected by lowering the clock. If that is the case they will be lucky to sell more than a few for anything above the 500USD rumored.

Even if they lower the clocks to, say, 5850 level (725 MHz instead of 850 MHz), that will still be good enough to utterly destroy every graphics card out there today, and most likely the "GTX 380" or whatever they call it.
Even if the 5870X2 is just two 5850's put together, look at the Crossfire 5850 benchmarks that would still be a pretty bad ass card. At least 50% faster than the single 5870.
Oh my, look at that thing, even she said, now that is too big :D... I doubt that beast would even fit in Coolermaster 690
Dear Santa,
Please bring me a 5870x2 for X-mass as I've been a good boy this year. Thanks!

P.S. My Daddy said he'll need a "Tig Welder??" to get it in my computer... I don't know what that is but could you bring him a "Tig Welder??" also. Thanks!!

Little Jimmy

you better ask for an i7 too. a 5870X2 isnt going to reach its full potential on that Core 2 dual core.

Actually I do plan on getting an i7 next year for my yearly upgrade but it won't be matched with a 5870x2. My post was mearly a comedic take on what some of us will have to do just to fit one of these monsters in our cases. And MANY of us ([H]) will do just that.
Actually I do plan on getting an i7 next year for my yearly upgrade but it won't be matched with a 5870x2. My post was mearly a comedic take on what some of us will have to do just to fit one of these monsters in our cases. And MANY of us ([H]) will do just that.

In 5 years when I can afford an HD 5870 X2 I'm sure they'll have plenty of cases to fit it.
The below goes with the 5870x2 pictures ;-)

Behold AMD's, and soon aimed to be the industry's most powerful graphics accelerator: Radeon HD 5870 X2 "Hemlock". Armed with two "Cypress" Radeon HD 5870 graphics processors, this dual-GPU monstrosity packs twice the shader compute power. From the looks of it, the card is slightly longer than its single-GPU sibling from the series, and is better ventilated, although the cooler design more or less resembles it. It draws its power from one 6+2 pin and one 6 pin PCI-E power connectors, just like two of its ancestors in the R700 and R680. Listed for pre-order on a European online store, a Radeon HD 5870 X2 by Club3D is priced at 677 EUR (incl. applicable taxes, 568.9 EUR excluding).
Wow there must be a million (That's what she said!) jokes running about this card yet the question does remain. Did they reduce clock to reduce TDP?
So, this doesn't pertain specifically to this card but would this work?:

a 5870x2 crossfired with a single 5870?

Do the x2 versions have different clock speeds? And if so, to crossfire it with a single 5870, would you need to set the clocks the same?
On the guru3d page they have pics showing a 6 pin pci-e power cable and a 6+2 pin...

Great does this mean I need a new PSU as well as a new case to fit one of these bad boys?
That statement right there does not fit in Nvidia Vocab. Remember ATI is the one who made nvidia drop prices on the 200 series
And AMD will lower prices on the 5800 series when GT300 emerges (assuming it's competitive). So what?

Oh my, look at that thing, even she said, now that is too big :D... I doubt that beast would even fit in Coolermaster 690
...but will it fold?

It'll fit in my UFO, I'm sure. You guys and your tiny cases :)
id do what ever was needed to my antec to make that bad ass thing fit. ive been itching for a reason to cut some shit up!
I Can fit that card in my case with several inches to spare. Just need to move the drive cage up higher in my case.
An e8400 @ 3.83.....I think he'll be as good as 99.9% of the people playing games out there; don't you think so? What is your cpu speed?

Umm... An E8400 at 4Ghz doesn't cut it anymore. Don't believe me? Try taking a look through this review which specifically address this question.
I guess those eliminate the rumor that 5870 x2 was to be a single GPU chip.

then it wouldnt be the x2. it would be the x1.

to the other guy who asked about crossfire with a 5870x2 and a 5870 - i am not really sure, but wouldnt that end up being just 2x 5870 in crossfire? or would you get horsepower from all 3 cards?
then it wouldnt be the x2. it would be the x1.

to the other guy who asked about crossfire with a 5870x2 and a 5870 - i am not really sure, but wouldnt that end up being just 2x 5870 in crossfire? or would you get horsepower from all 3 cards?

WHAT? The dual chip card has two chips? blasphemy!
Umm... An E8400 at 4Ghz doesn't cut it anymore. Don't believe me? Try taking a look through this review which specifically address this question.

Then what does cut it, so to speak?; and if a 4ghz cpu doesn't "cut it" with a single gpu 5870, then the dual cpu Gpu's must be severely limited, and of NO use. I guess I'll forget about X2 Gpu's then [sarcasm].
Then what does cut it, so to speak?; and if a 4ghz cpu doesn't "cut it" with a single gpu 5870, then the dual cpu Gpu's must be severely limited, and of NO use.
If you're up against a CPU bottleneck, then you up the IQ. Run with 8xAA or 16xAA instead of 4x. Run with 16xAF instead of 8x. If you have the performance for it, enable supersampling.

When the CPU bottleneck is severe enough, these IQ upgrades are practically free, and that is what makes a multi-GPU config appealing.
Oh my, look at that thing, even she said, now that is too big :D... I doubt that beast would even fit in Coolermaster 690

cant be longer than the 4850x2, which was 11.5". in an antec 900, that card went all the way across and almost touched the hd cages. any longer than that and you would need a special deeper case just for the card.
realistically who has 6 monitors for mmgaming?? your going to shell out 650-700 for an x2 then another what 1200 (atleast) for 6 monitors? I mean I know [H]ard is hard but srsly?? 30" displays are still pretty pricey - I would be more banging for a single card solution that ran 2560 @ 60 fps that was under 300 bucks.