HX620 Fan Problem !!


Aug 22, 2007
helppppp !!!
I bought 2 HX620 PSU's ..... and had the same problem with both ...... after I hook it up , I start the system .... the fan is spinning .. not to fast but its working ... after a few mins .. the stops spinning and will never come back on , not even after I turn the system off and on again or waiting a few minutes and turning it on again ...

same thing happend on both ?!?!? what the hell is going on ?!?!?!

I have a Gigabyte GA-P35-DQ6 , Q6600 stock speed., Gts8800, and 2 HD's and that's it ... system is running smooth and fine except no fan spinning on both different power supllies, any clues ....... i'm really clueless on this one .

Isn't the fan in the HX line controlled by a thermistor? Perhaps your unit just isn't running hot enough for the fan to spin?
yeah it does , but it shouldnt stop completly , and I had it for an hour , where it was just getting hotter and hotter without having the fun do a little spin .. so its kinda weird to have th same problem on 2 units !!!
yeah it does , but it shouldnt stop completly , and I had it for an hour , where it was just getting hotter and hotter without having the fun do a little spin .. so its kinda weird to have th same problem on 2 units !!!

That's not normal, the fan should never stop moving entirely. I've never heard of this problem before, and the fact that you have had it happen to 2 units almost guarantees it's not a PSU issue, as having two fail in exactly the same way back to back is insanely improbable.

Is this plugged into the wall? A power strip? A UPS? Is there anything blocking the fan like a loose wire or screw of some type? Are you absolutely sure it's not moving?
right !! that's why i'm really dazed on this one !!! the whole system is just plugged into a power strip ......... and the funny thing is that system is working abs fine ... I installeld windows a couple of programs , games ... no problem at all ... so the psu is not messing up like power wise its just the freaky fan .. and no there is nothing thats stopping or blocking the fan , I had the psu in inside the case , I took it out .. to observe everything so its far away from everything !!

now question , does the mobo control that fan in a way or another ?! just in case my mobo is causing that problem because that's the only thing left !!

ohh I tried it with load without load , same thing. loooll is that crazy freakin insane !!

I'm still waiting for an answer from Corsair to see what they have to say about this ..
now question , does the mobo control that fan in a way or another ?! just in case my mobo is causing that problem because that's the only thing left !!

The motherboard shouldn't control the fan in any way, but if you want to check there is an easy way. Disconnect the PSU from the motherboard and on the 24-pin ATX connector, use a paperclip to bridge the connection between the green wire and one of the black wires.

This should cause the PSU to turn on and the fan to spin. Does the fan spin when you do this? Or does it stop spinning like it does otherwise...
Out of curiosity, did you buy the Corsair to replace a power supply that had failed? Perhaps there is a component in your machine that is causing these failures.
I bought the HX620 to replace my first HX620 that ended up with the same problem , fan spins for 5 minutes and then complete stop and never comes back on !!!

What component would you think would cause that ?! Like everyone has stated nothing goes back from any of the components to PSU ... and FAN is controlled by an interal sensor inside the PSU itself !!!

ps. the system is running abs fine without that FAN spinning .. its just the heat levels that the PSU is getting too ... really high !!
I had an X-Clio power supply that did that as well. The power supply has worked flawlessly since day 1--as far as I can tell, the behaviour is intentional. It kicks in periodically, especially on warmer days. Is the power supply otherwise operating normally?
yeah pretty much normal !!! except that the FAN is not spinning at all and the sucka is really HOTTTT !!!
In my case if I have the back 120mm fan speed turned up all the way, the pull of air will stop the PSU fan. If I open my case it will start again. This was with an antec though and it just did not have enough power to move it at the low speeds with the other fan pulling so much air. Does the fan stop with the case open and no other pull on the power supply fan?
the fan is dead if the case is open / closed ... next day turning the pc on ... all the same !!
I meant what did you have before the FIRST Corsair and why did you replace it?

oh !! well this is a new rig that I build , so corsair was what I bought for this new one , and then got a 2nd corsair !!

I had an old P3 before that lol !! its been a while .
oh !! well this is a new rig that I build , so corsair was what I bought for this new one , and then got a 2nd corsair !!

I had an old P3 before that lol !! its been a while .

It sounds like you have a bad part, we'll definitely RMA it for you if you contact us.

But it's weird this is the 2nd one. Can you try it on a different wall outlet in your house? With a different power cable?
I remember when I got my 620hx. I thought something was wrong because I thought the fan wasn't working. I even took it out of the case and tried the paper clip method. Sure enough it was. It's just so damn quiet compared to my old psu.
I remember when I got my 620hx. I thought something was wrong because I thought the fan wasn't working. I even took it out of the case and tried the paper clip method. Sure enough it was. It's just so damn quiet compared to my old psu.

same for me...I cant feel air moving, but I can see the fan moving if a light is shined through it...its a damn good psu.
I just tried it , and nothing really happend ... it didnt even spin !!!!
Try loading the PSU while doing the paperclip trick again. Hook up a CD drive or something. Some supplies won't turn on at all without a minimum load.