Search results

  1. M

    No Audio with HDMI?

    I got it fixed guys. I needed to buy a Digital Optical Cable and then hook up my entertaiment system to teh tv with it.
  2. M

    No Audio with HDMI?

    Hey guys, I have a problem. 1) I have a Samsung LN46B640 TV 2) I have a Samsung Z320 TV Entertainment System. 3) I have a Comcast Digital HD Cable Box 4) I have a Satelite Box that's hooked up to my tv via those Coaxial Cable. My current setup is like this. The Comcast HD box...
  3. M

    WTB: Netbook

  4. M

    WTB: Netbook

  5. M

    WTB: Netbook

  6. M

    WTB: Netbook

    Hey guys, I'm looking to buy a netbook. Something under $220 shipped to 30126 Only requirement is that it should be somewhat new and must have a SSD drive.
  7. M

    TV Entertaiment System

    Ha, guys. My parents are in their fiftys. They still watch a lot of Indian movies on VHS. Trust me,, they don't need BlueRay.
  8. M

    TV Entertaiment System

    any suggestions?
  9. M

    TV Entertaiment System

    Hey guys, I really did not know where to post this, but figured this would be a good spot. Me and my siblings just got my parents a 46inch LCD tv . I want to get my parents like an entertaiment system for this tv. Just maybe a decent DVD player, along with some nice speakers, but I have...
  10. M

    Logitech S512 vs LX710

    Hey guys, I need a new keyboard/mice combination. I am a heavy computer user, but at the same time, a college student so I cannot buy a $100 combo. I narrowed my choices down to the Logitech S510 or the LX710. But I don't know which one to get. Can anyone who has these or even know about...
  11. M

    WTB: Motherboard/CPU Combo

  12. M

    Please Help - need a used car - please buy something

    awesome deal on the mobo!
  13. M

    WTB: Motherboard/CPU Combo

  14. M

    WTB: Motherboard/CPU Combo

    I already pm'd you retarding your stuff.
  15. M

    WTB: Motherboard/CPU Combo

    I sent you a PM eariler.
  16. M

    WTB: Motherboard/CPU Combo
