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    Pebble Ships To Best Buy But Not Kickstarter Backers

    To be fair - All Ouyas technically shipped before retail release, the delay was with the shipping company.
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    Intel Core i7 Full System Drawing @ [H]

    Gotta love [H]
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    Apple Ups the Ante in Psystar Battle

    This is the secret sauce to the Mac OS. By controlling exactly what hardware the OS is used on they can focus on the legendary stability that "Just Works". If they were ever forced to open up and make the Mac OS work on as much hardware as Windows does their amazing claims of stability would...
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    Age of Conan - The most massive Failure I've ever participated in...

    I liked Anarchy Online, don't hate on it if you never played it. It was no WoW, but it was a decent game for the time. Warhammer looked interesting but when they did that major content cut to get it out the door I lost a lot of interest. Mostly because they cut the class I wanted to play. :(
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    Take Control of Your 4800 Video Card's Fan @ [H]

    Thanks for putting that together Kyle, my GPU is now cooler.
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    AIAS President: 'Game Reviewers Are Lazy'

    Doom 3 anyone? I don't pay attention to review scores any more. Some of my favorite games have earned a 7 or 8. What I will do is read the review and form my own opinion from the features the author discusses. Personally I'd prefer it if everyone stopped 'scoring' games and just talked...
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    Q6600 or 45nm?

    Thanks I didn't know about that. I noticed the Q6600 dropped about $5 today, maybe there's more to come.
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    Q6600 or 45nm?

    I'd like to stick with an Intel chip and the Q6600 is known to be a good processor, especially when I OC it. Thanks for the ideas though.
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    Q6600 or 45nm?

    Honestly I'm not looking for multi-core in the interest of a single game (with the exception of Supreme Commander) but I want it so I can run a game and multiple apps in the background without noticing any delay. Dual Core might be enough for that but quad isn't vastly more expensive so what the...
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    Q6600 or 45nm?

    Sounds like a Q6600 is in my future, thanks again for the input.
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    Q6600 or 45nm?

    I'm building a new rig with DDR2-800 memory and was wondering what would be the better way to go with the processor. My original plan was to OC the Q6600 to 400mhz and then set the memory ratio to 1:1 which I had read was a good way to go. However, I realize the 45nm processors have some nice...
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    AT&T Looking At Charging Heavy Internet Users Extra

    Right but I was just making the point that not everyone streams video or plays games. Those users who use less bandwidth are still getting charged 'average'. They're only going after the above average user, it's sort of a double standard.
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    AT&T Looking At Charging Heavy Internet Users Extra

    So they're lowering the cost for people who only check their e-mail once a week right? Oh wait that would lower their profit more than they'd gain from the extra charging. I'm fine with a usage based system if it's fair to the consumer.
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    HD DVD Group Responds to Netflix, Best Buy News

    I was rooting for HD-DVD but c'mon, just die already.
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    Benchmarking the Benchmarks @ [H]

    That sums up this thread pretty nicely.
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    Benchmarking the Benchmarks @ [H]

    I have a problem with the people who keep calling real-world testing unscientific. This is of course usually in contrast to people saying canned benchmarking is more scientific since its easily repeatable by anyone. Repeatability alone does not make a scientific testing method. The fact is...
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    Benchmarking the Benchmarks @ [H]

    Spectacular article, thanks for giving some insight to your testing methods. I've always been a firm believer in real-world testing and this just solidifies that more. Some canned bench marks do reflect real-world performance, but not all of them. Why waste your time with the gamble? [H]...
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    ATI Radeon HD 3870 X2 Drawing

    Yay AMD ^^
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    Lawyer For Xbox Live Lawsuit Speaks

    An internet server failed? Unheard of... It was down a long time, but MS gave everyone a free arcade game which as I understand it was around the value of 1 week on XBL. It was unfortunate that they had issues, but I think they did the right thing and compensated their customers fairly...
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    Wired’s Vaporware List 2007

    My bet is on World of Starcraft being the next MMO they're working on. There's really no point to making a Diablo MMO since a lot of the skills in World of Warcraft are from Diablo. It'd just be World of Warcraft with Diablo as the first raid boss instead of Ragnaros.
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    Wired’s Vaporware List 2007

    I don't get Blizzard being on the list considering they haven't set any dates...
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    Samsung 30” LCD Supports DisplayPort Interface

    It's worded poorly. Dual-Link DVI has the capacity of two cables, but it's crammed into one higher density connector and wire.
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    Sapphire Radeon HD 2900 XT CrossFire @ [H]

    Nice review, I love the SLI/CrossFire coverage. Here's to hoping AMD recovers.