Wired’s Vaporware List 2007

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
It’s that time of the year again. I give you a list that needs no introduction, Wired’s Annual Vaporware List! This year’s list is a bit odd (Axl Rose?) but the number one spot is definitely deserving even thought it might actually make it off the list…maybe…eventually….someday.

It's time again to inhale the fumes of failure. Every December, Wired News asks its readers to nominate their choices for our annual Vaporware awards. We hand out accolades (and raspberries) to the most-prized products that were promised but never delivered. Reader votes have helped whittle the list down to the top 10 honorees for the 2007 Podium of Shame.
It's going to be a crying shame when DNF does come out. It won't be on the vaporware list anymore; it's like a tradition now.
haha blackjack is on there, finally! After several frustrating calls to cingular/att about wm6 that was PROMISED (thus the reason many bought the phone in the first place, including me) and never delivered and probably will never be. I was "offered" a "discount" on a blackjack 2 with wm6. Ummm, no thanks.

I'm moving to a different carrier because of the bait and switch tactics after my contract expires in June.

Vista SP1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

I would say no to this as for the most part everyone knew that it would come out sometime in 2008, it looks bad to come out with a service pack in the same calendar year as the majority of the software is distributed, granted vista came out around this time last year, it looks like it will be out shortly.
I don't get Blizzard being on the list considering they haven't set any dates...

Yeah, there's a couple of entries on that list that I don't get.

Surely the baseline criteria for any product to be considered vaporware is that somewhere, somehow it has to have been announced as an intended release, and then that an unusual period has passed since that announcement.

To the best of my knowledge Blizzard has never made any indication at all that they are working on Diablo3 (even though it seems unlikely that they would ditch such a popular franchise), let alone given a time frame for release.

Likewise with the XP SP3, was anyone actually expecting it to have been released by now? Has an exceptional period of time passed since MS announced it was working on it relative to previous releases?

Not that I was aware of.

It seems that this years list is as much a wish list as a vaporware list.

Man, they better have Holodecks on there next year.
I would say no to this as for the most part everyone knew that it would come out sometime in 2008, it looks bad to come out with a service pack in the same calendar year as the majority of the software is distributed, granted vista came out around this time last year, it looks like it will be out shortly.

They did mention one to be released sometime this year.

Found it: http://blogs.zdnet.com/microsoft/?p=208

I really don't care though because my system is nearly flawless. I mostly want it to shut up the bickerers.
I thought they put DNF into a Hall of Fame for Vaporware to free up the #1 spot.
Diablo3? Wtf. Blizzard never even gave lipservice to the notion of Starcraft 2 until this year, when people have been asking for it for almost 10 years. Diablo 3, noone wants that.

And the only Blizzard Vaporware should be Starcraft Ghost. Want so bad.
Diablo3? Wtf. Blizzard never even gave lipservice to the notion of Starcraft 2 until this year, when people have been asking for it for almost 10 years. Diablo 3, noone wants that.

And the only Blizzard Vaporware should be Starcraft Ghost. Want so bad.

Blizzard told everyone that they had stopped working on SC:Ghost a couple of years ago now, so I think that negates current vaporware status.

Anyways, I don't want Starcraft: Ghost, I want WORLD OF Starcraft: Ghost!

That would rock harder than The Rock in concrete factory.
Anyways, I don't want Starcraft: Ghost, I want WORLD OF Starcraft: Ghost!

My bet is on World of Starcraft being the next MMO they're working on. There's really no point to making a Diablo MMO since a lot of the skills in World of Warcraft are from Diablo. It'd just be World of Warcraft with Diablo as the first raid boss instead of Ragnaros.
Perpetual motion machine? Are you serious? Or is it more along the lines of people actually believed him?

Diablo3 is vaporware? Why? Because lots of diablo freaks thought this might be the big announcement Blizzard was going to do instead it happened to be another expansion pack for their cash cow? (aka WoW).

Don't know if I'd put spore in the vaporware catagory either, 1) there's been documented evidence this actually exists, 2) it doesn't have a release date until 2008 anyways. It's not like it's been hyped anymore than any other game either, just because a huge fan based latched onto it does not make it vaporware.