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  1. R

    stuttering..maybe the card?

    Well everything seems ok with video card and such..but after a lot of benchmarking with sandra and monitoring mem usage during games i'm seeing my cpu usage thru the roof which seems to coincide with the frame drops .Looks like it's time for a new heatsink and open the roof and this lil e6300...
  2. R

    stuttering..maybe the card?

    everything s defragged benchmarking programs read optimal speeds on equipment...just don't understand ...memory is in flex mode being that the 3rd gig stick is by itself..will lfexmode cause this on my mobo?...will matching the 4th stick and both sets running dual mode help?
  3. R

    stuttering..maybe the card?

    oh srry the hdd is sata right now can it still be in pio mode?
  4. R

    stuttering..maybe the card?

    Recently ran pcpitstop tests and everything was on target and above the average in speeds so i'm lost here with the hitching and stuttering.
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    stuttering..maybe the card?

    Is the hd accessing due to out of ram on vid and my 3 gig system memory?seems like it would be enough.
  6. R

    stuttering..maybe the card?

    Yes the hd is accessing most times during that do i tell if vid card is on power saving mode?still using a antec 450 psu right now..haven't gotten no artifacts during play or reboots so no thermals seem fine to me. Thanks again for suggestions and insight
  7. R

    stuttering..maybe the card?

    Hey there all I've been debating my upgrade path and with school and family it is a limited path but here is whats happening.Most games I get the stutter and drop in fps once in awhile..not really turning but moving around most games everything needs to catch up and such. The games I run...
  8. R

    Upgrading from E6300 any thoughts?

    Wow thanks for the in depth personal exp with upgrades and great advice. Yeah the cooler for oc and video card are on my agenda,ram in there somewhere =)).
  9. R

    Upgrading from E6300 any thoughts?

    Yeah the hardrive is a WD 320GB 8mb cache one when they started coming that high forgot the model type so i'm sure a nice new 16mb cache newer platter type model would help performance too. Thanks again for great advice and time to oc this poor stock cpu =P
  10. R

    Upgrading from E6300 any thoughts?

    Nice thanks for help on which way to go ...all else fails and am not happy will be a decentsetup for gf's new comp. Thanks again all!
  11. R

    Upgrading from E6300 any thoughts?

    I'm running 1280x1024 in all my games and yeah need another stick of memory def.I keep my system running clean at all times reformatted for just purpose of finding the problem right now . So oc the 6300 to 3gz gonna give a lil more headroom and both dual mem channels thats gonna make a...
  12. R

    Upgrading from E6300 any thoughts?

    Hey there my computer feels like it's getting long in the tooth right now notable games are,Warhammer age of reckoning.stalker clear sky,and the new sacred 2 demo. Was thinking it was games not being optimized but starting to get stutters and such in all of em. c2d e6300 gigabyte...
  13. R

    Considering 8800 WC

    Hey all getting ready to research some more for basic WC setup parts, going to be overclocking my e6300 and evga8800 gts 320mb. Was hoping could get a idea of the better waterblocks for the 8800 and how hard they are to install. Thanks in advance for the help.
  14. R

    Dungeon Runners Beta Invites Thread

    Would love a invite myself and will definitly throw more invites out to peeps wanting them
  15. R

    Temporary upgrade ?

    Hey all been battling upgrade paths and was curious about this one. My current sys is p4 2.4, abi is7-e2 , 1 gb corsair 3200 ram, 9600 . So i really want to do a highend system but the time for it will have to wait til after march,for now i need something i can get the most out of...
  16. R

    Sonata 2 and fans

    Another things I was curious about , how well does the 8800 gts sit in this far as the venting system is concerned?
  17. R

    Sonata 2 and fans

    Hey all getting ready to make the jump to c2d and have some questions about a christmas present from my gf. She has recently let it slip i will be getting this case , i had on list earlier in the year before i was thinking water cooling and now just would like some experiences with this...