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  1. W

    Post Your Workstation 2007

    im a lanimal :)
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    Post Your Workstation 2007

  3. W

    Problem with a resistor on mobo

    Hello, my friend recently gave me his dfi nfII 400-al motherboard and 3200+ cpu because it died on him so i figured i might try and fix it. THe computer wont boot at all and after careful observation i noticed this resistor is burned and MAYBE the board under it. I was wondering if someone...
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    Starting problems with new hardware

    amd athlon 64 4000 geforce 7600gt 2 gb xms corsair gigabyte and biostar motherboard 200gb SATA harddrive Remember that he tried 2 different motherboards and both didnt work and he tried to run it woithout a hard drive and same thing. Any other suggestions and what is the likely cause so...
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    Starting problems with new hardware

    A friend of mine recently purchased hardware from newegg to build his own computer. He put everything togehter once to find out his ram slots on his motherboard (biostar) didnt work. So he returned it and got a new one and this time when he put some parts together the computer would not start...
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    Certain pages shut off my router.. HELP

    wut type of software do u recommend?
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    Certain pages shut off my router.. HELP

    i have a linksys befw11s4 with the latest firmware. Sorry im so late with the reply.
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    Certain pages shut off my router.. HELP

    I dont know when this started but whenever my sister goes on myspace (yea i know) it totally freezes the internet and the only way i can bring it back up is to unplug the router and plug it back in then refresh all my connections. Also whenever i check some preview songs from amazon or...
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    New Build: First Boot Problems

    i can almost guarantee its the power supply. I was building a comp for my friend and i got the same problem where the fans would spin for half a second and then stop. I then plugged in my ps and the comp booted rite up. RMA that sucker or buy another one and see for urself.
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    Jerker Gallery?

    ollld school jerker
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    Show Your CRT(s) setups!!!

    Heres my 21' trinitron monitor. Its an SGI box with a Dell P1110 tube inside. It was great when it was problem free but now every 10 minutes the screen blurs to the point where u cant read text :\ fd
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    Bad things goin on with my 6600gt

    alright thanks for that awesome info. I just finished reformatting the computer and viola! all the problems are gone. Im gonna be testing for a while to make sure everything is ok and if it isnt, then i will for sure return this bad boy. thanks for ur help!
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    Bad things goin on with my 6600gt

    Alright so two days ago some workers came by the house to fix our carpet and i left the computer on. An hour later i come back to my computer and my monitor is in sleep but my computer is still on. I restart the computer to the windows boot logo where i see little artifacts and after the logo...
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    Quick question about coolbits

    My 6600gt is a bitch and if i plug in one fan to its molex line it gives me the error in my debug settings. My question is simple, how do u reset/clear the debug settings? Thanks a lot
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    k8nsnxp problems help me out

    So i recently got ahold of a k8nsnxp mobo and i got some issues with it. Whenever i shut down the computer my keyboard ( ps/2 ) stays on. So i changed it back to usb but i dont have many open usb ports so im hoping i can get that figured out. Second whenever i need to shut off my comp...
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    What do u recommend?

    Alright i recently got a refurb gigabyte 754 board for cheap and im lookin for a processor but i cant find a good deal on any of them. I upgraded from an xp 3200+ which im giving to my parents and im tryin to decide to whether to spend the extra 80 bucks and go 64 or buy a 70 dollar budget...
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    2005 Post Your Workstation

    My piece of heaven :)
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    Wut to do with leftovers

    ill consider the southbridge idea but i had another question. Ive seen ppl with 6600gt's with idle temps of 35-45. Now would it be worth re-doing my arctic silver or should i just forget about it? I put a dab of it in the middle and just heated the heatsink. Should i try to use the spread...
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    Wut to do with leftovers

    My zalman vf700al-cu arrived today and installed perfectly on my evga 6600gt agp. Temps dropped from an idle 68 to 55 and load of 74 to 63. Since i have 6600 series my little ramsinks are useless so i was wondering wut i can do with em? Theyre sitting in their little plastic baggies at this...
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    "the test failed to run at the selected clock frequencies" -6800GT

    i get the same problem with my 6600gt when using coolbits but if i use rivatuner it works fine. Im guessing since many ppl have this problem its a coolbits issue
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    Post your "rate my cables" here

    and my ghetto hard drive suspension with shoelaces :\
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    The "I Found An Insect/Animal In My Case" Thread

    Last summer when i purchased my chieftec dragon (i know everyone has it) i kept it under my desk never checking in. I had wires all over the place, on the floor of the case and such. I had high cfm fans in the front and a fatass house fan blowing rite into it. At the end of the summer i...
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    Pimpest keyboard ever!

    screw the mouse that keyboard looks fuckin sweet 8)