"the test failed to run at the selected clock frequencies" -6800GT


Jul 16, 2004
Argghhh, I mentioned this in another thread with no luck.
screenshot is below...

That's right, I tried to clock it down 1Mhz - same result as overclocking any. Seems I can't change the clock speed at all!

So, now I ask for a list of things to do. I will check the thread tomorrow and just go down the check list of possibilites you guys give me.

Card is eVGA 6800GT

IC7 board
Windows XP
Latest drivers from Nvidia's site
I'm going to leave this thread open, as there are others on google have the same problem with no answer.

However, I just used RivaTuner's power user mode and there's a registry key called "DisableInternalClockTest" - I set it to 1, and tried overclocking. I went up 10 MHz, and the test acted like it ran, but of course didn't give an error message.

Just to check things, I moved back the the default key, ran the test, and received the same error.

Now, I'm still looking for your input, but I have a way to get around the test. NOW, I just have to hope I don't burn up the card if this is my only option.
I guess I could keep edging the settings up benchmark until I see artifacts?
Shit d00d. I have the same question. Running my 7800 GTX's on the 77.72, etc etc. I cannot overclock them one mhz in coolbits without getting that error and it take it back to stock. wtf? driver problem? coolbit problem? wtf wtf? hmm, that little edit you made also enabled me to oc fine in coolbits. sweet dood. now is that setting set to 1 fucking something else up I should know about? lol
I'd say its probably a coolbits problem or a driver problem. New cards always have issues. Don't stress over it. :)
Both of them arent running 6800's.Dont worry about messing up your cards. Keep uping the clock at 5hz intervals, check for stability (run benchmark,rthidrbl) if its unstable back it down a little. The worst that can happen is your computer freezing. Have fun and experiment.
I just downloaded powerstrip to bypass that problem. Use powerstrip to adjust your clocks, then go back to the coolbits menu and selection "bootup with these frequencies" and you're all set.
bjornb17 said:
I just downloaded powerstrip to bypass that problem. Use powerstrip to adjust your clocks, then go back to the coolbits menu and selection "bootup with these frequencies" and you're all set.

This is the easiest way. Just tried this as well and I like it better THANKS

BTW, Just overclocked to Ultra speeds and ran 3dmark without any artifacts and temps stayed at 69C or below.

Now to try some gaming :)
bjornb17 said:
I just downloaded powerstrip to bypass that problem. Use powerstrip to adjust your clocks, then go back to the coolbits menu and selection "bootup with these frequencies" and you're all set.

thx man, ill give it a try.
i get the same problem with my 6600gt when using coolbits but if i use rivatuner it works fine. Im guessing since many ppl have this problem its a coolbits issue
Any one having a 3dmark 03 crashing problem? I can run 3dmark 05, aquamark3, games, etc and im just fine, but as soon as I hit 3dmark 03 right after the second game test it crashes, and I have tried a million times, always crashes in the exact same spot. Then I reboot and get a "windows has recovered from a serious error" message. Wtf? Just a 3dmark 03 problem?