Pimpest keyboard ever!

holy crap that's cool.

i could halla see people configuring this to show one large image across their keyboards...
Mayhs said:
wow nice i want!...how much will they cost?

by the looks of it, these are just concpet designs in a personal portfolio. i might be wrong, but i doubt this is at all real. neat idea, but prolly only a 3d render for now.
Its a mac keyboard, they probobly don't have the software to run it for PC.
Everfalling said:
by the looks of it, these are just concpet designs in a personal portfolio. i might be wrong, but i doubt this is at all real. neat idea, but prolly only a 3d render for now.

I noticed that also... I am not sure if there is even a real working prototype... on the news page it says the "concept" is completed, and a link right to the page on the opening remark of this thread... hmmm....

EDIT: this is a marketing portfolio and nothing else... that keyboard may not even exist. ...also it's using quake as a game ref.... olllld! Though - now that OLED tech is getting more advanced, I had bet this concept could become a reality soon. :)
This is "Techcnically" possible right now, but would not look nearly that good:
NKK LCD Switches

but chances are even with OLED tech, a keyboard like this would cost alot of $$$, maybe $300+?
i would buy one if it cost less than a 100
the mouse looks like shit though
Rombus said:
This is "Techcnically" possible right now, but would not look nearly that good:
NKK LCD Switches

but chances are even with OLED tech, a keyboard like this would cost alot of $$$, maybe $300+?

Yeah - those LCD switches wouldn't look as nice... the OLED idea would work best with todays tech... but it would be a little $$... if they kept it down to 16 colors that might help the price... my Pioneer head unit has a multi color OLED and it looks prety sweet... the coral reef screen saver is amazingly good with only like 16 colors.
Quite possibly one of the coolest things ever. If it were possible I would be willing to pay a pretty penny for it.

You could even take it a step farther too! Like for example having the keyboard switch when you are in different roles in a game (IE you're playing BF2 and your infantry controls switch to tank when you get in one.)
holy sh!t that looks awesome.. I sooooo want one..
revenant said:
Yeah - those LCD switches wouldn't look as nice... the OLED idea would work best with todays tech... but it would be a little $$... if they kept it down to 16 colors that might help the price... my Pioneer head unit has a multi color OLED and it looks prety sweet... the coral reef screen saver is amazingly good with only like 16 colors.
yeah i agree, OLED Is going to be very intresting, i have yet to see a display in real life :( Plus OLEDs have the advantage of not requring constant input.

i was just pointing to the NKK switches as a real life version, no matter how impractial and ugly it might be :D
Sweet yes... but I'm still going to stick with my: Das Keyboard just for the fun which insues when people who can't touch type ask to use my computer to check their mail or whatever.
Keyboard is insanley sick, i wouldnt mind paying 200 for it, its so sexy!.....................btw.........................the mouse is FUgly
I doubt we'd ever seen even a prototype for another 4-5 years.

What they'll probably do first is screw with us by giving us single color versions instead of 16 colors. Then make us wait even longer for 16.
How 'bout a transparent keyboard where the key stems act as a sort of light pipe and display images from a more conventional type of lcd display mounted under the keys?

If the lcd panel were touch sensitive, you wouldn't even need electronics in the keyboard, it could just be a plastic assembly.
BellaCroix said:
Sweet yes... but I'm still going to stick with my: Das Keyboard just for the fun which insues when people who can't touch type ask to use my computer to check their mail or whatever.

That keyboard is ugly, looks uncomfortable, and is way too pricey.
Call me when they build a buckling spring version of that keyboard. ;)

And anyone who hates on Das Keyboard, I have found, does so for one of two reasons;
A) They haven't got a clue about the IBM Model M and have never used one.
B) They have no hope of ever learning how to type without hunting and pecking.

(For the record, I do not own a Das Keyboard anymore. I traded mine for a rare Model M.)
Rombus said:
yeah i agree, OLED Is going to be very intresting, i have yet to see a display in real life :( Plus OLEDs have the advantage of not requring constant input.

i was just pointing to the NKK switches as a real life version, no matter how impractial and ugly it might be :D

totally man... I had not seen those. They are nice!! and availble NOW. heh... you can check out OLED in the flesh @ Circuit City... check the new JVC and Pioneer head units. :)
I'll pay $500 for that, right now.

how is the mouse going to be with a wired :rolleyes: kills the who point.
also check out the rest of the guy's portfolio! he's go tons of cool ideas, in different type of products.
Corrugated said:
$100?, $200?? Are you kidding? I would be suprised if it sold for under $1000!

Fucking hell, THANK YOU. I've been saying exactly this on every forum I read, but people don't seem to get it.

I see an absolute minimum price of $600, and that's being really optomistic and assuming they remove some features to lower the price (like each key is 16x16 pixels, monochrome, and backlighting costs extra).

Still a cool idea, and I'd pay a lot for one :)
roachm said:
That keyboard is ugly, looks uncomfortable, and is way too pricey.

Ugly? Matter of taste I suppose. A lot of people don't like Bauhaus furniture because it's so minimalist, seems people have a hard time appreciating function as style.

I'll admit the lack of key labels is a little pretentious but the weighted keys is a fantastic touch and really improves my speed typing. I touch type about 110 WPM on a traditional keyboard, about 90ish WPM on a "split keyboard" but push 120 WPM on the Das and can type much longer before fatigue starts setting in (especially on "pinky" keys).

Sure, I spent $70 for one but I also dropped about the same on a crappy (but "stylish") Micro$oft keyboard with a nice scroll wheel that I never used.

AreEss said:
And anyone who hates on Das Keyboard, I have found, does so for one of two reasons;
A) They haven't got a clue about the IBM Model M and have never used one.
B) They have no hope of ever learning how to type without hunting and pecking.

Never used an IBM M keyboard. Might have to check for them.
Frequently Answered Answers about the Optimus keyboard
It's in initial stage of production
We hope it will be released in 2006
It will cost less than a good mobile phone
It will be real
It will be OS-independent (at least it can work in some default state with any OS)
It will support any language or layout
Moscow is the capital of Russia
Each key could be programmed to produce any sequence
It will be an open-source keyboard, SDK will be available
Some day it will be split ('ergonomic')
It will most likely use OLED technology (e-paper is sooo slow)
Our studio is located two blocks from the Kremlin
It will feature a key-saver
Keys will use animation when needed
It has numeric keypad because we love it
There's no snow in Moscow during Summer
It will be available worldwide (why not?)
OEM will be possible (why not?)
Contact us for hi-res images, or interview inquires
ick, i dont like the "It will cost less than a good mobile phone" Line:
Define good :D Some consider the cheep noika to be good, personally, i consider a v600 good :D that a 400 price diff there. plus, are we talking about a contract phone or straight up purchase :D
It's not a KB/mouose combo you daft turds, it's a separate mouse altogether, hence the different names :rolleyes: