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  1. P

    Software that helps me managing windows on WS monitor?

    Hi. i just got a 22"wide here in the office and i want some sortof software so when i maximize my FF or Eclipse it maximize notto the entire screen but to maybe 80% of the screen, and then i want skype on the rest 20% maximized. i know i can resize the windows, but i really want to have...
  2. P

    Vista RTM: Your imprssions?

    i can't find the gadgets.. how do i add them to my desktop?
  3. P

    I need som sort of decoder...

    Hi I need a device that can handle at least 1 digital in and 2 stereo aux in. I was first thinkin of the z-5500 but i'm not shure if those speakers are good enough. then i found the ddts-100 wich seems nice, but kinda expensive.. are there any other options avalible?
  4. P

    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    thanx dude.. I have no idéa, I got it from IKEA here in sweden, for less than $10
  5. P

    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    It's a Sony VPL-CS1, it kinda sucks. But I got it for free and since I'm a student I can't afford a new one :|
  6. P

    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    it's a 2005fpw. I don't have a camera atm, but i can show you what I have.
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    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

  8. P

    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    actually it works fine on the 2005fpw aswell ;)
  9. P

    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    Rash: what monitor are those Sony? and the same question about the keyboard? and retailprice?
  10. P

    Dell’s UltraSharp 2005FPW widescreen 20-inch LCD monitor.

    worth returning?
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    2005fpw without a gfx that suports the wideaspect?

    please someone! I'm affraid the monitor will take damage if I use this old gfx card, any one who knows for sure?!
  12. P

    2005fpw without a gfx that suports the wideaspect?

    Hi. My Dell 2005fpw will arrive on monday according to UPS. But I came to think about one thing. I have an old gfx.. a Asus V8200 T5 Delux (GeForce 3 Ti 500) without a DVI output. Is it possible to use the monitor with that card without harming the montior? The card doesn't support thoose...
  13. P

    Dell’s UltraSharp 2005FPW widescreen 20-inch LCD monitor.

    i've order a 2005fpw now.. but I'm not shure if my gfx card can handle it.. its a geforce 3 ti 500.. Can I use it until I get a new one or is it impossible?