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  1. L


    right now my vcore is set at default but i dont know what the number is. so i put the vcore to 1.725 thinking it was 1.7 default and raised the mhz to 2.66 and after a few minutes of cs it went up past 50 and restarted... i dont know how high it went but in cmos it said 50 after the restart.
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    i want to OC my p4 2.53 to 3gigs. im at 2.66 right now with 1.725 volts. is this to much? from experience, how high do u guys think my vcore should be at 3gigs? i know that u have to increase slowly but what do u guys think because i dont want to go overboard. rest of my specs Thermaltake...
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    Crashing error - ATI drivers

    i always have completely cleaned all of the ati drivers before installing a new version, and i still get the problem. i guess it's time for a reformat?
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    Crashing error - ATI drivers

    i get thisblue screen every once in awhile when listening to music, watching videos and play games **Stop 0x0000008E (0xC0000005, 0xBFA87B1B, 0xB1EA9A84, 0x00000000) ***Ati3duag.dll - Adress BFA87B1B base at BFA17000, datestamp -3f7a3780 Beggining dump of physical memory. Physical...
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    HELP, OCing a p3 700

    nm it works for me now :D i only need the newest 1 right ?
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    HELP, OCing a p3 700

    thx for the link but the the exe's won't download :(
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    Got a question about thernal pads.

    can i just apply some thermal paste over the pad to lower temps even more or no? i have arctic silver ceramique
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    HELP, OCing a p3 700

    would flashing the bios help in my OC? i went on the MSi site and the bios wasn't exactly for MS-6163 PRO but for MS-6163fc20 Does it matter?
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    Got a question about thernal pads.

    here's a pic of the Heatsink
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    Got a question about thernal pads.

    how would you recommend taking it off ?
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    Got a question about thernal pads.

    in that case should i apply thermal paste all over the green? like i said before, the older paste was just on the black area. thx for your post
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    Got a question about thernal pads.

    i dont want to fry my old processor. anyone know about these socket 370 processors?
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    Got a question about thernal pads.

    ok i have a socket 370 processor on my older pc and want to put a new Heatsink on. Heres a pic of my processor,prod_id--5177946.html the thernal pad is bigger than the little black part of the processor which is the...
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    HELP, OCing a p3 700

    lol thx for the backup monkey, didn't feel like explainig it to him.
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    HELP, OCing a p3 700

    Main Rig Specs: p4-2.53 gigs on a Shuttle As45GT mobo 512mb of Corsair pc2100 512mb of Nanya pc2700 ATI Radeon 9800 SB Live Gamer Thermaltake Purepower 420w WD 80gig Caviar All wrapped up in a chieftecdragon case w/ with some minor mods Secondary: p3 700 @ 867 mhz 512mb...
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    HELP, OCing a p3 700

    hey Monkey34 thx for that link i just tested that on my newer pc and found out that i have a stick of pc2100 and a stick of pc2700 (thought i had 2 pc2100s, lol) now i know that they are both running at pc2100 so should i try to sell the pc2100 ? or will there be a performance increase...
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    HELP, OCing a p3 700

    which voltages should i increase? CPU or chipset, or both? ive been upping both by .1
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    HELP, OCing a p3 700

    ok i got it up to 866. can u guys tell me more about what voltages and what they should be set at? also is there a way to determine Pc133 ram from pc100? the 256mb is pc133 for sure but the other t sticks i dont know. (maybe even pc66)
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    HELP, OCing a p3 700

    well I just cleaned out my HS/F and applied some fresh arctic silver ceramique on it. the previous paste has been on since i got the pc in '98 or '99. temps are around 35C on load, so not bad right?
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    HELP, OCing a p3 700

    this is my motherboard MS-6163 PRO not sure whatt kind of RAM is in there though there is a stick of 256 and 2 sticks of 128 (it might be a mix of pc100 and pc133) i dont know i upped the voltage but i dont know how much is safe ill give u the reading in a bout 2 hours coz i have to...
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    HELP, OCing a p3 700

    when i set it to 133 immediatley the pc wont even boot. can any of u over clocking gods help me with this little problem??
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    HELP, OCing a p3 700

    ok i still cant get it any higher here is what it is set at now CPU Voltage: Auto <--- p4 ready 420w PSU CPU Speed: Manual CPU Ratio: x 7.5 CPU/PCi Frequency: 122/37(off) <--cant go higher on/off means spread spectrum if i raise it past 122 it wont go past the Post
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    HELP, OCing a p3 700

    earlier on in the day i saw some guy with a p3 - 933 with pc2100 ram i was wondering if my pc will take this as well coz i have an extra stick laying around. i would take out my pc133
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    HELP, OCing a p3 700

    ok thx, ill tinker around with that lin a bit. my sister is sitting on that computer right now.
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    P4 2.4C dieing after 5 months of 3.5Ghz

    paladin0 im having the same problems as you man i narrowed the problem down to my 9800. sometimes when my pc freezes i get a blue screen that says that my atiBLAH.dll is the cause of the problem. when the pc restarts it says that my drivers for my 9800 are the problem. i tried 10 diferent...
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    HELP, OCing a p3 700

    i want to OC my old p3 700 to 933 - sounds resonable right? its a socket 1 proccesor (plugs in like a PCi card) also has 512mb of RAM and an ATI aiw 8500dv 64mb i get it up to 854mhz no problem (temps are in the low 20C's) if i up the FSB 1 more point the pc will lock up right after the...
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    Radeon 8500 128 needed

    i've got a 64mb AIW 8500 dv in my other system if your interested;)
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    Cat4.1's are out.

    its 4.1 because it is the first release in 2004 3.10 was the 10th release in 2003
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    Cat4.1's are out.

    are they a big improvement over the 3.10. im not having any problems with them so should i upgrade? does it make anything better other than like games?
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    Random Reboots

    The reason i didn't think it was the OC was because the problems started way before that. Anyway I used that Detonator RIP, i did that IRQ thing you mentioned, and then i flashed my BIOS. I played CoD and CS for about an hour and so far no problems :D i on ly have 1 small problem. when...
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    Random Reboots

    see if u look here if i dont flash the bios i can't install XP because i have an 8x AGP card in there, so i am forced to put in an old junky card(geforce2) after the install i put back in the 9800. i used driver cleaner...
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    Random Reboots

    First off yes i did have nvidia drivers and i thought i completely removed them because i used a driver cleaner. i just switched to the omega drivers recently because the ATI drivers weren't working.(thought maybe these would work) Im going to run Detonator RIP now and also try that IRQ...
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    Random Reboots

    ok i used memtest on my first stick of RAM - the nanya brand i ran it for 12hours and it had 67 passes and 0 errors so im guessing it is good right? i'll test the Corsair tonight and report back later.
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    Random Reboots

    nevermind i got it, i just kept flipping the cable on both ends until i got it. the red line on the round cable wasnt very noticable but now that it is facing the PSU it works, just like u said. thx for your help:D now i need help with the original problem ,lol
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    Random Reboots

    ok my floppy is connected correctly but the light still stays green the whole time. i tried rearranging the cable but still nothinh. i might put in my old ribbon cable to see if it works
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    Random Reboots

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    Random Reboots

    sorry i dont inderstand what u are trying to say.
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    Random Reboots

    yes the floppy is on all the time. what do you meanthe floppy cable is wrong? do u mean that i should switch the floppy end around with the end that connects to the motherboard? does it make a difference? well i am going to do that in a few minutes i guess. if it matters i just recently...
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    Xoxide X-hour

    what time is it again (central) ?
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    Random Reboots

    i have tried each stick of ram by itself, both seated in the slot closest to the CPU, and i get the problems still, and yes they are firmly in. for some reason my floppy isnt reading any disks so i cant create the memtest disk. i was thinking of flashing my bios but i cant do that as well...