Random Reboots


Limp Gawd
Dec 7, 2003
LEt me start with specs

P4 -2.53g @ 2.66g on a Shuttle As45gt Mobo
ATI Radeon 9800 w/ Omega 3.10 Drivers
512mb of Corsair pc2100 Ram
512mb of Nanya pc2100 Ram Viewsonic LCD
ThernalTake Purepower 420w PSU
Everything on Windows update is up2 date except sp1 coz im on an illegal version of XP - PRO.
Temps get up to 45c when playing games.

OK so my pc basically locks up when playing games and listening to music.
For example in counter-strike, my monitor goes blank. i can still make noise in the game and then the pc locks.
in Call of duty the game just freezes and makes a horrible noise which forces me to hit the restart.
watching videos or music also causes the pc just to freeze.
I try to run norton antivirus 2003 but the monitor goes blank and i cant see anything.

I have no idea what can be wrong and i know it can't be overheating.

i took out 1 stick of ram at a time and i stil lgot the same problems
First test i had only corsair in and 2nd test only nanya in.

Soooo i tried MEMtest, but when i try to put in a floppy the computer says there is none in there, even though i tried it with 4 different floppies. BTW the light is green on the drive and all cables are plugged in.

The only problem i think it could be is that the bios is not up to date and i cant flash it because i cant make a disk!!!
well thats it so...

PLZ PLZ HELP ME! and thanks for your opinions
What kind of sound? onboard? sounds a lot like an irq conflict or your sound driver. Video or sound sharing irqs with anything else?
First of all, load bios defaults, it means you run cpu and memory at stock speed, see if its stable, if you still have problems, try running memtest86 and see if the memory is error free.

Keep us updates with what happens.

I've had this problem before as well. Check the ram and make sure it's all the way (I know it sounds stupid, but I've seen this happend to a lot of people), becuase that can cause reboots like nobody's business.

Video and Audio drivers should be the newest. Bascially, what the last post said.

i have tried each stick of ram by itself, both seated in the slot closest to the CPU, and i get the problems still, and yes they are firmly in.

for some reason my floppy isnt reading any disks so i cant create the memtest disk.

i was thinking of flashing my bios but i cant do that as well
because i cant make the floppy, WTF?!!

Video drivers are up to date and im not sure about the audio drivers.

The horrible noise comes from the speakers. Onboard audio is disabled and i am using a SoundBlaster live 5.1 x-gamer.
do u know of any drivers that are newer for that?

i had the same problem when running everything at stock settings and the problems seem to come less often when im OCed.

Thx for your help thus far and keep the help coming!!!
Is the floppy light on all the time?

If so, you have the floppy cable in the wrong way round.
yes the floppy is on all the time.

what do you meanthe floppy cable is wrong?
do u mean that i should switch the floppy end around with the end that connects to the motherboard? does it make a difference?

well i am going to do that in a few minutes i guess.
if it matters i just recently bought some new round calbes.
If the flopppy light is staying on all the time, you have the cable wrong on the floppy drive end. The stripe (Pin 1) Should be towards the power supply, not towards yourself like the rest of the IDE Drives.
If the flopppy light is staying on all the time, you have the cable wrong on the floppy drive end. The stripe (Pin 1) Should be towards the power supply, not towards yourself like the rest of the IDE Drives.

sorry i dont inderstand what u are trying to say.
pin 1 is the red stripe on the flat cable (i dont think round cables are colored this way) and that should be right next to your power cable

ok my floppy is connected correctly but the light still stays green the whole time. i tried rearranging the cable but still nothinh.

i might put in my old ribbon cable to see if it works
nevermind i got it, i just kept flipping the cable on both ends until i got it. the red line on the round cable wasnt very noticable but now that it is facing the PSU it works, just like u said.

thx for your help:D

now i need help with the original problem ,lol
ok i used memtest on my first stick of RAM - the nanya brand

i ran it for 12hours and it had 67 passes and 0 errors so im guessing it is good right?
i'll test the Corsair tonight and report back later.
OK...I had a friend with the freezing in game problem...

First off, set everything back to stock, don't Overclock, then try to play and see what happenes...

Omega Drivers? I take it those aren't ATI Drivers, get the ATI Drivers if I'm right (sorry been out of the loop for some time on graphics)...

The Ram should be fine, but trying running 1 stick with everything stock and see if it works then...

Might be an IRQ Conflict...Using XP...

Start>Run>msconfig>Boot.ini Tab>Advanced>Put a Check, next to /PCI Lock...

Try that stuff in that order, and see what happens...
OK...I had a friend with the freezing in game problem...

First off, set everything back to stock, don't Overclock, then try to play and see what happenes...

Omega Drivers? I take it those aren't ATI Drivers, get the ATI Drivers if I'm right (sorry been out of the loop for some time on graphics)...

The Ram should be fine, but trying running 1 stick with everything stock and see if it works then...

Might be an IRQ Conflict...Using XP...

Start>Run>msconfig>Boot.ini Tab>Advanced>Put a Check, next to /PCI Lock...

Try that stuff in that order, and see what happens...
Make sure the video card is snugly fit as well. I had that problem a few months ago so i just updated everything and went in and pressed down on everything and all was good. Hmm.... maybe there are some detonators on your system too? Did you have an Nvidia card before your 9800? www.guru3d.com has a program called R.I.P Detonator I believe.
First off yes i did have nvidia drivers and i thought i completely removed them because i used a driver cleaner.

i just switched to the omega drivers recently because the ATI drivers weren't working.(thought maybe these would work)

Im going to run Detonator RIP now and also try that IRQ thing.
I dont think the OC has anything to do with it but ill put it back down to stock anyway.

I tried to flash my bios but for some reason it wont work.i put the file on my disk and when it starts it gives me an error that tells me to take out the disk.

these are the updated files

after downloadingthe bios file should i put that file on the disk?
when i double click the file two more come up, should i put these on instead of the original?
"I dont think"

Exactly, and that's the problem...

LOL, you need to think...You gotta test things, if it works a certain way, then you can start increasing settings, etc...but for right now, keep it stock...

You can't Flash your Bios, are you grabbing the right file, did you format a system boot disk?

Try resetting your CMOS then flashing...Are you sure that floppy is in right? IS it set in Bios to Be the FIRST Boot Device?

IT has to boot off of a restart (I'm sure you know this) to DOS...So you need to create a bootable floppy...
The reason i didn't think it was the OC was because the problems started way before that.

Anyway I used that Detonator RIP, i did that IRQ thing you mentioned, and then i flashed my BIOS.

I played CoD and CS for about an hour and so far no problems :D

i on ly have 1 small problem. when i right click files or folders it takes awhile for the menu to pop up, sometimes like a minute.

other than that i want ot thank everyone for their help!!