HELP, OCing a p3 700


Limp Gawd
Dec 7, 2003
i want to OC my old p3 700 to 933 - sounds resonable right?
its a socket 1 proccesor (plugs in like a PCi card)
also has 512mb of RAM and an ATI aiw 8500dv 64mb

i get it up to 854mhz no problem (temps are in the low 20C's)
if i up the FSB 1 more point the pc will lock up right after the winXP flash logo thing.

So can i get some help squeezing in some more MHz?
btw the PC has been running at 854 for about 4 months now without a problem

thx alot guys for your help
700 is 7x100 right

well just set it to 133 fsb immediatly

reason youre getting the freezing is the PCI bus isnt hitting the right divider points so its running way off of the normal 33 mhz. the dividers are at 66, 100, and 133 mhz, so just set it to 133 and it should automatically click in and be fine. if the proc cant take it it just wont boot but itll solve the locking on windows loading problem
ok thx, ill tinker around with that lin a bit.
my sister is sitting on that computer right now.
earlier on in the day i saw some guy with a p3 - 933 with pc2100 ram

i was wondering if my pc will take this as well coz i have an extra stick laying around. i would take out my pc133
ok i still cant get it any higher
here is what it is set at now

CPU Voltage: Auto <--- p4 ready 420w PSU
CPU Speed: Manual
CPU Ratio: x 7.5
CPU/PCi Frequency: 122/37(off) <--cant go higher
on/off means spread spectrum

if i raise it past 122 it wont go past the Post
when i set it to 133 immediatley the pc wont even boot.

can any of u over clocking gods help me with this little problem??
What speed is your RAM? PC100 or PC133? If it's PC100 it probably just can't handle 133 MHz.

Assuming it's PC133 you might next want to check the temperature of your CPU (if the motherboard supports it) at its current "maximum" under load. Under 50ºC is ok. If it's more than that you need better cooling and/or that's all the OC you're gonna get.

If your motherboard can't report the temperature open up the case and touch the heatsink with the back of a finger/hand. If it hurts it's probably too hot :D .

Next, if the temperature is ok, you might want to consider increasing the voltage to the CPU. Increase in the smallest increments available to you. I've never played with overvolting a P3, can someone fill in on a relatively "safe" voltage?

If none of this works you may just have to admit the CPU is not capable of going faster.
im a p3 overclocking god:D

so what mobo you got and whats the vcore?

i have a soyo that would run 144fsb on my 533 mhz cpu with 1.65agp and 3.4vmem with 6ns pc133
earlier on in the day i saw some guy with a p3 - 933 with pc2100 ram. i was wondering if my pc will take this as well coz i have an extra stick laying around. i would take out my pc133
The guy you saw was probably me. I dont know what motherboard you have, so I dont know if you can do it. There's a variant on the mobo I use that has slots for both pc100/133 OR pc1600/2100 giving you the option, but mine is just ddr. Dont expect giant gains in performance going to 2100......round 10% maybe. I think your gain of 154mhz is good, but like its been said, a slight tweak to the volts may help.
BTW: we really need to know what mobo you have.:rolleyes:
Ok this interests me :D

I just picked up a p3 533 socket? what number the socket is no idea. But it has a bigass orb fan on it, and a nice old asus board. I just got it in a trade with $$ for building this friend a new one, and I dont' know where they got it, but its not a Dell, someone who knew what they were doing built it. So its stock at 4 x 133. I dont' think I'll get very far with the FSB and they're multi locked right? :confused:
If its not the slot 1 its a socket 370 coppermine.
533eb,133 mhz bus x4,32k lvl1 /256k lvl2 cache, 1.65v;)

Yes, multiplier locked....Intel loves ya!
this is my motherboard

MS-6163 PRO not sure whatt kind of RAM is in there though
there is a stick of 256 and 2 sticks of 128
(it might be a mix of pc100 and pc133) i dont know

i upped the voltage but i dont know how much is safe
ill give u the reading in a bout 2 hours coz i have to do something right now

well thx for your help so far guys!
i have a ecs d6vaa mobo...and 2 p3 1ghzs on it...the most I was able to OC it was like 1.1ghz...yowza! it's a screamer!'s hot.
well I just cleaned out my HS/F and applied some fresh arctic silver ceramique on it.

the previous paste has been on since i got the pc in '98 or '99.

temps are around 35C on load, so not bad right?
At least youve got the highest processor you can handle. Its a 700e(100x7) that runs on 1.65v. Your board will go up to 155fsb, but I doubt youll get it that far( you'd get a gig from the proc - that'd be nice huh?). Your going to have to raise the volts SLOWLY and you may see some stability at your upper limit of bus. I dont know what bios u'r running, so I dont know your options. Dont forget, every proc is different even from the same die. Intel sent the slot all the way to a gig, so theoretically, its possible.
ok i got it up to 866. can u guys tell me more about what voltages and what they should be set at?

also is there a way to determine Pc133 ram from pc100?
the 256mb is pc133 for sure
but the other t sticks i dont know. (maybe even pc66)
on the ram chip there should be some numbers like
8797968T- 10 = pc100
7696786T-7.5 = pc133
Stupid 4x multiplier is BS. System has an Asus mobo in it, any idea how fast of a proc I could stick in it? Also wtf is the videocard, its a diamond stealth III s540?
diamond stealth III s540 is S3 Savage4 Pro and has a clock rate of 143core and 143 mem

what asus board is it?
laxjax13 said:
ok i got it up to 866. can u guys tell me more about what voltages and what they should be set at?
How important is voltage to overclocking? Well, since this varies on every system, I'll use my last CPU as an example. It was a Celeron II 566 (8.5 x 66 MHz bus default) that ran at 1.5 volts. When I first received this CPU, I immediately put it into my Abit BF6 motherboard and proceeded to overclock it. With the default 1.5 volts, the CPU could not make it over 620 MHz without crashing. So I put the voltage up to 1.6. Now it ran all the way up to 706 MHz without crashing. However, at 1.6 volts it would crash if I set it higher. So I put it to 1.7 volts and hoped for the best. Sure enough, I managed to hit 808 MHz without problems. I had heard that many people with Celeron II 566 CPUs could hit 850 no problem. So I tried 1.75 volts. Sure enough, it hit 850 without problems. At 1.75 volts it refused to go farther, though. At 1.8 volts I managed 876 MHz. I dropped it back to 1.75v @ 850, however, because of heat issues.
There are a couple simple rules I abide by when tweaking the voltage of a CPU:
1) Voltage = Heat - Higher voltage obviously means more heat. Higher voltage may allow you to overclock a CPU higher, but without proper cooling, the PC will freeze or have other problems farther down the road.
2) .3 Volts over Default; MAXIMUM! - It's a bit conservative for some users, but I rarely push a CPU higher than .3 volts over the default setting. Not only will it create more heat, but it could possibly damage the CPU. If you want to push your CPU higher, go for it. Just remember, I don't recommend it.
also is there a way to determine Pc133 ram from pc100?
I use a little proggy called "CPUZ" that gives some nice readouts on your cpu,bus speed, memory info + timings amond other things. Get it here:
which voltages should i increase?
CPU or chipset, or both?

ive been upping both by .1
hey Monkey34 thx for that link i just tested that on my newer pc and found out that i have a stick of pc2100 and a stick of pc2700
(thought i had 2 pc2100s, lol)

now i know that they are both running at pc2100 so should i try to sell the pc2100 ?

or will there be a performance increase with the 2700 alone?
Well, I dont know the computer, but youll lose performance if you loose hafl of your memory, no matter the speed. Now if you were to replace that 2100 (do u have 2-256mb's, 2-128's, 512
's?)with another should see a difference. What are the specs on that rig?
(I want first dibs if u sell it)
hummm makes me want to see if my 300a is still working... and what i can do to it:D
Main Rig Specs:
p4-2.53 gigs on a Shuttle As45GT mobo
512mb of Corsair pc2100
512mb of Nanya pc2700
ATI Radeon 9800
SB Live Gamer Thermaltake Purepower 420w
WD 80gig Caviar

All wrapped up in a chieftecdragon case w/ with some minor mods

p3 700 @ 867 mhz
512mb of ram - 1stick of 256mb of pc133 and 2 sticks of 128 pc100
WD 20gb
Ati AIW radeon 8500dv
Originally posted by laxjax13
p4-2.53 gigs on a Shuttle As45GT mobo
512mb of Corsair pc2100
512mb of Nanya pc2700
ATI Radeon 9800
SB Live Gamer Thermaltake Purepower 420w
WD 80gig Caviar
what does this have to do with anything?

p3 700 @ 867 mhz
512mb of ram - 1stick of 256mb of pc133 and 2 sticks of 128 pc100
WD 20gb
Ati AIW radeon 8500dv

what mobo?
if you notice he used cpuz (that I just told him to get) on his other rig and noticed he had 2 different sticks of mem. Its not like he started talking about the fall of communism or something:rolleyes:
It was relax.
Asus Cuv4x any good? A few reviews on it looked favorable....though I don't think I'll get to far with a chip on a 4x multi
would flashing the bios help in my OC?

i went on the MSi site and the bios wasn't exactly for
MS-6163 PRO but for MS-6163fc20

Does it matter?
Originally posted by laxjax13
would flashing the bios help in my OC?

i went on the MSi site and the bios wasn't exactly for
MS-6163 PRO but for MS-6163fc20

Does it matter?

yes it matters what bios you have and the non pro bios isnt going to work with you pro mobo
I think you've got some issues;)
I dont know what the problem is, but I just downloaded all of them as a test, and it downloaded fine.:rolleyes:
Pm me with an e-mail address, and I'll e-mail the ones you want to you.:D