Search results

  1. L

    FS---1GIG(2x512) CORSAIR RAM

    if they aren't sold contact me on aim - laxjaxx13
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    FS: Corsair 512 ddr stick

    bump for epic traded this ram to him and it's really good quality
  3. L

    Fs 3 Harddrives, 40, 1.5, .5

    how fast is the 40gig hardrive? also what area of chicago are u at?
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    Free Samples of Post-IT Note Products

    got mine today :D
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    Network/computer + torrent issues

    thx for the tips Direwolf20, i never new those things. a lot of the time my upload is at around 30kb, how do i maek it so my max is around 10 ? im using bittorent 3.4.1 i might just use bitcomet like someone already suggested if this doesnt get fixed
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    Network/computer + torrent issues

    wait i finally got it but the speeds havent increased.
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    Network/computer + torrent issues

    or is it somehow possible to force my PC to have higher bandwith than my sisters. i have 3mb cable between 2 pcs. my sister only surfs the net and uses AIM on hers so she doesnt need that much i guess. so is it possible to set so that i get like 2mb and my sister only 1 or soemthing like...
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    Network/computer + torrent issues

    k thx illcheck those links out tomorrow when i have time coz im going to bed now. the fastest ive dwonloaded a torrent was 60 but i average around 30-40, so all my torrent downloads are done when im out or sleeping.
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    Network/computer + torrent issues

    k ill have to look through it btw i have ICF disabled, so doesnt that mean that i laready have these ports opened?
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    Network/computer + torrent issues

    i jsut came here to ask the same question as bartosz and see that it already has been answered. however i dont know how to forward ports to my pc. i have a linksys router split between 2 pcs, Xp-pro, and 3mb cable if u can tell me how to do it with some in depth explanations that would be...
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    FREE Microsoft Security Update CD

    na no need for a new thread. just post here if u get anything other than february. i wonder theyll ship cds liek this out for sp2
  12. L

    FREE Microsoft Security Update CD

    which version of the cd are u guys getting? i got February 2004. was wondering if they give out march or april as well?
  13. L

    anyone network w/ comcast?

    thx i had no problems all i did was hook both pcs up to the router and i immediatly got conenctivity on obth pcs
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    anyone network w/ comcast?

    the comcast tech is going to be here tomorrow to install the cable and i was wondering how difficult it is to share the connection with 2 pc? ill bring a pc downstairs and ha ve the tech install the stuff on the pc( bringing it downstairs coz thats where my Linksys router is) after he...
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    FS: Prometeia Mach I

    im using a va720 and its the best monitor ive ever used IMO
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    hagg3rtys store mobo/ram/and more

    those are round IDE cables right? if so i call dibs on them email me at [email protected]
  17. L

    FREE Microsoft Security Update CD

    got mine today,and installed it today. thx i noticed that it is for Feb 2004. do u think if u fill 1 out every month you'll get an updated version?
  18. L

    FS: Wireless Router | 2x 256mb pc133 ram

    ill take 1 of those sticks of ram off your hands . drop me an email [email protected]
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    1.95 blow out on 24" silver IDE cables

    hmm now that u mention it my WD 80SE has clicked a few times in the past 2 months. i only hear it click like once a week TOPS, maybe once a month even. is that bad?
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    1.95 blow out on 24" silver IDE cables

    never ordered from this company before, when do u think ill get my package. i ordered on friday with ground shipping. will i get it by Friday?
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    WTB Somewhat older parts

    i got an ATI AIW 8500dv email me if anything [email protected]
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    WTB/WTTF: Rackmount server and PC2100 ECC DDR ram

    i have a 512mb stick of Corsair value ram pc2100 email me if anything [email protected]
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    OC'ing the Pentium 3

    good luck with that my secondary pc is a p3 700 @ 880 with a 256mb stick of pc133 and an ATI AIW 8500dv i had 512 ram in there but it was pc100 and i was only able to clock it to about 850. if i get another 256 stick of pc133 u think ill be able to get it to 933? currently at 933 its...
  24. L

    Spice up 'cheap' case (Pics)

    More pics please :D i love the blue case ps is that the highest you can get your p3 700? i got mine up to 880 stable but am having problems with 933. what are the rest of the specs
  25. L

    Best Buy: 512MB PC2700 $50 AR

    LMAO!!! same thing happend to me with some IDE cables that i ordered. i was to late and didn't really read and ended up ordering 3 rounded floppy cables with 2 connectors on each :rolleyes:
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    Cruical Ran,Hard Drive,1800+,gfti4200 for sell

    is the price of the 256 stick negotiable?
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    Cruical Ran,Hard Drive,1800+,gfti4200 for sell

    who makes the pc133 ?
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    WTB: 128 or 256mb of pc133 Ram?

    can someome make me a deal on some of this ram? i need 1 stick of 256 or a 2 x 128
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    F/S PIII 733 MHz cpu, 256 mb ram, atx case

    who ever bought the ram if ur interested in selling it i can try to make u a deal? pm if anything
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    1.95 blow out on 24" silver IDE cables

    Crap they were floppy all along, i was in such a rush that i didnt reall check and i ordered 2 of those for $1.90 and another single floppy cable for like 2 more. so now im stuck with 3 floppy cables :( and ill probably use just one of them.
  31. L

    1.95 blow out on 24" silver IDE cables

    thx ordered 2 of those and a floppy cable
  32. L

    Random Reboots

    i got the same error message with my 9800 :( i get that "flatline" sound as well, and ive tried like 20 different drivers. only the older ones seem to work 3.5 and down and anything above i get errors. let me know if u fix it.
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    fan replacement for the ps2?

    dont know if this is off topic or not, but the fan in my ps2 is getting really loud since i bought it so many years ago. so i was wondering what size of fan it uses(looks smaller than an 80mm) and if you have a suggestion for something quite and maybe something with a led?
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    X-Hour is right now! (9PM EST)

    man and i was about to order one of those cpu coolers, and i missed the x-hour :(
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    Video card question (radion 7200)

    well not only do u have an old graphics card but you also have a slow processor. myabe u can try to overclock it a bit?
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    Cooling on 9800XT with side window fan...

    what does the rest of the cooling in your case look like?
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    Cooling on 9800XT with side window fan...

    rush your temps dropped 5c when u set the side fan as an intake or exhaust? i currently have a side fan blowing onto my 9800, ill have to ry this out later.
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    yea, cuz i put my volts to 1.725 thinking 1.7 is the norm and after playing counter strike for 30 seconds my pc restarted.
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    i checked my voltages in cpuz and it is at 1.504v. that's kind of low isn't it? what's the highest voltage i can run without worrying about anything frying?
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    Free USB memory stick

    whew, good thing i put in a fake phone number :D some lady called me from mercedes (remember that free mug) i didnt get that either yet.