

Limp Gawd
Dec 7, 2003
i want to OC my p4 2.53 to 3gigs.
im at 2.66 right now with 1.725 volts. is this to much?
from experience, how high do u guys think my vcore should be at 3gigs? i know that u have to increase slowly but what do u guys think because i dont want to go overboard.

rest of my specs
Thermaltake Purepower 420w
ATI Radeon 9800
1024 pc2100 Ram
WD 80 GB

the highest temps i get for the cpu are 45C at full load
your only supposed to increase vcore when your unstable, and i believe you shouldn't go past 1.7v, but im not sure
To be on the safe side try to keep your core under 1.7 volts. Lock your agp/pci to 66/33 default and see if you can oveclock higher. Also, you can raise your ram voltage to 2.8 volts.
right now my vcore is set at default but i dont know what the number is.

so i put the vcore to 1.725 thinking it was 1.7 default and raised the mhz to 2.66 and after a few minutes of cs it went up past 50 and restarted... i dont know how high it went but in cmos it said 50 after the restart.
Not to thread jack but...

I'm on a 2.6C currently at 3.4, I want to go higher but it either reboots, or blue screens whenever i do... i'm at 1.65vcore, 2.8vdimm, is the vcore holding me back? If so, whats the safe zone (ie no risk to kill) to go upto?

I'm running:

IC7 Max3
Mushkin Level 1 PC3500 2x256
AIW9800 Pro

Sometimes when I boot up, in the bios, I can change the multiplier, is this a good thing? (It only happens 1/10, but it changes succesfully when I do)
Originally posted by laxjax13
right now my vcore is set at default but i dont know what the number is.

so i put the vcore to 1.725 thinking it was 1.7 default and raised the mhz to 2.66 and after a few minutes of cs it went up past 50 and restarted... i dont know how high it went but in cmos it said 50 after the restart.

just use mbm5 to see what the voltage is currently
Originally posted by tehandydumke
or go into bios and go to pc health

basicly the same as mbm5...... cept one in windows, one in bios
i checked my voltages in cpuz and it is at 1.504v.
that's kind of low isn't it?
what's the highest voltage i can run without worrying about anything frying?
Originally posted by laxjax13
i checked my voltages in cpuz and it is at 1.504v.
that's kind of low isn't it?
what's the highest voltage i can run without worrying about anything frying?

i don't believe that is low for a P4 system, i think that is actually correct.....

as for how high, i wouldn't go pasy 1.7v, but you might want to stay even lower if your temps start getting kinda high (upper50s to mid60s)
yea, cuz i put my volts to 1.725 thinking 1.7 is the norm and after playing counter strike for 30 seconds my pc restarted.
the default vcore for a P4 is like 1.5 or 1.55VDC. I on a 2.4C @ 3.00 at 1.6 and I kinda think it's over kill. Try what the other guys said. Set your vcore to default and go untill you unstable then raise it .05 at a time. If your mobo will allow set your RAM divider to 3:2, it will help take your ram out of the picture. Hope that helps, Mike
its 1.52 for P4C processors

i can get my 2.4 to 3.4 on stock voltages so you shouldnt need to raise it unless your sure thats your problem