The Nike Adapt BB Is the Latest Iteration of the Self-Lacing Shoe


Fully [H]
Apr 10, 2003
The Nike Adapt BB is a $350 self-lacing shoe with wireless charging. A custom motor and gear train senses the tension needed by the foot and adjusts accordingly to keep the foot snug. The tensile strength of the underfoot lacing can pull up to 32 pounds of force and the tension of the laces can be adjusted with an app. Nike promises to provide customers with new digital services and features over time with opt-in firmware updates.

"That's where the brain, or FitAdapt tech, kicks in. By manual touch or by using the Nike Adapt app on a smartphone, players can input different fit settings depending on different moments of a game. For example, during a timeout, a player can loosen the shoe before tightening it up as they re-enter the game. In a forthcoming feature, they can even prescribe a different tightness setting for warm-ups. Plus, players can opt in to firmware updates for the FitAdapt technology as they become available, sharpening the precision of fit for players and providing new digital services over time."
Get rid of the phone and make them voice activated,..then you have a winner on your hands. Don't forget to add programmable LED's, cooling fans, flexible OLED screens, wifi support, and 6 channel audio!

A freaking entertainment system for your feet! Just don;t forget to turn off the streaming porn before going into the grocery store!
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I see some of the local wildlife waking up at noon:30 out zombie wandering walmart and dollar store and after creating unwanted children, tying their shoes may have been the most productive and intellectually challenging thing they did that whole day. C'mon Nike don't rob that last sliver of life from them.

Maybe those people should get an education and learn to shitpost and facebook from your goverment job like the rest of us!
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in the case of sports i can actually see this being a useful thing.
in the case of my fat ass not wanting to get off the couch however? i personally have zero use for this.
Everyone is making bank selling user data. They just want in on that.

Every fucking thing these days has to have a phone next to it. Water boiler? It's got the smarts now! Shoes? They're smart, too. Just install the app, silly. All it needs is access to your location history, contact list, camera, and mic.
Adjusting velcro straps probably takes less time than messing around with your phone. Plus it makes a satisfying noise. Who needs to tie shoes? :)
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You can almost guarantee these will operate on some sort of subscription based model. When you decide to stop paying, your laces will default to open.
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I'll stick with my current lace-less shoes that work just fine without electricity. :p
You can almost guarantee these will operate on some sort of subscription based model. When you decide to stop paying, your laces will default to open.

Most kids I see running about the neighborhood do not have their laces tied.
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what happens when your shoes get hacked or wet can you not wear them LULZ? antifootware software updates needed!
I imagine it is only a matter of time before this is hacked and someone's feet held ransom. "Give us the money or we won't untie your shoes..."
- People are too lazy to go buy their own fast food
- People are too lazy to go buy their own groceries
- People are too lazy to tie their own shoes

Holy crap, I'm starting to sound like a grumpy old man!
Get off my lawn!
I'll stick with my current lace-less shoes that work just fine without electricity. :p
And just exactly were is the [H]ard in that -- gotta overclock and nitrogen cool those bitches to lace up as soon as they touch your foot! ;)

I really want a pair that will do all the running for me, send 'em over to McD's for a biggie sized "health" meal with a 64 oz cup of sugar water. mmmm
This is the future I dreamed of dreaded. Internet-connected shoe laces. In another decade, I'll be explaining to kids how we used to tie our own laces. And walk 6 miles to school. Up hill. In both directions.

You forgot to include "in the snow" :p
$350 for a pair of shoes?

Market audience is low income neighborhoods of inner cities?

Sounds about right.
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Hmm....... The possibilities.....


Next they'll come up with smart dildos that vibrate differently depending what kind of notification you receive. FB friend request? two short bzzt sounds. new grinder request? two long bzzst sounds. And so on.

Now, if you'll excuse, I think dash dot dash means incoming call or something. It's still new
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Police will love arresting the target audience of these shoes with a simple app override rendering the user Incapacitated!
Next they'll come up with smart dildos that vibrate differently depending what kind of notification you receive. FB friend request? two short bzzt sounds. new grinder request? two long bzzst sounds. And so on.

Now, if you'll excuse, I think dash dot dash means incoming call or something. It's still new
It already exists. I can't link it but it exists.
Wait does it have RGB or not? No sale if not. The next gen vacuums have RGB, pretty sure that Slightly Mad Studio thing is a vacuum right?

EDIT: Lol it does, lights show charging level. If it shows weight level then I'm having second thoughts.
So, Nike is saying that the people who buy their shoes aren't smart enough to tie their shoes on their own. How sad.
OMFG, how did i ever make it 48 years tying my own fkn shoes...........
the amount of cash they spent on R&D just to make these makes me sick. what happens if they get wet? do they come with a "100,000 step warranty" ( stepping in dog shit voids ....)wow, just buy some snake oil , what a dumb fkn idea.
This is amusing. One thing I can tell you is that hiking boots should fit so that you don't have to use laces to do much more than cinch up the very top. Otherwise they don't fit. Your feet will swell as you put miles on them and tight boots suck mightily.
In all seriousness if the tech ever gets cheap it will sell very well for parents and older people with back/arthritic issues.