Half-Life 2 - Far Cry - Doom 3.

I think publishers must release a demo before previews or similar hype is allowed. I mean,everyone gets so charged up over this and that some other fool without a real job says,that you buy the game and it's not what you thought it would be.

Take Far Cry, for instance ( :D - shameless hyping of own favourite...). No hype, just pure unadulterated simple eye-candied fun! How can you compare that storyline (although done in many B-rated action movies) to that of Doom 3? The story of Doom 3 doesn't even follow on that of the first 2! I understand it was a modern remake of the series, but then why do they call it Doom 3, and not Doom Millenium, or Remake, or Rehash, or Upgrade, or some shit like that. Doesn't make any sense.

As to Half-Life 2, yup - there is a story. Problem is WTF is it? I read the development process of Half-Life 2, and it sure as hell doesn't seem that there was a coherent script laid out from the first HL. They just make shit up according to what the engine can do and when the game must be released. They leave in so many loopholes that everyone thinks it's 'Oh so wonderful' X-files stuff, but they can turn it into a WWII failed time travel experiment bullshit to invading aliens to interdimensional rift domesticates humanity nonsense, etc. in HL3 and no-one would know the difference. VERY open-ended, no excuses. That kinda blows the "story driven" aspect to hell for me. More like 'acid induced bottom line sales pitch driven', if you ask me.

Now, Far Cry ( ;) )is nice and straightforward and very corny, yet do-able in the world of PC games. At least you know what is going on. Can't say the same for HL2...

That's one of the nice things about the shitload of WW2 games - the story is do-able. The game can focus on eye candy and action, not story.

I say keep the story believable, no need to go to town to try and make up some almost believable totally incoherent shit and then forget why we all buy the fastest and most expensive hardware with our $'s. It's all about the eye-candy! Else let's stick to Wolfenstein - spear of destiny.
For me, it'd be:
2)Far Cry
3)HL2 (close)

I loved D3. Best gfx IMO of the three with a surprisingly efficient engine. I rarely had any noticable fps dips in game, unlike Far Cry and HL2 at similar settings. Also seemed to have the best atmosphere of the three... I jumped out of my seat a few more times than I'd like to admit :p.

Far Cry was good, but the trigens were lame, and the story and voice acting sucked. Awesome visuals and sound fx though.

I was kinda disappointed with HL2... mainly because I bought into all the hype that this game was gonna be completely revolutionary. It was just sooooo linear, and scripted, it almost felt like I was watching a movie instead of actually playing a game. I was sort of expecting a Far Cry esq game only in a metropolitan setting (huge maps/lots of free space to roam/multiple options for attack strategies)... but it seemed to basically be a corridor crawl (ala D3) without the scare factor, disguised as an open ended fps : /

Plus with steam and stuttering probs... ugh.
6800GTOwned said:
I was sort of expecting a Far Cry esq game only in a metropolitan setting (huge maps/lots of free space to roam/multiple options for attack strategies)... but it seemed to basically be a corridor crawl (ala D3) without the scare factor, disguised as an open ended fps : /

Plus with steam and stuttering probs... ugh.

I rest my case - we all wanted Far Cry with a bit more thought to the story! Throw in some D3 engine characteristics to make the sailing smoother, heat and serve! Serves milions!!

IDSourceCry - now that would be an engine! Just need a good story! Maybe work in some naked women... :D

I'm actually bored with playing FPS's - Pirates! is the answer! Aaargh.
There was a thread with a poll about which was better. HL2 was the runaway fav, followed by Farcry. Doom3 was deal last, where it should be.
My ranking...

1. Far Cry - Totally caught me off-guard, unbelievable graphics, original story line, long playing experience. Only game I replay regularly. Hope to see some mods soon. Definitely looking for a sequel.

2. Doom 3 - Best looking game, extremely smooth gameplay, creepy, scary, very fun, looking forward to the expansion pack.

3. Half-Life 2 - Never lived up to the hype (probably couldn't), lots of bugs, boring story, boat and car levels too long, too much soldier combat, not enough of the sci-fi mystery of HL1, are we gonna have to wait another six years to reach the conclusion?
1 Half life
Although nothing could have lived up to the hype, HL2 has much more visceral quality than Doom III or Farcry. The attaention to scene detail is awesome and the replayability is great (2 times completed, going for a third) And scales for hardware better than either Doom or Farcry - indication of great coding.

2 Far Cry
Absolutely mind blowing graphics, it set the standard that all other FPS games need to grasp for, but little else.
6.28X10E28 Brittany's Dance Beat

6.28X10E28 +1 Doom III
The hype was awesome, the graphics were great, the gameplay was plodding and one dimensional.

In other words HL2 > *
thats a negatron. "Scales well" does not simply mean it runs on crappy computers.

RagingSamster said:
And scales for hardware better than either Doom or Farcry - indication of great coding.
hl2 does scale better than far cry and doom3 on lower end machines, its not really debatable.
The part I was refering too is that he equates scaling with good coding. As for scaling, Quake2 scales better than half-life2, does that mean anything to anyone?
ECM said:
Far Cry probably would have come out on top but, for some reason, the whole trigen business really messed it up for me.
I hear you on that. I loved the game until they put in the trigens. I was sneaking around through the brush taking out mercenaries and sniping over the hills, and then all of a sudden i was being bombarded having to bust out the biggest weapon i had and hurry up and shoot those pieces of crap before they got one hit on me because it would kill you. I never finished the game until about a month back when i realized i still had yet to finish.

Half-Life 2
Doom 3 (scare factor, never so good in a game + lighting effects)
Far Cry
By scales well means that I was duly impressed that a game with such outstanding graphics ran so well on what is now considered a mid-range card ( see specs below) and I do believe that that equates with good coding.
1. Doom3
2. Far Cry
3. HL2

Doom3 for me was the most immerisve, Far Cry was fun, but the invinicble rocket toting trigens at the end were . . . worthless. Now for HL2 I did enjoy the game and thought it had a lot going for it . . . BUT it has been a long while since I wanted to fling a game out my window so someone would drive over it. The game was supposed to be open ended and allow you to use physics, but more often than not I found myself hindered by the game. It is extremely frustrating to be able to move objects in order to climb over a wall and not be able to do so because the game is coded not to let you.

1. Doom 3
2. Far Cry
3. Half Life 2

Overall / GOTY

1. Half Life 2
2. Doom 3
3. Far Cry
HL2 was as much of a techdemo as Doom 3 was. You got a physics engine with some semblance of a game behind it, but not much else. FarCry was a real game.
I thought Far Cry was ruined by the Tridgents, seriously stupid, the little ones on EASY MODE, took of all your health or all your amour in one hit, when you have about 8 chasing you and can jump almost an unlimted length and land and hit you on impact i found them really annoying. I dislike games that start of promising and delve into genetics and have monsters chasing after you by half way through the game. RTCW had me annoyed/dissapointed in the same way. No real storyline a bit pleh.

Doom3 Scared the living pants of me, most atmospheric out of the lot, looked fantastic, was generally a decent game all around, if you bought it expecting storyline then you should know better, its a zombie shooter thats supposed to be scary and action packed.

Half Life 2, the story didn't exist, I felt i spent most of my time going from one place to another without actually knowing why I was doing so, and generally it just felt cheap in the storyline department, some of the things HL2 was supposed to be famous for turned out to be a bit lame, AI didnt appear any better than a lot of other game, the phyiscs are now nothing new, the breakable objects were cool at first but once you notcied things broke in the same way it wasn't special anymore.

I'd rate doom3 best, simply because the game is best for what it was deisgned to be, Doom3 set out to be scary, dark, make you feel alone in a hellish atmosphere and general meant to make you change your pants every few mins, and they acomplished it with style.

Half life 2 next, despite its let downs it was still a solid singleplayer, i dont think it deserves GOTY, too many little problems with the game, had the storyline been better or rather had you known more about what was going on around you, then it would have instantly been 10x better, I just felt like I was wandering around lost.

far cry, still a decent game, again i have problems with it, the enemys i felt were too tough for a lot of it and well the best parts were basically the tropics, the indoors, underground, dark areas were crap i thought, should have remained more outdoors where the engine shined its best.

All were top notch games in many respects but i felt doom3 achieved what it was set out to do the best, if you dont like that sort of thing then well thats fair enough but for fans of the genre it was a big hit.
2)Far Cry
3)Doom 3

HL2 lived up to every bit of hype that it got... far cry deffinatly came in a close 2nd... but doom 3 just disappointed me in the gameplay caterogory
1. Far Cry
2. Riddick
3. HL2
4. Doom3

That's my order or ranking on the FPS games in 2004. Call of Duty from 2003 would be either second or third on this list if I included it. Doom 3 was the most over-hyped POS game I ever had the mispleasure to blow $50 on. I didn't even bother to finish it because I got extremely bored with it after a while. Considering Far Cry came outta nowhere with no hype made it even better.
1. HL2
I just found it to be a game that I was able to get into and that actually kept my attention.

2. FarCry
It was pretty good, I liked it, what more can I say

3. Doom3
Haven't even tried it yet, maybe soon
Sizer said:
HL2 was as much of a techdemo as Doom 3 was. You got a physics engine with some semblance of a game behind it, but not much else. FarCry was a real game.

Amen brother! :D

As to GOTY, I wonder what would have been the case had the order of release been different?

What if they released in the order of:

1.) Half-Life 2
2.) Doom 3
3.) Far Cry

I think the popularity of HL2 would have been seriously different... Considering the eye-candy in each game, respectively. HL2 looks like development started 6 years ago, IYKWIM. Doom 3 looks pretty good, but its all inside spaces. FC looks breathtaking.

At least it would have maked sense if they released in the above order, considering the graphic capabilities of the games.
Maybe if I had a good enough graphics card to see all of the details it might have helped the wow factor of far cry, but no amount of details can make up for the dumb story and the stupid trigens.
1. Doom 3
2. Farcry
3. HL2

I liked D3...it gave me what I expected, and none of these games created atmosphere as well as D3 did. I grew up with the original doom series though...I loved that as well - easily my favorite style of FPS.
I was curious as to when this comparison was going to rear it's ungly head on this forum. I've been with the large majority of the crowd out there and bought into all three of these games, expecting great things. This year was truly the 'year of the shooter' having, Doom 3, Half-Life 2, Far Cry (a surprise) & Halo 2 come out in a year really juices people for a genre known for its repetitive game play and cookie-cutter antics. Personally I ranked the three PC shooters as follows:

1) Half-Life 2
2) Far Cry
3) Doom 3

My reasoning behind this? Half-Life 2 had an amazing story, entertaining gameplay, and amazing attention to detail in the game. It was one of those titles that you where actually in jubilation and saddness at the same time when it ended. Far Cry, this game gets props for going out of the relative grey-matter and taking us by storm. A somewhat shotty story line was more than made-up for by entertaining game play, and a good AI, not to mention the sheer length of the title deserves some congrats. It was the longest shooter I've ever played, bar none. Doom 3, getting my #3 nod, and it would drop to #4 of I included Halo 2 in here... because it frankly didn't do anything new. It wowed people with the amazing graphical might of the engine. Other than that? It did manage to scare the living daylights out of me at a few points. I'm not a jumpy fellow and I almost took the arm off a friend of mine whom snuck up on me playing it (I wear headphones when playing on the PC). Anyway that's how I say it.

Tagge said:
"There are two infinates: The universe, and human stupidity, and I'm not so sure about the first." - Albert Einstein

A well-reasoned post, but the snark-monster won't allow me to pass up the irony of a spelling error in a famous quote about stupidity. Oh, and the quote actually starts "Only two things are infinite" No offense.

On the other hand, I thought Far Cry blew. It looked decent, but on my pretty good machine (specs in sig), HL2 and D3 looked better. The no-save 'feature' is a deal-killer for me. I'm a working guy with two kids; sometimes I don't have very long to devote to gaming. I need to be able to save my progress and come back later.

HL2 looks amazing and has the advantage of an intelligent physics engine, allowing things that no other game has before. The too-linear storyline (a trait shared with D3) holds it back a bit, but it still has the most fully-realized world I've yet seen. And it's beautiful. Wish the story were better though.

Doom3 I bought having played all the previous id games back to Wolfenstein 3D. I knew there wasn't going to be a brilliant storyline; I wasn't looking for that. I wanted what id games have traditionally been: exciting, tense fragathons. And Doom3 delivered is spades.

Mix in D3 with late night, lights out, and 6.1 cranked ... this is easily the most scary game I've played in a long, long time. It's made me jump more while playing than I have with any game in at least a decade. When I first got D3, I had to limit my playing time to like an hour and a half at a stretch; I got so jumpy that any longer made it difficult for me to sleep. When a game sucks you into the gameplay so much that you virtually forget you're holding a mouse and punching a keyboard ... that game is an unqualified success.

I'd rank it like this:
1. Doom3
1.5 HL2
2. NBA Live 2005
42. Far Cry
HL2 was barely better than Far Cry, but both are well ahead of D3.
hl2 > farcry > doom3 gameplay wise...

Graphics wise IMO its
doom3 > farcry > hl2
Far Cry
Doom 3

Haven't played HL2, don't intend to either.

I really am disappointed in Doom 3.. I'm a huge ID fan and this game just plain sucked. After 400 monsters jumping out of a dark corner or a wall, the whole scariness factor gets turned into an annoyance factor. I also don't like how they "alienated" the monsters.. I was always impressed with the monsters in Doom and Doom 2 because they looked more like creatures from hell, and with Doom 3 it's like playing some lame alien invasion game, they all just look so, cookie-cutter. In the fact that it's really nothing different than what you'd see in the 238 other FPS games that pre-date D3.

I also didn't like the close-quarters, constantly.. At least in the old games you'd have a little bit of close quarters and then a big-ass room to run around and kill things in.

Which brings me to Far Cry.. I love outdoors.. They did a great job with the graphics, good storyline, awesome weapons (D3 weapons are so terrible), and a 5 to 10 person deathmatch LAN on monkeybay is downright AWESOME.

As far as HL2 goes, my friend got it for free with a video card, he's got the same exact taste in games as I do, he told me not to waste my money on it unless I really really want to play CS Source.. I'll take his word for it and wait until the price drops to at least 30 bucks before I pick it up for Source.
I liked all three, but as far as best "enjoyable" game that was far cry. The graphics, the AI, the free roam play....i thought it was far and away a complete package game. Doom3 relt like i was rails, and even more so was Half Life 2. The story in HL2 sucked in IMHO, it was run run run, fight a boss at the end. Very little depth/development if any....I felt cheated after I was done..
HALO 2 is 1337!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LOL.......just kiddin

1.HL-2 / Far-Cry
2. Doom 3

I enjoyed HL-2 and Far Cry equally. Far Cry just looks beautiful!!
forcemac101 said:
I liked all three, but as far as best "enjoyable" game that was far cry. The graphics, the AI, the free roam play....i thought it was far and away a complete package game. Doom3 relt like i was rails, and even more so was Half Life 2. The story in HL2 sucked in IMHO, it was run run run, fight a boss at the end. Very little depth/development if any....I felt cheated after I was done..

My opinion is the same as this guys. Half-Life 2 was good. But Far Cry was a more "full" game. I loved the free roaming part. There were always different directions to approach things from. The weapons system is smart (more like Halo but I dont mind that). The looks made it cool, but certainly are not what made it a "good" game. It was some of the stupid crap, like what you can hear the enemy saying about you and the general stuff they do aorund the place. It was all the little touches that made it a good game, from the ham acting to the cheesey one-liners. Neither of the other two came close in that respect. Yeah the plot was B-grade arnie movie stuff...but so what...that's what made it so good, tongue in cheek is no bad thing if its done well.
Now are we talking Doom 3 w/o duct tape mod or with, lol

I thought Doom 3 was just too dark. I like to see what i'm shooting at every now and then.

My list:
1). HL2 (most complete, engaging story)
2). Doom 3 (atmosphere, engine both amazing)
3). Far Cry (story was just dumb, graphics did the talking)
My vote goes to FarCry. I must admit I'm a !!!!!!, but I never recovered from being blown away by:
1. Outdoor scenes look great and cheaper than going to the maldives. Besides, you can't shoot guns there anyway.
2. Immersive game play. A high degree of stealth is required, which is realistic and results in a lot of fear and excitement.
3. Non linear/freedom to explore.

Some people called them corny, but the taunts of the Mercenaries were funny and added to the atmosphere. I eventually finished the game and wanted more. Now I've got all the third party maps to explore.

HL2 so far has dissapointed me.
1. It's pretty easy
2. It's scripted which takes away the feeling of it being a real world.
3. Invisible walls stopping me from accessing areas I'm not supposed to go to yet.
4. Linear, so linear.

D3 - I have no desire to play it. I'm a chicken and I hate splatter movies.
1. HL2 - disregarding the hype, I loved the first one so much this one probly coulda looked like pac-man and id still have liked it...:D
2. Far Cry - never read a word about it and bought it on a whim one day...very satisfied with my impulse buy for once.
3. Doom 3 - scared me a whole bunch...but kinda boring besides the eye candy...

but now WoW just consumes all my time haha :p

Farcry was a great game but WAAAAAY too hard at the Volcano level. I had to resort to "Godmode" cheats for the first time EVER in a game just to get through it. By the way, you can auto save in Farcry by pressing "~" to bring up the console and then typing "\save_game" makes it much more enjoyable then the annoying checkpoint system.
Judging by what some people are saying they're buying their games for the wrong reasons, anyone buying doom3 and expecting stroyline or non-linear game play is just kidding themselfs or is totaly stupid.

Another thing, out of all the games, Far Cry actually started out as a tech demo, and evolved into a game.

I still maintain that Doom3 does its job the best, each engine is atuned to a certain design stratergy, Doom3 is imensly detailed indoor areas, FarCry is lucious outdoor jungle areas and HL2 is a good mix between the 2.

Theres always less people who enjoy scary things, I do enjoy a good scare but I tend only to want that adrenaline rush once in a while, im not a junky or anything. Doom3 was a nice break from the norm and I'm playing it through AGAIN but now i have bedroom back (dont ask) i can setup my 5.1 and its about 12x worse, even when I know most of the enemy spawns etc.

I'd say most of what HL2 had to offer was in its storyline and a sort of dynamic gameplay, and it really fell down a LOT more than expected, in this respect Doom3 is far far better, it was designed to be a scary shooter packed with atmosphere and make you crap your pants and it worked, 100%.
i am on my third day of playing hl2... all i can say that in my book this game is much better than Doom 3... the storyline "to me" is great, im just past the chapter named "Anticitizen One" its pretty awesome now :)

i hated doom 3 it was like oooh im a little surprised then... i bet theres something around that corner there.. UT OH THERE IS i knew it!

FARCRY also had a pretty decent story line though, so I liked it almost as much, but it got really hard "for me" when those beast like monkeys got put into the game, it was insane :)
HL2 - What can I say...long time HL fan and will continue to be, absolutely loved everything about this game, even TDM :)

Doom3 - Wasn't horrible, but it wasn't as great as I thought it would be. Enjoyed the graphics, for being the gfx whore it is (HL2 physics pwned though). I got tired of demons and zombies sneaking up behind me every damn minute of the game....got old.

Far Cry - I was looking forward to this game, it's scores on the average are great and lots of talk on boards. I have to say, I haven't ever been as dissapointed in my life then when I popped it into my machine. Water is fantastic...that's all it really has it going for it. Thank God I got it for free...