Bill Seeks A Porn Block On Computers Sold In SC

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
What the hell does human trafficking prevention have to do with watching porn on your PC? And, if it is so important to block "obscene" material, why can you opt-out for $20?

The bill would fine manufacturers or sellers that sell a device without a digital blocking system installed. But any manufacturer or seller that didn't want to install the system could pay a $20 opt-out fee for each device sold. Any buyers who want the filter lifted after purchasing a computer or device would have to pay a $20 fee, after verifying they are 18 or older.
Holy crap this is hilarious. Grade A comedy material here folks.

Basically, trying to make a law that requires you to install monitoring software for your own property. This doesn't sound incredibly intrusive or anything....
yea, you see, im from the south.. AL specifically. an area well known for how progressive and ahead of the times they are.

so the last thing I had on Facebook years ago that somehow still involved the input from one of these forward thinking geniuses involved some bill that restricted porn... and they started to try to draw parallels with human trafficking and porn. so i thought "holy shit is that true?" and googled it, and of course its not. in fact theres evidence to show that when a culture is allowed to rub one out, they're LESS likely to go be sexual deviants, not more. which, i mean, for any guy reading this, we kind of get how that works. its not like we rub one out and THEN start foreplay. thats like flattening your tires before a race.

but, i digress. you dont need logic or reason or actual facts in the Misinformation Age.
I was reading the article until they referred to a pc as an 'apparatus' and realized grandpa shouldn't be writing bills for the tech industry.
As Grampa has decided this is just another way of collecting a new tax. Wait til the green taxes come into effect some day. Rumor has it your shit will be monitored by SC as its being flushed, by an "apparatus" and you will be charged by the pound as it leaves your house. Its a new "Pay as you use tax" for the sewage treatment plant. People are complaining that why should a lite shiter be charged the same as a heavy shiter. Same as water meters the more you use the more you pay, except in reverse.
The first question seriously needs to be "How do you plan to do this?"

And that's the end of that.

What constitutes pornography? Who is going to maintain the list of what is considered pornography? Who's going to pay for that list upkeep? Who is going to make sure the software involved in preventing viewing of pornography doesn't get compromised for nefarious purposes?
That's priceless coming from a state that allows this:
The legal age of consent in South Carolina is 16. However, individuals as young as 14 years old are able to consent to have sex with a partner who is 18 years old or younger.
yea, you see, im from the south.. AL specifically. an area well known for how progressive and ahead of the times they are.

so the last thing I had on Facebook years ago that somehow still involved the input from one of these forward thinking geniuses involved some bill that restricted porn... and they started to try to draw parallels with human trafficking and porn. so i thought "holy shit is that true?" and googled it, and of course its not. in fact theres evidence to show that when a culture is allowed to rub one out, they're LESS likely to go be sexual deviants, not more. which, i mean, for any guy reading this, we kind of get how that works. its not like we rub one out and THEN start foreplay. thats like flattening your tires before a race.

but, i digress. you dont need logic or reason or actual facts in the Misinformation Age.

It is not hard to draw parallels unfortunately, a lot of the porn industry is involved in human trafficking, whether directly or indirectly. Who cares though as long as it does not involve my family, eh?
Social engineering always works.

If they really want to get this through they should make some fake news and shit about it, tie it to the mysterious "elite".


If you really get the process right you the unwashed masses will cheer the whole time you're screwin' 'em.
And the correlation between viewing pornography and trafficking humans is...?

Well human trafficking and creation of porn content overlap. It's a thing, and it is not made up. How much of a thing it is though, that's a different question nobody seems ot be able to answer.

However, based on the provisions of the bill, the government sees a HUGE problem with human trafficking, and that problem is that they are not collecting a proper tax on the sale of people.

Some folks need to pull their heads out of their asses.
It is not hard to draw parallels unfortunately, a lot of the porn industry is involved in human trafficking, whether directly or indirectly. Who cares though as long as it does not involve my family, eh?

There's certainly some connections to human trafficking and porn, but I believe that most of that is child porn. But in any case, these kinds of laws are pointless and extremely difficult to enforce and skit on the 1st Amendment.
If they manage to pass this, and it doesn't get declared unconstitutional in a matter of minutes, then say goodbye to computers being sold anywhere in South Carolina. People in South Carolina will have to go out of state to buy a computer.
Well human trafficking and creation of porn content overlap. It's a thing, and it is not made up. How much of a thing it is though, that's a different question nobody seems ot be able to answer.

1:However, based on the provisions of the bill, the government sees a HUGE problem with human trafficking, 2:and that problem is that they are not collecting a proper tax on the sale of people.

Some folks need to pull their heads out of their asses.
1:If we can keep Syrians out, why can't we keep the Russian or any girls out of the country.
2: If SC can figure out a way to tax prostitution, this problem and form of taxation wouldn't be happening.
That's priceless coming from a state that allows this:
he legal age of consent in South Carolina is 16. However, individuals as young as 14 years old are able to consent to have sex with a partner who is 18 years old or younger.

Because, you know, when you are at 17.9999999 years old, it is UNACCEPTABLE to presume you can make a valid judgement call on having sex. You are in no real mental state to make such calls for yourself.....

But that moment you hit 18 you are HOME FREE BABY! Bang everything!
I'm sure it's an application you put in the computer that blocks porn. A quick install of Linux will fix that.
Because, you know, when you are at 17.9999999 years old, it is UNACCEPTABLE to presume you can make a valid judgement call on having sex. You are in no real mental state to make such calls for yourself.....

But that moment you hit 18 you are HOME FREE BABY! Bang everything!

I agree but you have to draw the line somewhere unfortunately. If you have a more reasonable solution lets hear it? And 14 is only 366 days removed from 12....NOT TODAY BABY!
I agree but you have to draw the line somewhere unfortunately. If you have a more reasonable solution lets hear it? And 14 is only 366 days removed from 12....NOT TODAY BABY!

The clause for 14 is incredibly rare, and no state actually says age 14 is legal.

What it DOES say for those states is that the legal age of consent is 16 (you know, the age by which people can drive a moving death machine car), and that you can have sex with another consenting person whom is within 2 years age difference. So the only way someone can do a 14 year old with consent is if the other person is 16 at the most.
Typical dumb*** law that just panders to the right wing, and this one would violate the commerce clause of the US Constitution.

Won't happen, or at least won't last. So worry not porn users in SC. :D
The monies collected will not go to the A.G.s office. The problem will remain. Nothing will change.

This is plain and simple ... a porn tax.
The clause for 14 is incredibly rare, and no state actually says age 14 is legal.

What it DOES say for those states is that the legal age of consent is 16 (you know, the age by which people can drive a moving death machine car), and that you can have sex with another consenting person whom is within 2 years age difference. So the only way someone can do a 14 year old with consent is if the other person is 16 at the most.

Yeah so? I'm not talking about other states and neither is this thread. I feel you just want to argue.
"rub one out"


Well, I had to comment here. Porn has saved me a lot of money and a lot of time over the years. There's times I had to drive over to another town cause at that particular time in my life, I had a really hot girlfriend that unknown to her fully, I was only really interested in sex. So porn saved me that long drive many many times. Not just her, plenty of other women. Dates too. I meet a girl, we hang out and start dating then we have a big date coming up, I think, god, this is going to cost me $100 dollars. Then porn saves me. Yes, I've had a lot of girlfriends. And, not always a douche, I've had 4 long term girlfriends along the way.

The point being, porn erased completely my desire to ever be involved in human trafficking ( joke ) hell, It made me not even want to get out of the house.
I laugh at all these articles highlighting a seemingly absurd law that is proposed as if it has already been passed and put into effect. Anyone in any of the state or federal legislatures can introduce a bill for anything! If I were in the state legislature, I could introduce a bill that would require 10% of all tax revenue be deposited into my personal account. Of course that bill would never make it out of committee and I would probably lose the next election, but the headlines would read "Colorado introduces law that diverts state taxes to personal accounts!!!!"

Same thing here. This bill will never see the light of day, and is just used to get some attention.
This from the state that up to a year or two ago was still flying the Confederate Flag from their State House.
I believe the only demographic that would want something like this is the ultra religious kind. It really doesn't have much to do with liberal or conservative views.
Linking human trafficking with porn is ridiculous. You might confuse prostitution with porn, but it's not the same thing.
Sure it is. It's just filmed.

But I think this bill is an insta-fail.

Oh, so when you go to bed with your wife and she says lets have sex, you immediately thrown on the porn dvd and watch that then, right?
Oh, so when you go to bed with your wife and she says lets have sex, you immediately thrown on the porn dvd and watch that then, right?

You seem to be getting confused. He meant that those people are having sex (by definition) in the video. Unless your imagination is good enough then it is pretty close! lol