Grand Theft Auto V

Anybody have performance figures from 4k and dual 970 setup? I'm particularly looking for everything ultra with no AA. Let me know what you got, thanks!

You can easily get a solid 60 FPS turning one or two items down from full. Honestly with everything set to max I was averaging 45 FPS with no AA and there was stutter. I turned Water MXAA down from x8 to x4 and it jumped 10 FPS. With those settings it was buttery smooth with only a hiccup every 5 minutes or so. I did not turn any of the advanced options on BTW. <<_______ Edit
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beautiful effing game.
2500k no-oc, msi 980 4g no-oc, 16gb ram, ssd, win8.1, 4k gsync
if you tweak your shadows right the game will look stunningly real.
imgur recompresses, so theres artifacts in the image



I've been busy and haven't followed the thread until recently.


Toesies! I pre-loaded on Saturday morning (also bought from GMG), and was getting 15mb/sec the entire way through. Must be some shit happening now that the game is out...servers wise that is.
Group of friends and me played for hours since release. We finally leveled up enough to do heists, this game is an absolute joy to play. I'm glad Rockstar spent extra time on the PC release although there's still a few kinks to work out. Very happy with the $60 spent.
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I just realized you can pimp out each character's personal vehicle and it will stay that way permanently (each time it respawns).
Wish the game told me that... Past GTA games were the opposite way.

My Michael had the ugliest lime green and purple car. I made it as absolutely hideous as possible and completely riced it out.

I realized shortly after that he even used it in cut scenes.
Impatiently waiting for my boxed version pre-order to get here. I guess another day or two won't kill me since I've already been waiting 574 days since initial release. I just hope my 660 Ti can handle it.
Impatiently waiting for my boxed version pre-order to get here. I guess another day or two won't kill me since I've already been waiting 574 days since initial release. I just hope my 660 Ti can handle it.

Should have saved a dollar a day .... then you could have afforded an upgrade.
I am having issues with grass, like lawns and other grassy areas.
Stutters really bad in FPS mode and slightly stutters while I am driving in 3rd person mode.
I read something about the grass the other day, I'll look it up when I get up this afternoon.
In town I get a constant 60fps, but the grass definitely has an impact. I stole a bike and drove out into the wilderness and saw drops into the mid 40's. Luckily the game has tons of animation designed for 30fps, so the FPS spikes don't look as obvious as something like Assassin's Creed.
I don't think I'm going to bother lowering the details.
Funny enough - my first 5-6 minutes were in windowed borderless, which locks you to 24fps by default. I knew something was up, but it wasn't that bad...and I'm someone who has grown to hate 30fps console games.
I cant believe how well this game runs. I have everything, even the advanced graphics menu, completely maxed out, besides MSAA, @ 1440p (I7 4770, 8gb DDR3, HD 7990) with extremely playable frame rates but haven't checked to see what it was running at yet. I'd guess maybe somewhere in the mid-60's.

I also find it rather odd that it's telling me that I have 6gb of Vram. Each GPU technically only has 3gb. Strange... I somehow doubt that it's utilizing each 3gb separately... but I'm using around 99% of that 6gb according to the game and don't have any slowdowns are stuttering going on.
The only thing really bothering me is how stupid Online can be. So I make a closed crew free roam session, but at one point we forgot to vote or something and it kicked us into a random pub game, wtf. Also it's almost impossible to do anything other than play with other people until you get to level 5 or so.
Had some fun in a Versus heist in which myself and another guy on my team decided to get 18 wheeler's to use to ram the cop cars. My only problem I have is that other people either are spewing crap on the voice chat or constantly trying to crash/wreck into you while exploring the city.
I've got 8GB installed. Bump your virtual memory up to 4GB or whatever Windows recommends. In my case Samsung Magician had it set at a very modest setting. Tried 2GB and it was still crashing. With 4GB there have been no more "low memory" crashes.

Thanks, it was a VM/pagefile prob. I have no idea why, but mine was set at 200 MB, which is clearly why I was having problems.

Anyone else see the game taking up all your system memory? I caught it using 6GB.....

Yeah, I only have 6GB installed and it got really close to that last night, like over 5.5. Got 6 more on the way, but the game runs butter smooth now that I've upped the VM/pagefile settings.
I currently have to do the stupid video card device disable/enable dance to get past the launcher bug on my optimus laptop, but loving the game itself. I've hardly even done any actual jobs, just wandering around trying out different cars and bikes, seeing the sights.

It would be nice if there was a way to say "default to 1st person in cars, 3rd person mid-distance on foot", which is my current preference (there isn't, right?). But I'm happy that it switches perfectly between kb/m and controller on a whim, just like IV did. Driving on the controller feels really nice.

It's weird that with the realistic aesthetic (compared with IV's intentionally cartoony style) I experience much less of an impulse to create random mayhem than I did in the previous game. Maybe that will change.
Had some fun in a Versus heist in which myself and another guy on my team decided to get 18 wheeler's to use to ram the cop cars. My only problem I have is that other people either are spewing crap on the voice chat or constantly trying to crash/wreck into you while exploring the city.

You can try to do passive mode if you can't do a solo session(single player > online > play GTA online, it should give you options although it didn't for me until yesterday) as it makes you transparent and no one can do anything to you.
Game runs very well on my rig with my 780 Ti at 1200mhz. 1920x1200at 96hz everything max except for shadows I left those alone and the advance graphics option. I get high 70s low 80s driving around the city and drops down to high 40s mid 50s when hitting the grassy areas. But even at low dips the game feels so so smooth. Very happy so far.
Man, is there anyone in this game who knows how to play the survivals? lol Have had to carry 3 different teams. They just run around in the open and get lit up.
Having a great time in SP story mode thus far. The 2 GTX 780's are more than sufficient playing at 2560x1600... the game is beautiful. The online mode is confusing and inviting friends seems impossible at this point. BTW, are the online matches peer to peer? Does it randomly select 1 person to host it or is this on some master server? The lag last night was unplayable.
OK, I'M officially mad now. Yesterday I sat here for 4 hours and 30 minutes switching discs, and now, it wants to download an 5GB patch, but the download keeps stopping every few minutes. And the only way it continues is to press pause and then resume again and again and again.

And even when it loads it's pathetically slow. fluctuates between 100kb/s to 1.2MB/s. At this rate I won't be able to play this week.
2 quick questions:

Are the benchmark results saved anywhere? I looked away at the end and didn't see, and I can't seem to find anything.

Also, my monitor is 1440p overclocked to 120Hz. I have that option in the settings menu but even though it is set to 120Hz, with in-game vync off and adaptive vsync enabled in NVCP, it is still sitting at 59.9Hz?
Being that last night I just wanted to play, I spent a little more time tonight playing around with the graphical settings. If you have a mid-range card and are on the fence about buying this, feel confident that you'll see good performance.

My 2 GB 770 is really holding it's own in this title. With MSAA off and using FXAA instead, I'm able to turn up some of the advanced settings. Things like ultra post FX and maximum LoD are a no go however. But really, I couldn't be happier with my glorified 680. I keep waiting for a game to come out that makes me upgrade, but I haven't got to that point yet.You can repeat all the missions no? Maybe play the game a bit, free roam and then go back and obsess over the details?

Thanks I was on the fence but I think I will pick it up. Even if I can run around medium settings I will be happy.
Had some fun in a Versus heist in which myself and another guy on my team decided to get 18 wheeler's to use to ram the cop cars. My only problem I have is that other people either are spewing crap on the voice chat or constantly trying to crash/wreck into you while exploring the city.

Welcome to online games. People can be dicks. But in fairness, this series is all about mayhem, so you have to go in expecting a certain amount of it. People in online mode are mostly just goofing around and having fun, but some people interpret that the wrong way and get personally insulted.

That said, the killer app in R* games for me has always been the openworld sandbox and exploration. You can spend hours just doing crap like trying to steal a tank or jet from the military base (which can be a real bitch). In my brief time with the 360 version I thought "Because I know Online on xbox live will be infested with kids, I'll try that only after I get bored with the sandbox". Except I never got bored with the sandbox. Eventually I did bail on the 360 version though when I realized the game really merited waiting out a proper PC version.
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Anyone else see the game taking up all your system memory? I caught it using 6GB.....
They do recommend 8GB of RAM for this game. Should go download some more.

Quoting for truth :D.

exact same thing I do everyday ROFL!!!:D
Me too ;).

2 quick questions:

Are the benchmark results saved anywhere? I looked away at the end and didn't see, and I can't seem to find anything.

Also, my monitor is 1440p overclocked to 120Hz. I have that option in the settings menu but even though it is set to 120Hz, with in-game vync off and adaptive vsync enabled in NVCP, it is still sitting at 59.9Hz?
Have you set preferred refresh rate in the NVCP to maximum from application-controlled?
Those of you who have both a gamepad and mouse/keyboard, which do you prefer and on what settings? For instance, it seems that driving and whatnot with the keyboard seems a bit more difficult and cumbersome than using an X360 pad. However, ranged combat is more accurate with a mouse/kb. By default, the "auto-aim" function is turned off but it seems there are a considerable amount of options for it as well. These options don't seem to be well described on the menu, and there are more of them on the PC than discussed in any of the FAQs for console editions. What did you choose?

Next, reading over some completion guides and FAQs, there seems to be a truly staggering number of collectables out in the game world, from things like Stunt Jumps to a set of 50 Letters to collect (what seem to be a GTA version of the Black Dahlia murder investigation?). Unlike other free-roam games with collectables such as Far Cry 4 and Assassin's Creed series, it doesn't seem that any of these collectables show up on the map! Now, maybe I'm just too early in game, but is there any way to ensure that Stunt Jumps, Letters, and all other collectables etc.. become visible on the map? If so, how do I reveal them?

Finally, I am surprised to note that the "100% completion" mission requirements seem fairly steep from the very start. Are these meant to be achieved at the time in which you play the mission, or are they meant for replay once you're much later in the game with maxed out stats or whatnot? For instance, in the very first mission where you repo a pair of cars, one of the requirements is to beat your friend in the race. Now, the mission is set up in such a way that your friend is 1) very fast and 2) drives ahead of you telling you which turns to take and whatnot audibly. There's no way to see the path you're intended to travel on your map for instance, so you can't just concentrate on beating the guy. The implication must be that you run it enough to memorize the entire route! Also, just to confirm, you don't have to get all the qualifications in a single run for them to count, do you? If there are 4 items required for 100%'ing a mission, you pick up numbers 1 and 2 the first time you complete a mission. The next time you qualify for 3 and 4, while NOT qualifying for 1 and 2 this go round. This will mean that the total completion of that mission should be 100%, correct?

Thanks. Still figuring things out.
The in-game refresh rate is wonky for monitors that are 59.9hz. It full-on caps you at 59fps instead of rounding up. Right now I just turn vsync off in-game and force it via the Nvidia panel. That actually gives you true 60hz and 60fps. I assumed borderless window might fix the issue, but (unlike every other game I own) it actually forces an oddball refresh rate in the mid 50's.
Those of you who have both a gamepad and mouse/keyboard, which do you prefer and on what settings? For instance, it seems that driving and whatnot with the keyboard seems a bit more difficult and cumbersome than using an X360 pad. However, ranged combat is more accurate with a mouse/kb. By default, the "auto-aim" function is turned off but it seems there are a considerable amount of options for it as well. These options don't seem to be well described on the menu, and there are more of them on the PC than discussed in any of the FAQs for console editions. What did you choose?

360 gamepad for the majority of things when I have a sniping part or I want to use the browser I will use the mouse, it kicks right over so its very seamless. I have aim set for assisted free aim, which is it will snap to a target if the recticle is close, but I can move to other target, its about the right amount of auto aim for a controller.

Next, reading over some completion guides and FAQs, there seems to be a truly staggering number of collectables out in the game world, from things like Stunt Jumps to a set of 50 Letters to collect (what seem to be a GTA version of the Black Dahlia murder investigation?). Unlike other free-roam games with collectables such as Far Cry 4 and Assassin's Creed series, it doesn't seem that any of these collectables show up on the map! Now, maybe I'm just too early in game, but is there any way to ensure that Stunt Jumps, Letters, and all other collectables etc.. become visible on the map? If so, how do I reveal them?

I don't think they will show up, probably need to wait for a mod for that.

Finally, I am surprised to note that the "100% completion" mission requirements seem fairly steep from the very start. Are these meant to be achieved at the time in which you play the mission, or are they meant for replay once you're much later in the game with maxed out stats or whatnot? For instance, in the very first mission where you repo a pair of cars, one of the requirements is to beat your friend in the race. Now, the mission is set up in such a way that your friend is 1) very fast and 2) drives ahead of you telling you which turns to take and whatnot audibly. There's no way to see the path you're intended to travel on your map for instance, so you can't just concentrate on beating the guy. The implication must be that you run it enough to memorize the entire route! Also, just to confirm, you don't have to get all the qualifications in a single run for them to count, do you? If there are 4 items required for 100%'ing a mission, you pick up numbers 1 and 2 the first time you complete a mission. The next time you qualify for 3 and 4, while NOT qualifying for 1 and 2 this go round. This will mean that the total completion of that mission should be 100%, correct?

Thanks. Still figuring things out.

Yes, you probably have to play missions a second time, some of the have hidden achievements it would be unrealistic for someone to figure out without advanced knowledge. I am going to guess yes, I never really bothered to replay any missions yet so I can't say for sure.

Game is a blast, feels much more immersive that it was on PS4.
I keep getting random lock ups online where my game locks and I alt tab and it says "Grand Theft Auto V has stopped responding." Anyone else getting this?
Is this game worth buying the disc version or should I just buy it online? Figured if I'm going to have the discs, it would speed it up but it looks like there's a 5gb patch that takes forever to download.

I'm running this on 1440p monitor but I think I have enough juice to run this easily.

Different question, is the game fairly fun to play with an xbox controller?
It's great for the whole family!

I recommend a trip to the 'Cherry Poppin' Ice Cream shop, where they have "been poppin cherries since '83". And after a stroll down the boardwalk to 'BanginBeavers' Coffee Shop " we get it wet".

The ambiance of the area and lively characters you will meet is great fun for the kids!

That's hilarious.

Hey I had to ask. There are a few games where it's rated M for a specific reason that is easily avoidable. If I had to assume I figured GTA was a true M but never played nor seen the game.
OK, if I have one critique so far, it is that the in-game anisotropic filtering options might as well not exist. All it did was further blur the textures and nothing looked good unless it was two inches in front of my face.

Needless to say, I turned that off and forced it to 16x in Catalyst. What a huge difference. I was already running the highest texture setting and it just felt like a waste. Not anymore. If you aren't doing this, you should. All I have to say is, that Amputeens Magazine....WTF?:eek:
That's hilarious.

Hey I had to ask. There are a few games where it's rated M for a specific reason that is easily avoidable. If I had to assume I figured GTA was a true M but never played nor seen the game.

Yeah, if anything deserves an "M" it's the GTA series - we're talking hookers, drugs, alcohol, highly obscene language, the ability to murder anyone at any time, guns in general, etc.

\Basically, anything and everything taboo in the real world is in this game, hah.
I posted this earlier but it kinda got swamped under, has anyone gotten the Steam overlay to function with the non-Steam version? I figured RTSS was interfering with it but that wasn't it.
I keep getting random lock ups online where my game locks and I alt tab and it says "Grand Theft Auto V has stopped responding." Anyone else getting this?
I had a lockup when I first started the game, right after the prologue. My solution was to force the Social Club program to run as admin - it's in your program files directory, not in your Steam library where the GTAV .exes live. After that, I reinstalled the DX and the Visual C redistributables and rebooted.

I haven't had any problems since, and I've done two 3 hour play sessions.