390X coming soon few weeks

Its safe to say the thread title is wrong lol! Although at the point we are at now it may be a few weeks.
Thankfully I start my new job in the fifth so Ill be able to save up before they drop. I like having both cards available for me to make the best choice. Will I be going 390 or 980, who knows. If the 390 is leaps and bounds better but the 980 drops in price substantially the decision will become a bit difficult honestly.
I lean towards AMD but I purchase from either brand without bias.
I could care less if the 390x has 10,000 cores and costs $100. Waiting months for a driver release, and issues with gameworks titles, as well as issues that go unresolved for YEARS, makes the AMD card worthless.

I am a crossfire 290 user, and never again will i buy an AMD product.
With DX12 in favor of NVidia and around the corner and I see no reason sticking with AMD anymore to be honest.

There will be far more games with dx12 support than games that use Mantle in the future.
I could care less if the 390x has 10,000 cores and costs $100. Waiting months for a driver release, and issues with gameworks titles, as well as issues that go unresolved for YEARS, makes the AMD card worthless.

I am a crossfire 290 user, and never again will i buy an AMD product.

xfire 280x and now a 290x here, I'v'e been perfectly pleased with game performance/compatibility and driver stability. In fact I could say that as far back as the 9800pro from years ago, I think I had gforce cards and matrox stuff prior to that. I don't not believe you've had issues, different strokes for different folks...

They'd have to screw something up pretty bad for me to have any reason to not buy a 390x.
With DX12 in favor of NVidia and around the corner and I see no reason sticking with AMD anymore to be honest.

There will be far more games with dx12 support than games that use Mantle in the future.

Might just want to stay away from multiGPU. Single card AMD is ok IMO.
I could care less if the 390x has 10,000 cores and costs $100. Waiting months for a driver release, and issues with gameworks titles, as well as issues that go unresolved for YEARS, makes the AMD card worthless.

I am a crossfire 290 user, and never again will i buy an AMD product.

290 crossfire works just fine for me. I used it for awhile. Driver releases are pretty regular. Issues with gameworks titles?? game works titles work fine on AMD gpu's

Perhaps you shouldn't post negative things that have zero merit. Might want to stay on topic as well.

With DX12 in favor of NVidia and around the corner and I see no reason sticking with AMD anymore to be honest.

There will be far more games with dx12 support than games that use Mantle in the future.

Both companies support dx12? not sure how it favors Nvidia or AMD. Its made by microsoft with zero bias towards either AMD or Nvidia.

Mantle served its purpose in the interim between dx11 and dx12. It is still going to be supported in the games that have been developed for it.
Yeah the Driver attacks and Crossfire attacks are so stupid.
I used CF with out much issues and this was in the 6000 series days. Also driver issues...Really come on stop with the bullshit, both sides have driver issues and personally I've never dealt with them on either side of the aisle.

With DX12 in favor of NVidia and around the corner and I see no reason sticking with AMD anymore to be honest.

There will be far more games with dx12 support than games that use Mantle in the future.

Pretty baseless post unless you are a DX12 dev working with MS that knows all the inner workings.
Which you are not.
i was able to get smoother gaming experience with nvidia 770 than the AMD 290 in bf4 under dx.

Mantle on the other hand was much better but bf4 under dx has piss poor performance, mostly the multiplayer.

Rumors on the net say that amd purposely crippled bf4 under dx so mantle looks good.
With DX12 in favor of NVidia and around the corner and I see no reason sticking with AMD anymore to be honest.

There will be far more games with dx12 support than games that use Mantle in the future.

Are the new 300 series cards not full DX12? Thought they were...
I ended up doubling down on stupid over the weekend by buying a 2nd 980 and waterblock. Just need to sell my last 290.

Never had any issues with any of my 290s or crossfire, but had the itch and we all know AMD isn't going to be able to keep up with demand when the 390 hits anyway.
I could care less if the 390x has 10,000 cores and costs $100. Waiting months for a driver release, and issues with gameworks titles, as well as issues that go unresolved for YEARS, makes the AMD card worthless.

I am a crossfire 290 user, and never again will i buy an AMD product.

Jeez lol, exaggerate much? I've gone from 6950 to 7970 to 290 for my last 3 cards and these driver issues everyone bitches about are virtually non-existant.
I recently 'evaluated' a 295X2 and two 290X Lightnings, and the biggest complaint I have against the drivers is the control panel. You can't control everything from it and you need the RadeonPro software. The developer for RadeonPro got hired to do the Raptr software so he hasn't updated RadeonPro in over a year. Also, Raptr absolutely sucks compared to GFE. So, yeah, the drivers and software aren't as functional or polished as NV's. Additionally, the power requirements are insane. I could get my system to pull over 1,100 watts with the 290X cards under stress. My system now with two overclocked 980 cards pulls about half that. Plus the heat off of the two 290X's was almost unbearable and the 980s are very cool.
They are the flagship cards for each camp. Previously I had two 780 cards (same gen) and I would have the same comments as above for those compared to 290X.

Comparing cross-gen cards doesn't change the facts that RadeonPro hasn't been updated in 1+ years and Raptr sucks.
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I've never had the driver issues people always claim AMD suffers from, and I've been using AMD cards since the X1950XT.

Nor has Crossfire really let me down, and I say this as someone with Crossfired 6950s.

NewEgg has the 295x2 on sale right now for $600... I wish I knew more about this 390x so I could decide if I should jump on the deal or not.
I've never had the driver issues people always claim AMD suffers from, and I've been using AMD cards since the X1950XT.

Nor has Crossfire really let me down, and I say this as someone with Crossfired 6950s.

Then consider yourself lucky!!!

NewEgg has the 295x2 on sale right now for $600... I wish I knew more about this 390x so I could decide if I should jump on the deal or not.

The 295X2 will be faster because it's got two GPUs, but it has its own drawbacks (temp limited to 75 degrees vs. 95 for the 290/290X, locked down fan speeds, radiator gets extremely hot, even with decent cooling). Oh, and the 390X, if it is faster than a 980, could cost anywhere from $500-$600 or more.

those are just a fraction why I dumped my r290, it felt like AMD was telling me that I am responsible to code the drivers and fix the the game issues, when my nvidia 560ti felt smoother in bf4 mp it was then when I knew I made a big mistake.

Let me make this more specific, smoother as in movement of the game, not higher fps.
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The NV software on my 840m laptop if it's the same as desktop cards, looks like 2003 come back to haunt me. They look like about the same granularity of control NV vs AMD, I haven't used a 3rd party driver setting utility in years and years.
Neither outfit's gaming software thing is of any use to me beyond driver update notifications.

Played bf4 with 2x 280x's, with a 9590 no less, ran fine. 290x does too. CPU usage was down with Mantle but it ran alright without it. That's the only game out of that list I have any experience with other than FC4 which isn't on sale-enough yet. FC3 ran great. Crysis3 ran great. Skyrim modded ran great. Pretty much everything I have ran fine.

I'd have liked to replace the 280x's with a 980, but it's just too much money right now. $300 is about my limit for a video card and I can't condone what went on with the 970 by spending money on one, so a 290x was the only choice really. The xfire setup was faster but the single 290x is cooler and quieter, not that it matters to me much but it's something.

I don't disbelieve anyone who says they had a problem with a particular piece of hardware or software, but I mist be doing something right as I've been very pleased with mine.

Maybe it's old age but I'm getting about fed the hell up with this one game runs good on card A but not B, and another runs good on card B but not A BS.
I'm at a point where I've got to really, really want a game to buy it if it's sponsored or such by one gpu outfit or another. It's a shitty way for the industry to be
and I don't intent to support it anymore than I have to. 90% of the argument for/against a given piece of hardware anymore is because of the damn software.
i was able to get smoother gaming experience with nvidia 770 than the AMD 290 in bf4 under dx.

Mantle on the other hand was much better but bf4 under dx has piss poor performance, mostly the multiplayer.

Rumors on the net say that amd purposely crippled bf4 under dx so mantle looks good.

I find that hard to believe, honestly. I'm sure that the majority of BF4 Joe-Schmoe gamers on the planet don't know much about Mantle or what it even does, as they just want to turn on the power, clicky-click the shortcut icon, and get to playing the game. It does nothing for AMD to cripple performance when they are in the state of affairs that they are. Besides, if they intentionally crippled BF4 under D3D, then explain why the D3D11 results are what they are for Star Swarm (Extreme and Mid). Unless AMD is intentionally crippling everything not running Mantle or D3D12...but that's even more far fetched, imo.

AMD (along with every other usual major company) has been actively helping with the development of GLnext and DX12 for years now. I truly believe that they brought out Mantle to prove a point. Microsoft and Khronos listened, and now every major API will be an LLAPI going forward. BF4 was a bit of a weak example, but it's impossible to argue with the Star Swarm results under Mantle and D3D12.
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Rumors on the net say that amd purposely crippled bf4 under dx so mantle looks good.

That's a stupid rumor. That would mean AMD was okay with giving people the impression that their D3D drivers are crap. And if they did that, it'd be a strike against them, and would make NVIDIA look good in comparison.

Who makes these things up? Monkeys?
That's a stupid rumor. That would mean AMD was okay with giving people the impression that their D3D drivers are crap. And if they did that, it'd be a strike against them, and would make NVIDIA look good in comparison.

Who makes these things up? Monkeys?

Don't let that idiotic post side track the legitimate issues I posted. That rumor is completely made up.
That's a stupid rumor. That would mean AMD was okay with giving people the impression that their D3D drivers are crap. And if they did that, it'd be a strike against them, and would make NVIDIA look good in comparison.

Who makes these things up? Monkeys?

True no point to look for conspiracy when it can be easily explained by incompetence.
I don't see any legitimate issues you posted, just a post that was deleted.

Unless you mean your issues with Crossfire, in which case, well, I'm not a huge fan of the current driver release schedule, either. But Crossfire and SLI have always been finicky.
i was able to get smoother gaming experience with nvidia 770 than the AMD 290 in bf4 under dx.

Mantle on the other hand was much better but bf4 under dx has piss poor performance, mostly the multiplayer.

Rumors on the net say that amd purposely crippled bf4 under dx so mantle looks good.
Sorry but this is bullshit. I owned both cards and the 290X was notably faster than my GTX680 (same card as the 770) I replaced. At the time, Mantle wasn't released yet, and even under DX there was a marked improvement.
All im saying is that bf4 mp felt a lot smoother than with the 290 from my experience.

Bf4 ran fine on 290 before Mantle, after mantle patxh came out for bf4 it was then issues came about. go on bf4 forums on battlelog and you will find endless threads of AMD users having issues with bf4 under dx.

I never said 770 best the 290 in Heaven benchmark or Futuremark, etc..... I'm talking about real time experience in MP games like BF4. The 770 just felt smoother and better overall experience.
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All im saying is that bf4 mp felt a lot smoother than with the 290 from my experience.

Bf4 ran fine on 290 before Mantle, after mantle patxh came out for bf4 it was then issues came about. go on bf4 forums on battlelog and you will find endless threads of AMD users having issues with bf4 under dx.

I never said 770 best the 290 in Heaven benchmark or Futuremark, etc..... I'm talking about real time experience in MP games like BF4. The 770 just felt smoother and better overall experience.
I believe it, AMD has a terrible reputation with frame times / stuttering.
I've never had the driver issues people always claim AMD suffers from, and I've been using AMD cards since the X1950XT.

Nor has Crossfire really let me down, and I say this as someone with Crossfired 6950s.

NewEgg has the 295x2 on sale right now for $600... I wish I knew more about this 390x so I could decide if I should jump on the deal or not.
I haven't had a single issue either and I've used AMD cards exclusively since 2009, alone and in crossfire. It's just so odd to me when I see people complain about driver problems.
The CrossFire frame pacing issue was real at least in the technical sense. But because perception of microstutter itself is subjective, I wouldn't be surprised if some people genuinely did not perceive microstutter and wondered what all the fuss was about.
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I haven't had a single issue either and I've used AMD cards exclusively since 2009, alone and in crossfire. It's just so odd to me when I see people complain about driver problems.

My considered observation is a technician of several types for twenty years now is that some folks are just going to have problems with some devices/hardware/software/products and some are not. It's somewhere at a crossroads of luck, skill and magic. You don't often hear from the not-have troubles but the one's that do have a problem, even when they are a minority (which may or may not be the case here, I'm not judging) they will trumpet it from the mountain top till the sky falls. And blame anyone and everyone.
"Stuff" generally works perfectly for me(and I don't buy junk). All my "stuff" lasts longer and performs better than the next guy over. I'm blessed I guess. My wife? Total opposite. If she had a pet rock, it'd contract a disease and die somehow. Unless it's animals, she's awesome with them.

And neither the trouble or not trouble parties will be able to explain why the other has had the experience they have. Pretty consistently too.

Whenever someone says they have a problem with, or more accurately they scream "x product/service is absolute garbage!" and I disagree from observation and/or personal experience, I always preface it with "while I believe you have had a bad experience..." before relating mine. And I do believe. I type/talk for a living these days, and pissing people off further isn't productive, especially when you know you really can't help them.

I don't know what more to tell em beyond a point, be they using a given computer hardware piece on a forum or calling me on the phone with a broke motor or something. It's always the same story. There is only so much you can say unless there is some glaring user error or an actual hardware fault. The high road is to move on if something isn't working for you and you can't figure out why or you aren't enjoying the troubleshooting process, and to be happy for the folks that that item does work well for. Unfortunately, that's not very normal behavior these days.
The CrossFire frame pacing issue was real at least in the technical sense. But because perception of microstutter itself is subjective, I wouldn't be surprised if some people genuinely did not perceive microstutter and wondered what all the fuss was about.
Aside from some older DX9 games like Skyrim or The Witcher 2, there shouldn't be any real issues with microstutter anymore, especially on Hawaii. I've been playing on my 290Xs since December 2013 and I was playing on GTX 680 SLI before that, and in general the 290Xs have been the smoothest experience I've had with dual GPU gaming. Neither company has perfect drivers, but AMD's are definitely not as bad as the internet hype machine makes them out to be. I have 3 gaming PCs in my house all with AMD GPUs (i7-920/AMD 290, i5-4960k/AMD 285, and i7-4770K/AMD 290X CF) and I've played a pretty broad spectrum of games on all my systems without issue.
Jeez lol, exaggerate much? I've gone from 6950 to 7970 to 290 for my last 3 cards and these driver issues everyone bitches about are virtually non-existant.

Agreed. I think the problem is that some people don't know how to properly maintain their PC's. They screw up driver installs, screw up their windows registry, use multiple conflicting software, and when they have an issue it's the drivers fault.

Then there's just the FUD spreaders. Some paid, some just buy into it and repeat it.
This disappointingly looks like AMD's "big announcement" at GDC...


There are more to come...
They already did the consolidated DX12 talk on Monday.
They have LiquidVR and a GCN architecture optimizations, where I'm sure Mantle will be discussed,.on Wednesday.
Then they have TressFX 3.0 for Dues EX and then their own DX12 session on Thursday.

Not sure if you are expecting a GPU announcement but those don't normally happen at industry events.
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GCN architecture optimizations will surely be relevant and interesting I hope.

I'm really looking forward to the 390x & 390x crossfire reviews from [H] and pcper. They are generally released at GDC right? :D
Titan X announced today.
Waiting to see those Fiji's from AMD @ GDC. They are now trailing Nvidia by 2 whole GPU series.

Don't even need to see numbers -- just a box and a card. That's all.
At this point I'd almost accept wooden screws or a photoshopped image on a projector!