Dark Souls is on Steam

Also you can load up on "Rings of Sacrifice" from the merchant that appears after you beat the gargoyles in the bell tower if you don't like that particular aspect of the game. Lose nothing when you die.

How much are those a pop?
5k, he has 10 available. lol, how have you not finished this game yet :)

I always have a real tough time finishing games.

Once I got frustrated with Blighttown, my drive to play petered out. I've taken a break and started a new game in Far Cry 3, which sucked me in again. I got up to the point i did before (where you burn the pot fields), and I feel my interest in this petering out again too. I'll probably pick this up again after I give up on FC3--I hope with all the things i've learned in this thread that i can push past blighttown and get sucked in again.
What? Is it going to be like a new game from another studio? Where From Software is making Dark Souls and whoever owns the Demons Souls IP is going to have a new studio making it?
What? Is it going to be like a new game from another studio? Where From Software is making Dark Souls and whoever owns the Demons Souls IP is going to have a new studio making it?

Most small studios need to have a pre-production phase for a new game in effect when post production of the game they have been working on is nearly wrapped up.
Sony owns the Demon's Souls name, as part of the original deal worked out with From Software, to produce Demon's Souls on PS3. Demon's Souls was originally a work of passion; scraped out on a low budget, no marketing deal where even the rights to the name were bartered, in order to get the game made.

For various reasons, it got a lot of interest on western internet and even a few magazines. It was also imported quite a bit, due to having a full english option and no region locking for PS3 games. Atlus got the rights to publish it in North America shortly after the import hype (a deal with Namco-Bandai was struck for Europe) and the rest is history. Demon's Souls went on to sell over 2 million copies worldwide.

For the sequel, From Software probably wanted at least to have the rights to a name that could be a success. Additionally, they probably got more freedom from going with a third party deal (Namco Bandai are the publishers/marketers for Dark Souls). So the Dark Souls name was made. Similar enough that the connection to the previous game would be nearly unmistakeable. This time, owned by From. Dark Souls was again, a 2 million+ success. A numbered successor is of course, in the works.

Meanwhile, Sony still has the Demon's Souls name. That name carries a lot of weight and potential. It pretty much forces them to make a certain type of game.and if they do it right, could easily have a big seller---if the game is souls-ey enough. If they don't go all in, fans would surely dismiss it and that could certainly hurt sales potential. Do it right, and as mentioned, you've got easy money. Done right, there's also potential for a couple of interesting things:

1. the most obvious is a souls game done by a different team, means room for some unique flavor. There's also the possibility of a different marketing style, to be less imposing. the game itself doesn't have to be, we would hope. What I mean is that From and Bamco seem fit to cater to the core fans of the series. Which is wonderful. But also creates a preceding reputation for their games. I see people all the time wondering cautiously if they could get on well with a Souls game. In reality, I think anyone can succeed in them and enjoy them. it's just a matter of making them feel that way from the gate. Which isn't currently happening. So another game done by a different team allows some slight changes to presentation and big changes to marketing, while still keeping the core intact. This is pretty much a pipe dream, but hey....

2. This game would be first party souls-like game. So that itself could mean two things:

a. A souls game with 1st party/top quality graphics. It's no secret that From doesn't have the best team for making 3d graphics. Even ignoring possible budget constraints, they have admitted this and served it up as a reason for heavily using middlewares in the first two games nand being a bit behind the curve with eye piercing graphics presentation. Dark Souls 2 certainly looks to have a more polished engine (likely fueled by Bamco money) but I still feel like the overall product will be a bit blunted by a limited team at From. So yeah, Sony could very well deliver a "Souls" game with top shelf graphics.

b. A first party making a game like this, making a game inspired by a third party; that's a recipe for an industry fad. We could very well see several games with more direct influence from the souls games. At the least, more sword and sorcery games. Which would be a nice change from all the guns, stubble, and buzzcuts. That's probably about the best one could hope for. But it could also have deeper effects on the industry, such as shifting it away from the constantly rewarding the player for doing everything and having tons of points, accessories, and collectibles that bury the games in nonsense.

*it has been wondered for awhile, if Sony would ever try to use the Demon's Souls name that they own. This is certainly the first hint at the actual possibility!
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b. A first party making a game like this, making a game inspired by a third party; that's a recipe for an industry fad. We could very well see several games with more direct influence from the souls games. At the least, more sword and sorcery games. Which would be a nice change from all the guns, stubble, and buzzcuts. That's probably about the best one could hope for. But it could also have deeper effects on the industry, such as shifting it away from the constantly rewarding the player for doing everything and having tons of points, accessories, and collectibles that bury the games in nonsense.

How wonderful this would be.
I'm sick of gun games, and would love it if the industry took a more fantasy approach. "Realistic" gun games are all the same, boring, and don't amaze with imaginative environments. More swords and magic, hell bring back martial arts in modern games. A deep RPG with a developed fighting engine, not so different from the Street Fighters and Tekkens, would be amazing. Trekking through Lordran with Jin Kazama's moveset? Ryu, Ken? Yes, Please.
Keep your Street Fighter outta my Souls, ya filthy casual!

There is already a bit of street fighter (more tekken though) in it. Having weak and strong attacks with combos and reflecting attacks and a 1 on 1 focus to many of the fights already gives it a bit of a fighting game feel. Just slower and more realistic.
Hahaha, well not exactly like those, of course, but just having a martial arts class or something like that would be extremely fresh in this genre and could be an awesome addition to a souls type game.

I'm not saying transplant Ryu and Ken into Lordran, but have the depth and control that you get from those games(which you get with sword/magic/shields in SOULS), as a martial artist, in an open world RPG like the souls games. That would be something to see, I can't think of any game that has anything like that.

Not dogging realism in the sense of the word. Just the definition of it in most FPS's these days.
Totally sick of seeing the middle east in every FPS. Give me imagination, it doesn't have to be crazy, look at Lordran, an imaginative land whose level design truly boggles the mind. I feel at this point, we would have better games if devs focused more on creativity and imagination than trying to replicate real world locations/situations(read: modern day war games) into games. A push toward fantasy would help. That's why I'm tired of gun games.
Hahaha, well not exactly like those, of course, but just having a martial arts class or something like that would be extremely fresh in this genre and could be an awesome addition to a souls type game.

I'm not saying transplant Ryu and Ken into Lordran, but have the depth and control that you get from those games(which you get with sword/magic/shields in SOULS), as a martial artist, in an open world RPG like the souls games. That would be something to see, I can't think of any game that has anything like that.

Not dogging realism in the sense of the word. Just the definition of it in most FPS's these days.
Totally sick of seeing the middle east in every FPS. Give me imagination, it doesn't have to be crazy, look at Lordran, an imaginative land whose level design truly boggles the mind. I feel at this point, we would have better games if devs focused more on creativity and imagination than trying to replicate real world locations/situations(read: modern day war games) into games. A push toward fantasy would help. That's why I'm tired of gun games.

I could dig on that. Us magic on your hands which you use to smash face. All though I'm pretty sure DS2 is going to have plenty enough already to keep us busy.
I could dig on that. Us magic on your hands which you use to smash face. All though I'm pretty sure DS2 is going to have plenty enough already to keep us busy.

Yeah, you see what I mean.
Maybe in Demons Souls 2? haha

Oh what I would do for a boss rush mode in Dark Souls......
Hand to hand combat and handweapons in the Souls games were underexplored and not terribly compelling. The regular weapons are awesome, but a little martial action could be quite fun.
Hand to hand combat and handweapons in the Souls games were underexplored and not terribly compelling. The regular weapons are awesome, but a little martial action could be quite fun.

My only experience in demon souls pvp was someone invading me then destroying my amour and weapons instantly and then proceeded to stunlock me by punching me over and over until i died a slow painful death. i played offline mode from then on, hand to hand can gtfo as far as i'm concerned :D.
there's a weapon on Dark Souls that gives your character a bit of a Wuxia feel to the it's moveset. I'll leave it up to you guys to discover it. But it's pretty fun and I agree that a bit more dynamism to both player moves as well as enemy moves would be a great service to this series. Word so far is that is a key focus for Dark Souls 2. We shall see with the final product. But some insider info I've seen has been encouraging.
I just bought this for the PC. I activated it through steam, installed it, and then it wouldn't lauch. Found a work-around but I still can't get windows live working and it won't save my game until it works. I looked online and a lot of people have this issue but no one has a fix. Does anyone know what's going in? Thanks
I just bought this for the PC. I activated it through steam, installed it, and then it wouldn't lauch. Found a work-around but I still can't get windows live working and it won't save my game until it works. I looked online and a lot of people have this issue but no one has a fix. Does anyone know what's going in? Thanks

anyone? I'm on Windows 8.1 64 if that matters
anyone? I'm on Windows 8.1 64 if that matters

Same here. Since Windows 8.1 64bit is installed, i can't play this anymore. Tried EVERY single solution i found on the net without success. I gave up after one full week of trying to make it work (bought the game when it was on sale last time).
Same here. Since Windows 8.1 64bit is installed, i can't play this anymore. Tried EVERY single solution i found on the net without success. I gave up after one full week of trying to make it work (bought the game when it was on sale last time).

Well if you go to the steam directory and click on dark souls application and data application, and right click on both, and go to properties and change to windos 7 compatibility and run as administrator then it will launch bu GFWL still doesn't work. but maybe it'll work for you
I wonder if it'll wreck our save games like it did with the Batman: AA series.

So that's what freakin' happened! I also had to go through activation again but it wouldn't activate. But I found the GOTY edition for free under my account and installed that and started all over. GFWL was a bad idea ... always listen to the customers.
Well if you go to the steam directory and click on dark souls application and data application, and right click on both, and go to properties and change to windos 7 compatibility and run as administrator then it will launch bu GFWL still doesn't work. but maybe it'll work for you

I literally tried everything....and that was, of course, one of the things i tried. Honestly, there are like a gazillion guides on the net on how to fix the problems with this game and windows 8.1 64bit (if you have the problem in first place that is) and i tried them all. Tried countless windows live version, tons of compatibilty modes on the game and gfwl files, copying gwfl files into the system32 dir, into the game dir, admin mode etc etc etc. Nothing works.
I wonder if it'll wreck our save games like it did with the Batman: AA series.

I doubt it. You can have a free-for-all with the saves from Dark Souls. They're a single file in a pretty easy to reach directory. You can apparently even copy and paste them to other machines and players. I don't think GFWL has any kind of lockdown in this case.
I literally tried everything....and that was, of course, one of the things i tried. Honestly, there are like a gazillion guides on the net on how to fix the problems with this game and windows 8.1 64bit (if you have the problem in first place that is) and i tried them all. Tried countless windows live version, tons of compatibilty modes on the game and gfwl files, copying gwfl files into the system32 dir, into the game dir, admin mode etc etc etc. Nothing works.

man that freaking sucks for both of us. I wonder if amazon will return me my money. Or maybe i'll just wait it out for a fix.
If you're having GFWL problems, try re-installing the latest version of it. That seems to work for me when I get issues with it.
If you're having GFWL problems, try re-installing the latest version of it. That seems to work for me when I get issues with it.

GWFL won't even install on my computer for some reason. It says internet connection problem when I start to load it up.
The GFWL store app has been dead for a few months, but the in-game UI executabl still works for me with my 3 games that still use it (Dark Souls, GTA4, Dirt 3).
Do you have GTA4?
In the grand theft auto 4\Installers\ folder there is a gfwlivesetup.exe installer you can try.
That should be the one on my computer, since that was the first game I ever had use it, and never had to install it since.
Completely remove any other version and manually delete the install directories so you have a clean install. Worth a try if you have it.
i'm on w8.1 i have not played in a while but it wouldn't sign into GFWL automatically when I launched the game, so I started GFWL manually and signed in, then launched the game and it was fine. FUCKING GFWL garbage needs to go.
I found a work-around. Install the newest GFWL ... and then right click on it, properties, run it for windows 7 compatibility and click run as administrator and save. It finally worked for me!!!!!!!!!
I played it a little bit more over the weekend. I finally explored the painted world (which I never did do on my previous console playthroughs). I'm about soul level 114 so I breezed through it, even made quick work of the 2 people that invaded me. :D
I just picked this up during the sale this past week.

I used to have a faith-based pvp build in Demon Souls. In PvP I used to dodge and roll around with a great axe until I got close enough to hit them with the axe's aoe attack coming out of a roll. If i recall correctly, this would stun them briefly, and I would try to setup a quick combo which would finish them off.

It was a variation off of this:

I was just wondering if anyone could recommend a comparable build that I could follow in Dark Souls. I'd like to play something I am familiar with on my first play through.

I found this site: http://darksoulswiki.wikispaces.com/PvP+Builds

But the faith builds I clicked on seemed quite a bit different. Maybe the mechanics of the game or the available weapons/armor just changed?
I just picked this up during the sale this past week.

I used to have a faith-based pvp build in Demon Souls. In PvP I used to dodge and roll around with a great axe until I got close enough to hit them with the axe's aoe attack coming out of a roll. If i recall correctly, this would stun them briefly, and I would try to setup a quick combo which would finish them off.

It was a variation off of this:

I was just wondering if anyone could recommend a comparable build that I could follow in Dark Souls. I'd like to play something I am familiar with on my first play through.

I found this site: http://darksoulswiki.wikispaces.com/PvP+Builds

But the faith builds I clicked on seemed quite a bit different. Maybe the mechanics of the game or the available weapons/armor just changed?

Dark Souls doesn't emphasize mobility as much as Demon's Souls did. The PVP feels a bit more "rooted" due to a slower gamespeed/animation speed. Making a fast chracter can certainly be done, however.

One thing to note is that Dark Souls employs an cumulative armor stat called "poise" which basically is a buffer against being stunned. In short, you shouldn't make a build squarely focused on "stunning" people.

You should also note that Dark Souls has almost no invincibility frames, whereas Demon's Souls did, especially with the larger weapons.
Dark Souls doesn't emphasize mobility as much as Demon's Souls did. The PVP feels a bit more "rooted" due to a slower gamespeed/animation speed. Making a fast chracter can certainly be done, however.

One thing to note is that Dark Souls employs an cumulative armor stat called "poise" which basically is a buffer against being stunned. In short, you shouldn't make a build squarely focused on "stunning" people.

You should also note that Dark Souls has almost no invincibility frames, whereas Demon's Souls did, especially with the larger weapons.

"Invincibility frames"? Is this what I referred to as "hyper armor"? Wherein while i was in motion of swinging certain great axe strikes, even if someone would land an attack while I was midswing, I would not stumble, and my attack would still complete. Is this what you mean? Or literal damage invincibility between strikes?

My old strategy was basically wearing light enough armor to be really fast and nimble to dodge/avoid things, then try to land a stun to setup a combo, and repeat. From what you said, it sounds like this does not really work anymore.