Star Citizen - media blowout, Chris Robert's new game

Lol EVE VR looks like a joke, basicaly tom clancy's hawks with space ships. i think ill stick with SC
My Freelancer in the hanger still looks like right out of a 1980's game. Total fail.

That screenshot just makes me want to sell my account.

EVE Online VR owns Star Citizen:

So you're judging a screen from a hacked part of a pre pre alpha version of SC (that's clearly not intended to be seen, I mean look as those asteroids) vs a trailer that was made to be shown to the public and was obviously polished and made to look good...
Well i think they wanted people to see it. but i agree with you about judging SC by this "leaked" flight module.
That screenshot of the ship flying looks like complete garbage. I keep wanting a reason to hop on board this game, but there's no f'ing way I'm paying hundreds of dollars for something that looks like a ten year old Homeworld game.
That screenshot of the ship flying looks like complete garbage. I keep wanting a reason to hop on board this game, but there's no f'ing way I'm paying hundreds of dollars for something that looks like a ten year old Homeworld game.

Do you have down syndrome?

How at all does people hacking the Hangar module represent the game in its final form?
Yeah I understand how it was obtained. All the stuff there was still coded in and created.

Not sure if serious.

So some remnants of code are in there, likely as part of the upcoming dogfight module, that was never intended to be seen yet?
After looking at that pic which is the equivalent of pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-alpha, I too have decided not to buy SC. Anyone want a bunch of ships? :p
Yeah I understand how it was obtained. All the stuff there was still coded in and created.

You're crazy. Unfinished is unfinished, there's really nothing more to say. If you've ever done any project that took time of any kind ever in your life, you should know that the 20% completed, 50% completed or even 90% completed results aren't representative of the 100% completed result.
Hes a noob. he doesnt realize programmers leave code in place unused.

For a a variety of reasons
Haha, you guys are so defensive. Prolly because some of you have dropped the same amount as a cheap car into a video game.

Yeah I know how development works. Maybe the devs should address the leak then, because as a random passerby I see the photo and it looks like garbage.
Yeah people don't get so defensive. I don't have any particular attachment to the ships. If someone offered me another $3k for the second Idris I got I'd sell it in a heartbeat just like the first one.

Oh and the devs have over 23 million reasons not to care about people seeing unfinished stuff they left for the fans to discover. :)
Haha, you guys are so defensive. Prolly because some of you have dropped the same amount as a cheap car into a video game.

Yeah I know how development works. Maybe the devs should address the leak then, because as a random passerby I see the photo and it looks like garbage.

They're actually freely embracing this stuff. Pretty much all along they've known this is a niche audience and haven't wavered from that. When people see this stuff (which is far earlier than any other game of this scope would ever let it out) and get worried or put off, they're simply not in the niche. Either that, or they'll be back later on when it's finished if they're too squeamish or ignorant (not an insult, just lacking information).
Yeah people don't get so defensive. I don't have any particular attachment to the ships. If someone offered me another $3k for the second Idris I got I'd sell it in a heartbeat just like the first one.

Oh and the devs have over 23 million reasons not to care about people seeing unfinished stuff they left for the fans to discover. :)

Eh not defensive i don't care about how much i have spent. hell even if SC totally sucks watching the development process along with the game and community grow is entertainment enough for me.

but people who periodically come in here and thread crap do annoy me.
Eh not defensive i don't care about how much i have spent. hell even if SC totally sucks watching the development process along with the game and community grow is entertainment enough for me.

but people who periodically come in here and thread crap do annoy me.

I agree. Thread crapping bothers me.

ROFL just saw this. I had photobucket blocked with noscript for some reason.

My reaction:
Pretty much all along they've known this is a niche audience and haven't wavered from that. When people see this stuff (which is far earlier than any other game of this scope would ever let it out) and get worried or put off, they're simply not in the niche.
Really? CR's whole pitch was predicated on the PC being the superior console, and a ton of time was spent touting graphical fidelity. You can't turn around and play the "lol it's just a little niche indie game, you can't expect it to look good" card after that. There's a reason we don't simply get a feed of the nightly build and every single asset. Even when playing the "early access" card, CR holds his work to a standard.

That said, I think it's way to early to judge how flying the ships looks. We're clearly not meant to access that level. Now, if it's December, and the dogfighting module gets delayed/looks like crap because they were busy making buggy stunt tracks and sticking a price sticker on everything in sight, then I'll be pissed.
but people who periodically come in here and thread crap do annoy me.

If the devs (and fans) don't want comments on the current state of the game then they shouldn't release such content.

For example, one of the ships I paid for is not accessible in the hangar module (I am OK with that). One of the other ships I paid for is accessible in the hangar module and looks like total crap, thus I feel entitled to point that out in a thread that is about the game.

If the Freelancer isn't ready then don't show it to me, or if you show it to me even though it's not ready then don't get upset at me pointing out that the textures remind me of the 80's. You can't have it both ways.

Despite 22+ million dollars and the very best efforts of the devs the hangar module I get to currently use makes me want to get a refund. It's not just the looks, it's also the functionality. It's alpha or whatever, I don't care, what I see today is far from impressive and makes me question whether it will ever be impressive.

My only hope is that once this is out I will be able to sell my account and ships locally to someone for cold hard cash. Selling online via Paypal or whatnot carries too much risk to get shafted and left with nothing.
If the devs (and fans) don't want comments on the current state of the game then they shouldn't release such content.

For example, one of the ships I paid for is not accessible in the hangar module (I am OK with that). One of the other ships I paid for is accessible in the hangar module and looks like total crap, thus I feel entitled to point that out in a thread that is about the game.

If the Freelancer isn't ready then don't show it to me, or if you show it to me even though it's not ready then don't get upset at me pointing out that the textures remind me of the 80's. You can't have it both ways.

Despite 22+ million dollars and the very best efforts of the devs the hangar module I get to currently use makes me want to get a refund. It's not just the looks, it's also the functionality. It's alpha or whatever, I don't care, what I see today is far from impressive and makes me question whether it will ever be impressive.

My only hope is that once this is out I will be able to sell my account and ships locally to someone for cold hard cash. Selling online via Paypal or whatnot carries too much risk to get shafted and left with nothing.

You are judging a SPACE SIM , with flying an dcombat on a freaking HANGER module that is really only meant to show you your ship and let yo get inside it.

You really think that once the ships are available in the hanger that that is it? That they will not refine the ships, the animations of things, the textures or anything else?

The character model, the animations, art, lighting, none of this is FINAL yet, it's pre bloody alpha.
Really? CR's whole pitch was predicated on the PC being the superior console, and a ton of time was spent touting graphical fidelity. You can't turn around and play the "lol it's just a little niche indie game, you can't expect it to look good" card after that. There's a reason we don't simply get a feed of the nightly build and every single asset. Even when playing the "early access" card, CR holds his work to a standard.

That said, I think it's way to early to judge how flying the ships looks. We're clearly not meant to access that level. Now, if it's December, and the dogfighting module gets delayed/looks like crap because they were busy making buggy stunt tracks and sticking a price sticker on everything in sight, then I'll be pissed.

Absolutely really. He knew that there would be a lot of people that wouldn't want to put up with the PvA PU (even with the slider concession), the death mechanic (even softened with the multiple injuries), the demand for higher end hardware etc. There's no way this game gets CoD or BF type numbers, it's not made for that. The economic model wasn't built for it either.

That's also not at all what I'm saying about the looks but anyone looking at that hack and making a judgement on any kind of appearance is so far off base as to be comical in my opinion and I was specifically addressing the assertion that CiG should care about their opinion. They shouldn't care at all because it's ridiculous and I sincerely hope they don't. The game will be just fine without their money or support. If when it's done, they change their mind, then great and if not; it's fine because it's not intended to need millions of players.
Out of curiosity, would selling ships or accounts bust any rules here at [H]? I didn't notice anything in the rules post in Buy/Sell but figured someone else might know for certain since it's only against the rules on the CIG boards and not a problem from the company.
You people on [H] crack me up, dare to mention anything critical in the BF4 beta thread and you get screamed down that its only a beta (which it isn't). But yet you have people in this thread tearing down Star Citizen on the basis of pre-alpha code in an unfinished hanger module which is being deconstructed and pulled apart by fans to show off assets not otherwise accessible to less savvy users.
Out of curiosity, would selling ships or accounts bust any rules here at [H]? I didn't notice anything in the rules post in Buy/Sell but figured someone else might know for certain since it's only against the rules on the CIG boards and not a problem from the company.

i would think ships are fine, but i do not think accounts are.
i would think ships are fine, but i do not think accounts are.

Ah, that's too bad. I thought about offering to buy upset people out because some buddies are pissing and moaning about not getting the bonuses (of course) but the ships aren't really worth it because I have... plenty that they can have. =p I just get tired of the whining about not getting the stretch goals because they were lazy. Not going to do that if it's verboten around here though, I actually like this place.
You people on [H] crack me up, dare to mention anything critical in the BF4 beta thread and you get screamed down that its only a beta (which it isn't). But yet you have people in this thread tearing down Star Citizen on the basis of pre-alpha code in an unfinished hanger module which is being deconstructed and pulled apart by fans to show off assets not otherwise accessible to less savvy users.

Beta is more of a complete game and just need bug testing. it's not me doing it!! :eek:
If the devs (and fans) don't want comments on the current state of the game then they shouldn't release such content.

For example, one of the ships I paid for is not accessible in the hangar module (I am OK with that). One of the other ships I paid for is accessible in the hangar module and looks like total crap, thus I feel entitled to point that out in a thread that is about the game.

If the Freelancer isn't ready then don't show it to me, or if you show it to me even though it's not ready then don't get upset at me pointing out that the textures remind me of the 80's. You can't have it both ways.

Despite 22+ million dollars and the very best efforts of the devs the hangar module I get to currently use makes me want to get a refund. It's not just the looks, it's also the functionality. It's alpha or whatever, I don't care, what I see today is far from impressive and makes me question whether it will ever be impressive.

My only hope is that once this is out I will be able to sell my account and ships locally to someone for cold hard cash. Selling online via Paypal or whatnot carries too much risk to get shafted and left with nothing.

Lol game is still close to 20 months or so. If you even follow the game you would know cr has said the hangar is an alpha. I mean hes sharing the journey with us. If you cant understand it then dont look at anything till release then.

Im loving seeing the progression of it. How basic the first constellation was till now. Im loving this journey.

There have been some questions about why it has taken so long to launch the Hornet when the military version appeared in Star Citizen’s very first trailer. The answer is that this is a completely new Hornet. In the last two months uprezzed and remodeled the ship to our new, higher game standards.

So it looks like the info was correct, they are redoing the ships with higher levels of detail. Old on the left versus new one on the right:

You people on [H] crack me up, dare to mention anything critical in the BF4 beta thread and you get screamed down that its only a beta (which it isn't). But yet you have people in this thread tearing down Star Citizen on the basis of pre-alpha code in an unfinished hanger module which is being deconstructed and pulled apart by fans to show off assets not otherwise accessible to less savvy users.
Can you name an example of one user who defended BF4 and slammed SC?
You people on [H] crack me up, dare to mention anything critical in the BF4 beta thread and you get screamed down that its only a beta (which it isn't). But yet you have people in this thread tearing down Star Citizen on the basis of pre-alpha code in an unfinished hanger module which is being deconstructed and pulled apart by fans to show off assets not otherwise accessible to less savvy users.

I talked as much crap on the BF4 Beta as I could as well. The friggin game wouldn't even download because of some bug in Origin that would make it restart at 81% in an endless loop.

Pretty pro way for them to have people beta test their game. :mad::mad::mad:
Lol game is still close to 20 months or so. If you even follow the game you would know cr has said the hangar is an alpha. I mean hes sharing the journey with us. If you cant understand it then dont look at anything till release then.

What I am sharing is my opinion of the journey. What's so difficult to understand about that?
Sorry it doesn't match your opinion, but actually I am not sorry about it at all. Everyone who put a bunch of cash down and subsequently looked at the "journey" is entitled to their own opinion and mine, as of now, is not positive. Simple really.
What I am sharing is my opinion of the journey. What's so difficult to understand about that?
Sorry it doesn't match your opinion, but actually I am not sorry about it at all. Everyone who put a bunch of cash down and subsequently looked at the "journey" is entitled to their own opinion and mine, as of now, is not positive. Simple really.

Its been stated before that the game is far from release, your choice to back this game at an early time was your decision, you can do as you like based on your decision. That's your prerogative.

If your basing your decision off an ass screen-shot of a module that isn't even released, even in Alpha stage, than your way off. A lot of the texturing hasn't been released or at least is not part of the module as of yet. We will most likely have a nice change in a month or two when the dog-fighting module is released, after which your decision would make plenty of sense if it looks like total ass.

I have pledged my money for the final release product in a year or two, that's what I am paying for.

To watch CR's dream unfold, and we get to live each step of that dream, is worth every penny (over $100) I have personally spent so far, with intentions of spending another $100-110 for the Hornet release.

I look forward to playing this game with my son sitting besides me on his PC as we pillage and scavenge the universe over with my [H] breather-en with me as well....

Do as you wish, your opinion is valid, but at this time, early (at least if your basing it upon a module that isn't released).