Microsoft Apologizes for "Big Boobs" Coding Gag


Cat Can't Scratch It
May 9, 2000
We told you earlier this week that some random coder/joker wrote ‘Big Boobs’ in hex code and drew the wrath of humorless pundits over the sophomoric prank. Microsoft heard the outcry and issued an equally humorless apology for the PR mess. That disaster addressed, next up for Microsoft: World peace. :D

"We thank the community for reporting this issue and apologize for the offensive string. We have submitted a patch to fix this issue and the change will be published in a future release of the kernel”
Hi, i'm a representative of the overly sensitive pretentious nerd brigade. I'm here to notify you that we find your post offensive and that it should be removed immediately before we are forced to take drastic measures. (aka nerd rage)

Yet no one raged many years ago when it was found that the key Atari used for signing games for the Jaguar was "03D0 DEAD" (in reference to the 3DO competing console)...
People are amazingly sensitive. Their lives must be incredibly boring to get upset over something as little as this. Here's an idea, get a job (bible bangers/housewives) - then you won't have time care about something so insiginificant.

On a side note I'm now going to sneak 81680085 into all my exit reports!
This proves some people have way too much times on their hands. :rolleyes:

Childish. Okay, I can say yes. But Have a sense of humor about it and you're proving to the person that you don't care, you're gonna go along and just keep on doing what you're doing.It's when you call attention to it, You give the "class clown" the attention he needed.
People are amazingly sensitive. Their lives must be incredibly boring to get upset over something as little as this. Here's an idea, get a job (bible bangers/housewives) - then you won't have time care about something so insiginificant.

On a side note I'm now going to sneak 81680085 into all my exit reports!

Why are you blaming "bible bangers/housewives"? Everyone I've heard complain are anything but that. Linux developer Matthew Garrett complained, "Puerile sing at breasts contributes to the continuing impression that software development is a boys club where girls aren't welcome." Network World editor scowled, "This kind of juvenile nonsense has no place in the business world." I don't think either of these two men are bible bangers or housewives.

Here's an idea, point your finger to feminists and their panderers.

Song of Solomon 7:7-8 (AMP+) My love, you are tall and supple, like the palm tree, and your big boobs are like sweet clusters of dates. I'm going to climb that palm tree! I'm going to caress its fruit! Oh yes! Your boobs will be clusters of sweet fruit to me...
People need to grow some skin, jeez. Microsoft disappoints me for apologizing.

It's like when a race car driver says "Shit" on the radio, and the announcers get all slobby saying "
we're so so sorry for that folks".

The man just hit the wall at 200 mph. Let him have his "Shit".
Someone explain to me how the words "big boobs" out of context are offensive and to who. I guarantee you none of the over-sensitive s who would find the word "boobs" offensive has ever seen it in the code or would have any idea how to find it.

Shame on Microsoft for apologizing instead of going, "who gives a shit?" like a normal human being and ignoring this garbage.

Hey guess what? The word "master" and "slave" are used a lot in the computer world, maybe we should change those and apologize to everyone. "Male" and "female" are also used, maybe that's offensive too now.

Big companies need to put their foot down and stop caving in to this garbage and allowing people to think they have the right to not be offended. Get offended and move on, nobody owes you anything.
After a few days, I still don't see why this matters or is worth an apology. A little over half the planet's population has boobs. Are we going to ask for an apology from half the planet for having the gall to GROW them?
Shame on Microsoft for apologizing instead of going, "who gives a shit?" like a normal human being and ignoring this garbage.

Liberals, feminists in this case, thrive on complaining about being offended.

Hey guess what? The word "master" and "slave" are used a lot in the computer world, maybe we should change those and apologize to everyone. "Male" and "female" are also used, maybe that's offensive too now.

There was an effort to replace master and slave with primary and secondary, and to replace motherboard with mainboard.
After a few days, I still don't see why this matters or is worth an apology. A little over half the planet's population has boobs. Are we going to ask for an apology from half the planet for having the gall to GROW them?

Half the planet's population? Why are you dragging Asians into this? <runs for cover>
The only thing I have witnessed more offensive then this was the black insensitive use of master/slave on storage devices. The PC industry knew that term "slave" specifically was created to belittle African Americans born in the United States. And for them to use such a henious term was deplorable. Many African Americans who were born in the United States still have received no type of reparations for this horrible act by the PC industry.

The only thing I have witnessed more offensive then this was the black insensitive use of master/slave on storage devices. The PC industry knew that term "slave" specifically was created to belittle African Americans born in the United States. And for them to use such a henious term was deplorable. Many African Americans who were born in the United States still have received no type of reparations for this horrible act by the PC industry.

The "term "slave" specifically was created to belittle African Americans born in the United States." What? You'd think that they were the first people to ever be enslaved. Sorry, but slavery was around LONG before that time.
The "term "slave" specifically was created to belittle African Americans born in the United States." What? You'd think that they were the first people to ever be enslaved. Sorry, but slavery was around LONG before that time.

The term "slave" comes from the word Slav, as in those white people in eastern Europe who spent a lot of time being slaves. If "slave" actually originated from something stemming from Blacks, we probably wouldn't be allowed to use the word due to Political Correctness.
The term "slave" comes from the word Slav, as in those white people in eastern Europe who spent a lot of time being slaves. If "slave" actually originated from something stemming from Blacks, we probably wouldn't be allowed to use the word due to Political Correctness.
You've got that right. Being PC is detrimental to society.
Maybe I should have added that other older cultures' languages have terms that translate to "slave".
And why do we never hear outrage directed towards the Africans who sold their own to the European slave traders.
The individual that not only had the time to find this, but also get upset over it, needs much much more of a life than the one who coded it. I also suspect they may have some granulated quartz in their undergarments.
So, how do we know that this poor guy's code didn't actually need the value B16B00B5?
What the heck, you can't edit posts?

Anyway, wouldn't it have been easier for Microsoft to just claim that the code did, in fact, use that value, and it's just a coincidence that it produces that string when you look at the executable in a hex editor?
Liberals, feminists in this case, thrive on complaining about being offended.

There was an effort to replace master and slave with primary and secondary, and to replace motherboard with mainboard.

Oh look, someone whining about stereotyping is stereotyping.

I'm a liberal and I'm most certainly not offended by juvenile jokes. But lets play the stereotype game and point a finger at the far right for always getting their panties in a wad about anything sexually related to dodge real issues.

We're going way off topic with pointing fingers at one political party or another. Both sides have their extremes left and rights. In this case it was pointed out by tech editors. Who knows what their political affiliations were. They're probably just feeling all righteous and want their 15 minute of fame by making an issue bigger than what it really is.