RIAA Going After Download.com

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Uh oh, the RIAA is on the warpath again! This time around, they are after Download.com for hosting a program that converts YouTube videos into MP3s.

"More than a year ago we asked Download.com to remove applications that are used to steal our members' content," the RIAA said in a statement. "Download.com continues to ignore our requests and many of these applications are still being promoted on the site. Download.com is profiting from this infringement through advertisements and other ways it derives revenue when people use the site to download these applications."
You mean CNET's download.com?

You mean ABC owned CNET's download.com?

Yeah, I'm pretty sure the RIAA are not winning this one...
I used to laugh at this stuff but now it's just confusing and infuriating.
Isn't CNET pretty big now?

That will, at least, be a more interesting fight than RIAA picking on old ladies and college kids.
In an ideal world, they would lose the case and get counter-sued into bankruptcy.

Alas, probably just a pipe dream...
Why can't insane men shoot up the RIAA offices instead of college campuses? Not advocating shooting anyone, but if someone evil was going to do it anyway at least they'd be taking out more evil people.
I don't what people are downloading, but there's a lot of other ways to convert those YouTube videos to mp3's.

#1 Just use the aux port on your PC to record? It doesn't get old.
#2 Download Helper is a add on for FireFox that can at least download it as a MP4 video. From there you could use Winamp or a number of other programs to do the conversion to uncompressed WAV. At that point just choose any program to convert wav to mp3.
#3 Lots of websites that'll do it for free. Just enter the URL.
"More than a year ago we asked Download.com to remove applications that are used to steal our members' content," the RIAA said in a statement. "Download.com continues to ignore our requests and many of these applications are still being promoted on the site. Download.com is profiting from this infringement through advertisements and other ways it derives revenue when people use the site to download these applications."

Isn't download.com a free download site, and the only profit they make is from the advertising banners?
How is download.com responsible for what someone decides to do with a program they're hosting?
the RIAA needs to sue the government, for inventing the internets, because lots of people use the internets to do stuff the RIAA doesn't like. [/court case]
These people are fucking lunatics. There is nothing wrong with a program that lets your rip an audio stream from a video, people do it all the time (pulling the audio from a video podcast for instance).

People are not going to go to the trouble of pulling low bit rate audio out of a youtube published music video to make an mp3, they will just find a download for a mp3 and be done with it.
Give the RIAA some slack. Its members have lost 4 times US GDP last year from music piracy. Geez!
You mean CNET's download.com?

You mean ABC owned CNET's download.com?

Yeah, I'm pretty sure the RIAA are not winning this one...

u mean CBS which is then owned by CBS Corporation (the old VIACOM split into CBS Corp and the "new" VIACOM) which both is controlled by National Amusements, Inc.

but yea...RIAA's been smoking somethin' lately.
Legally, safe-harbor applies especially since the software in question hasn't been ruled by a court of law as infringing.

it's like suing to close down a hotel for health-issues...when you're not the health-inspector but the owner of a legal brothel....
(yes...realizing that it's an odd analogy)
"More than a year ago we asked Download.com to remove applications that are used to steal our members' content,"

LOL aint the RIAA calling the kettle black. Hello pot meet kettle.

Fuck the RIAA, they have been stealing from the musicians for decades now. Fine that they steal but no one else huh.

FUCK YOU RIAA and goto hell.
I bet the RIAA legaltard that cooked this up did not do due diligence on who exactly is behind download.com.

Grab the popcorn guys. This app is no more infringing than graphedt or the Audio Compression Manager SDK bits.
Isn't ABC pretty big? Like probably bigger then the RIAA?

Almost forgot about download.com, I haven't used them in a while, are they still doing that stupid download wrapper?
I wish the court would not differentiate analog activities from the digital version of the same activity.

i.e. While a warrant is required to tap an analog phone line. No warrant is required to tap a VoIP connection because its a digital line and according to the courts the Bill of Rights and other such related laws only apply to analog signals and not digital signals
it was really nice of them to make me aware of the program, never heard of it until now, but downloaded it and it's pretty cool, and I will enjoy using it :)
How is download.com responsible for what someone decides to do with a program they're hosting?

The same way a hardware store is responsible for what people do with the hammer obtained from there. That's why when you kill someone with a hammer, the hardware store is arrested.

I don't what people are downloading, but there's a lot of other ways to convert those YouTube videos to mp3's.

You make a fatal assumption: That the RIAA are technically competent in any way and actually understand how technology works.
The same way a hardware store is responsible for what people do with the hammer obtained from there. That's why when you kill someone with a hammer, the hardware store is arrested.

How can you arrest a store? LOL
In other news, the RIAA in coalition with ISPs and the government have decided that it's just best to pay for all the copyrighted materials you will inevitably infringe upon daily through your monthly bill.

As such, your bills will now look like this:

Internet: 50.00
State Tax: 7.50
RIAA Tax: 34,450,992.64
Total: 34,451,050.14

Dear fucking god... converting videos into audio. Where the fuck is that illegal? Is it illegal for me to convert my VHS home videos into just audio? That is exactly the equivalent of what is being said here.
Dear Recording Industry Association of America,



Concerned Citizen
In other news, the RIAA in coalition with ISPs and the government have decided that it's just best to pay for all the copyrighted materials you will inevitably infringe upon daily through your monthly bill.

As such, your bills will now look like this:

Internet: 50.00
State Tax: 7.50
RIAA Tax: 34,450,992.64
Total: 34,451,050.14

Nooooo dont give them ideas! :D
Why can't insane men shoot up the RIAA offices instead of college campuses? Not advocating shooting anyone, but if someone evil was going to do it anyway at least they'd be taking out more evil people.

I'd settle for a nuclear bunker buster nailing their HQ.
Thanks RIAA, I've been looking for that program for a while now, you guys always direct me to the best places.

Now seriously, Fuck off RIAA.
RIAA: I wished they would have died already as the inferior subhumans that they are to make way for far more intelligent people. But this just goes to show that evolution is blind as fuck. We need a little artificial selection going on to get rid of these parasites.

RIAA: they have been ass fucking musicians with a giant dildo since the beginning of record making. They can go fuck themselves and die in real life for being irrelevant. Boo-fucking-hoo. No one cares. No one. Last time I checked Rihanna is doing just fine, along with every other fucking pop musician. The only people "hurting" are the record company execs, cus we all know they are really hard working people who have contributed to society right? Right? We all know that the music industry can't work without them right? Right?


Like I said, no one gives a fuck. Like organized religion, you are witnessing the last gasp of their irrelevance in modern society.
Like I said, no one gives a fuck. Like organized religion, you are witnessing the last gasp of their irrelevance in modern society.

Seems like you're saying that organized religion's (or the RIAA's) irrelevance is taking its last gasp, and afterwards will organized religion (or the RIAA) become relevant.

Back to the original topic, I hope that download.com survives this legal assault. Though I don't use it (I prefer Reaplayer Plus for downloading streaming videos and converting them to .mp3 audio), I'm all for giving people the option to record a live broadcast and listen to or watch it later for personal use.

Besides, not even the highest resolution Youtube clip will quite compare to CD quality audio.
In other news, the RIAA in coalition with ISPs and the government have decided that it's just best to pay for all the copyrighted materials you will inevitably infringe upon daily through your monthly bill.

As such, your bills will now look like this:

Internet: 50.00
State Tax: 7.50
RIAA Tax: 34,450,992.64
Total: 34,451,050.14

Actually, they made a similar attempt in Canada, when they tried to sue to make it illegal to copy songs off the radio. The judge got pissed at their Canadian equivalent, and declared it legal to copy music like that, but offered the music industry a tax on blank media sold that could be used to copy music.

That tax never actually went into effect, though.