Playstation - "We're not getting back online until we feel safe"

DeathPrincess, its not worth arguing with diehards that love to rail against big bother, or sony in this case.

I am not one for some of the bad PR moves sony has had but lets be real, neither side is an angel. People "hacking" the PS3 are not doing so because they want to run linux on it. They are doing it for the fame of hacking it and hopefully being the person who gets copied games running.

Lets also be truthful guys, otherOS was useless on PS3. I am glad some of you found enjoyment on it and sure it sucks but just get over it. If you really want to play around with linux just buy a $150 box to run it on. I guess its "full potential" had yet to be discovered but it had already been out for years. All the OtherOS communities were very sparse from what I saw. It was not a core feature, simple as that.

Whether or not you used it, otherOS was a feature that the system was sold with. Are you saying you are ok with a company retroactively removing a feature of something that you purchased?
Whether or not you used it, otherOS was a feature that the system was sold with. Are you saying you are ok with a company retroactively removing a feature of something that you purchased?

Huh? I already said it sucks but it honestly was not a core feature for the majority of users. If you think you have a case go sue them. I honestly could care less though. I rarely upgrade yet I somehow have old machines laying around (P4, C2D). I would much rather tinker with linux on those.

In all seriousness, for those that found enjoyment in it, it SUCKS. Sue them if you want. Vote with your dollars and dont buy any future Sony products. For me and most other users it was not a core feature. The system was $300, I watch blu-ray and play games on it. I get my use out of it. Dont try and confuse the situation and say OtherOS was a core feature though. It had limited use and is nothing compared to the numerous and silly comparisons people make.
Removing the OtherOS feature was very similar to Sony removing a feature such as watching bluerays on the ps3. Just because you did not use it doesnt mean other people did not as well. You can be damn sure Sony would have done the same thing if someone found a way to implement pirating using the blueray playback aspect.

It does not matter what was taken away, what matters is that SOMETHING was. The consumers paid for a product and then later features were removed. Period.

I never used OtherOS, i probably never would have so the effect of its removal is neglegent to me, what matters is the precident this sets. I applaud the community in their attempts to show Sony that it is not ok.
Whether or not you used it, otherOS was a feature that the system was sold with. Are you saying you are ok with a company retroactively removing a feature of something that you purchased?

Your question at the end is misleading because it presents a case that is not really analogous to what is going on here. You have a choice to not upgrade your firmware. They are not stealing your purchased device to alter its functionality. If you choose to upgrade, you will lose specific functionality.

This happens all over the place in software. New updates remove features or simplify the user experience and often, power users complain. For some reason the Playstation 3 "other OS" user community seems to be particularly bad at expressing their frustrations.

You also don't own the right to login to PSN. The physical usable product as you purchased it still exists, and your ability to use PSN with specific functionality seems to be a sort of implied agreement for an unspecified period of time based on usage. I haven't really read the latest ToS in detail to know the particulars. However, I imagine one day it will go away completely and someone will have to make something to take its place... similar what happened with WON network and people playing Total Annihilation online.
Removing the OtherOS feature was very similar to Sony removing a feature such as watching bluerays on the ps3. Just because you did not use it doesnt mean other people did not as well. You can be damn sure Sony would have done the same thing if someone found a way to implement pirating using the blueray playback aspect.

It does not matter what was taken away, what matters is that SOMETHING was. The consumers paid for a product and then later features were removed. Period.

I never used OtherOS, i probably never would have so the effect of its removal is neglegent to me, what matters is the precident this sets. I applaud the community in their attempts to show Sony that it is not ok.

Again, that kind of comparison is incorrect and honestly silly. OtherOS while used by some, was not a core feature. Its insane to think Sony would remove a core feature from a system. I still agree it sucks for those that used OtherOS. To say though that Sony is going to remove the ability to play games or watch BR movies is silly. Regardless of the reason they removed it, they fully knew how many people used it. They must have some rough figures that show how many people utilize OtherOS. I can tell you now that OtherOS would not have been removed if the majority of users used it on a regular basis.
It does not matter what was taken away, what matters is that SOMETHING was. The consumers paid for a product and then later features were removed. Period.

The feature was only removed if you agreed to let it be removed. All firmware updates have been optional and must be confirmed by the user. The update that removed otherOS had additional warnings that a feature was going to be removed.
Exactly, same here.

I hate some of the shit Sony has pulled but I equally hate when people say incorrect shit to try and prove a point.

Yup i been using steam since day 1. there was a time a few years ago my steam account got hacked, in a matter of days i retrieved my account by simply scanning my steam game cd key. job done

great service with steam
Define core feature.

As I have said before, it was not a core feature for the majority of users. Sure someone people must have loved it to death but the vast majority of people couldnt care less about it. The point is its not as if Sony removed the ability to play games or watch blu-ray movies and its wrong to make a comparison as if they did.
stupid thing is, now many PS3 owners actuyally used the OtherOS option?

I suspect most PS3 are just gamers and could F'ing care less about all the shit that the hackers are saying they are doing it for. People just want to login and play....people supporting the hackers are morons....By saying so, you are ok with most of the PS3 user base not being able to use thier machine because of something that a very very small minority actually cares about.

Nice....Sony might be an asshole to some small group, almost all users could probably care less and don't even know wtf you are complaining about, they just want to play games.
So...I take it Netflix streaming is f'd until this is fixed?

It's annoying, but you can still stream. Netflix tries to sign you in to PSN, but it doesn't actually need to be signed in. After failing to log in around 3-4 times it stops popping up and just lets you use netflix.
What I don't understand is why Sony didn't just pull the PSN store (in case of personal info being stolen) and keep the multiplayer part of PSN live until they had the new 'rebuilt' system in place? It doesn't sound like this is going to be online anytime soon from some of the recent articles I've read.

So...I take it Netflix streaming is f'd until this is fixed?

no, you're ok. Just go to the netflix app and it will ask you to log in. Do as it asks and it will give you an error message saying that the network is down. Cancel out by pressing 'O' and it will continue to load netflix. It will ask you to log in a few more times, just keep trying to sign in and eventually it will let you enjoy netflix without being on PSN.
I'm glad I sold my ps3 to be honest. On a side note, why did it take 6 hours to reformat my 80gb hard drive. I formatted it before I sold it obviously.

I know the online is free, but the inability to cross chat between games was just killing me.
The feature was only removed if you agreed to let it be removed. All firmware updates have been optional and must be confirmed by the user. The update that removed otherOS had additional warnings that a feature was going to be removed.

What is your point?
If you didn't upgrade then you lost access to other features. Either way it's the same outcome.
What is your point?
If you didn't upgrade then you lost access to other features. Either way it's the same outcome.

PSN is a feature you have to agree to use. I believe he is getting at the argument with PSN being Sony's network and you have to abide by the ToS or your SOL.
What is your point?
If you didn't upgrade then you lost access to other features. Either way it's the same outcome.

You lost access to features which Sony has a million disclaimers all over the place (including the product packaging) saying things like "Experience subject to change", "No guarantee of continued support", "Online play may be suspended without notice", and "Access to online features requires agreement to an EULA".

When I buy a product like that I have no expectation that I will be able to play games online at any point in the future.

It's not very different from the current situation. Sony has disabled the online features of the PS3 and PSP by taking the PSN offline. They took an intentional action that sucks for me (and them since I can't buy anything) but they are completely within their rights to do so.
So is the 2010/2011 Microsoft 360 exclusive lineup what's your point?

Troll attempt of the day winner. That is internet forum gold.

Based on your response I should clarify.

My point is that you brought up a very touchy subject that is completely irrelevant to this thread. In my mind that is dangling bait in an effort to incite a ps3 vs. 360 war that very well may derail the thread.
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Removing the OtherOS feature was very similar to Sony removing a feature such as watching bluerays on the ps3. Just because you did not use it doesnt mean other people did not as well. You can be damn sure Sony would have done the same thing if someone found a way to implement pirating using the blueray playback aspect.

It does not matter what was taken away, what matters is that SOMETHING was. The consumers paid for a product and then later features were removed. Period.

I never used OtherOS, i probably never would have so the effect of its removal is neglegent to me, what matters is the precident this sets. I applaud the community in their attempts to show Sony that it is not ok.


How many people have watched a blu-ray on their PS3... 99.5654%

How many people actually installed linux on their ps3(for reasons stupidly unkown)... 19(not percent, 19 actual people).
You lost access to features which Sony has a million disclaimers all over the place (including the product packaging) saying things like "Experience subject to change", "No guarantee of continued support", "Online play may be suspended without notice", and "Access to online features requires agreement to an EULA".

When I buy a product like that I have no expectation that I will be able to play games online at any point in the future.

It's not very different from the current situation. Sony has disabled the online features of the PS3 and PSP by taking the PSN offline. They took an intentional action that sucks for me (and them since I can't buy anything) but they are completely within their rights to do so.

Except that it's not just PSN. Some games/blu-rays require updated firmware to play.
Please tell me which singleplayer game off of steam, cannot be played in offline mode?

any recent ubisoft games with orbit drm, securom games with post activation modules, etc. most publishers will strip it for the steam version but some just don't give a fuck about stacking or just too damn lazy to make a steam build, it happens.
any recent ubisoft games with orbit drm, securom games with post activation modules, etc. most publishers will strip it for the steam version but some just don't give a fuck about stacking or just too damn lazy to make a steam build, it happens.

ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh you are talking about thirdparty drm from the publisher, case closed.
Except that it's not just PSN. Some games/blu-rays require updated firmware to play.

True, but those games and movies didn't exist when I purchased my console. People who refused to update didn't lose the ability to play them, they never had the ability to play them.

I don't deny that the situation sucks. I deny that Sony did something illegal or wrong. Maybe I'm just jaded because I had a 32X, but I don't expect any sort of commitment from console companies. If I buy something I only expect the stuff that's already available to be playable on it; anything new that might come out after my purchase is all good news.
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Troll attempt of the day winner. That is internet forum gold.

Ehh I dunno about it being a troll post, the only people who would disagree are 360 owners. People have argued the "exclusive" battle from both consoles for ages now it seems but frankly over this past year and leading into 2011 the argument has been thoroughly laid to rest.
PSN is a feature you have to agree to use. I believe he is getting at the argument with PSN being Sony's network and you have to abide by the ToS or your SOL.

Its not even that. Most people don't notice it but every couple of months to a year a new authorization code gets used on the latest movies. To watch a piece of offline media, even if I am not using any of their network resources you have to update the "player" firmware for movie playback, which isn't kept separate which means to watch Harry Potter or the latest Sony release I have to update the software which means I lose (and was how I lost OtherOS).
Its not even that. Most people don't notice it but every couple of months to a year a new authorization code gets used on the latest movies. To watch a piece of offline media, even if I am not using any of their network resources you have to update the "player" firmware for movie playback, which isn't kept separate which means to watch Harry Potter or the latest Sony release I have to update the software which means I lose (and was how I lost OtherOS).

You could you know, buy another blu-ray player, they are pretty cheap now.
Lets also be truthful guys, otherOS was useless on PS3. I am glad some of you found enjoyment on it and sure it sucks but just get over it. If you really want to play around with linux just buy a $150 box to run it on. I guess its "full potential" had yet to be discovered but it had already been out for years. All the OtherOS communities were very sparse from what I saw. It was not a core feature, simple as that.

Tell that to the USAF. They had, what, 200 of them running in parallel? Obviously THEY saw, and took advantage of its "full potential".

1760 of them, my mistake.
You could you know, buy another blu-ray player, they are pretty cheap now.

Its not price. I have seen how Java has run on those set-top boxes, one of the reasons why I prefered HD-DVD. iHD ran like a dream. But the interactive stuff on on BD's make load up time take forever on a set top box compared to a PS3. It also has the most advanced hardware making it more likely to be upgradeable to whatever version of BD they decide is the best today since they didn't lock down a spec (or where in such a hurry to get it out that they had spread out the feature list over a 3 or 4 year period).

Point is I shouldn't have to by another $100+ piece of hardware to do what I bought $500 dollar piece of hardware to just to make sure I don't lose the functionality of that same $500 piece of hardware that I originally bought it with. In the end it was a trade off. I was damned if I was going to buy Blu-Ray in the first place, I got a PS3 in the end to make sure I only bought one of those damned devices and any fun I could have had with OtherOS wasn't worth buying another Blu device or a profitable for Sony version of a PS3. Also doesn't mean that because I hit okay because they were holding my Blu-Ray playback ransom, that I can't be pissed at them.
When the USAF starts to have concerns about Sony removing OtherOS let me know.

Well, considering they would have to source non-upgraded firmware models, I'd see that as a concern when replacing failed modules.
You could you know, buy another blu-ray player, they are pretty cheap now.

Why should they have to? Sony sold the console as a bluray player (and made a huge deal about it), among other things... Sony should honor that. I swear, some of the Sony fanboys have stockholm syndrome. Sony sold the PS3 as an all-in-one entertainment device... but according to some, we should just be happy that we were even lucky enough to play a game on it.

$600.00, at the time, was unheard of for a game console... but a LOT of people jumped on it, over the 360 and Wii, for the bluray playback, free PSN and the Other OS feature. So why should they now be forced to pick between features? Sony messed up and should of taken it's lumps like a proverbial man... but instead, they once again pass it on to their paying customers.

Sony has a history of treating it's customers like crap... so anyone thats still buying their products deserves to get ripped off IMHO. Nothing they do surprises me anymore.
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Sony has a history of treating it's customers like crap... so anyone thats still buying their products deserves to get ripped off IMHO. Nothing they do surprises me anymore.

The irritating part is that even if I go get that shiny new Oppo BRP, I'm still paying some royalties to big S.
Well, considering they would have to source non-upgraded firmware models, I'd see that as a concern when replacing failed modules.,11727.html
"It was very good and revolutionary, and it contained some architecture that didn't exist at that time," Barnell said. "So we're looking forward to working with the next generation of architecture."

To get the same level of power, the USAF would have had to spend $10,000 to get the same as what could be done by a PS3 at the fraction of the cost. That was some time ago, so now the USAF is looking towards the next generation.

It sounds like they already don't care. Problems replacing failed modules would have started when Sony switched production to the "slim" line since those never supported linux. I've seen no evidence that the US Air Force was hurt by the firmware update that removed otherOS from the "fat" models.
Well, considering they would have to source non-upgraded firmware models, I'd see that as a concern when replacing failed modules.

lol I am sure the US Military has a service contract already in place with Sony to repair the units as needed so ur argument is pointless