GTX 480: Your verdict

Your verdict on the GTX 480

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Supreme [H]ardness
Oct 9, 2006
So it is finally the launch day, what is your opinion on the card? Reviews are coming in so you should wait for more before voicing out your thoughts.

On the scale from 1 to 10, 1 for bad and 10 for good, feel free to cast your vote.

Edit: you can find the reviews here:
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You should probably collect all these AFTER reviews are out... especially reviews from the credible sites
I really hate being stuck waiting to see what the nvidia surround benchmarks are like compared to crossfire eyefinity which only supports a few games with 2 gpus. Hopefully Nvidia releases the gtx200 nvidia surround drivers so I can use my 260's. With the confirmation from Nvidia just now of the 480 core 480, I'll be waiting for the refresh or to see if ATI fixes crossfire eyefinity.

I can't believe they diverted all the 512's.

Most legit reviews aren't even out and your making a poll already...
The card isn't bad or good. It's just another card for those seeking a bit more performance than the 5870 at a higher price point.
My verdict: 4
too much power and heat
only a bit faster than HD 5870 while being more expensive and uses more power,
not even the fastest single card, loses to HD 5970
bring nothing new to the table and need two cards for multi monitor gaming.

Edit: at this rate I doubt that it will effect AMD pricing at all...
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after reading the reviews: 5!

It's 6 months behind the 5870 series, not much of a performance increase yet it's going to cost at least $150 more? no thanks, sigh ended up canceling both my preorders. Gonna pray for a slim chance this might affect ati's pricing so I can grab another 5870 but don't even think that's gonna happen.
4 or 5. despite being new arch struggles while trying to outperform r600 which is considered to be flop and while succeeding mostly it draws insane amount of power is noisy and of course very hot
brent and kyle put it best

We see no reason to purchase a GeForce GTX 470. It provides no gameplay advantages compared to the competition, and will actually end up costing you more power and dollars for the exact same performance you can get with the Radeon HD 5850. Factor in the power consumption, and it doesn’t seem worth it. If you have an HD 5850, stick with it, the GTX 470 is not an upgrade. If you are contemplating a great performing graphics card, for a decent price, the HD 5850 is still the best choice.

if the prices go down within a couple of weeks i'm getting 5870s
I give it a solid 9. Good performance without an obscenely out-of-whack premium for it as a top-end single-GPU card ($500 vs. 410 or so for the 480 vs. 5870).

Reviews such as:


Friingsquad (with OC results!)


Hardware Canucks
According to our conversations with NVIDIA, their current beta driver (and the one which will be launched with the card) exhibits an issue in this game (BFBC2 and DiRT 2) where framerates take a massive plunge at 2560 x 1600 resolution. They expect a fix to be forthcoming sometime in the weeks following launch.

show a pretty good picture... I don't value the one here unfortunately as they vary the settings inside of the same tests making it scientifically invalid.
My verdict: 5, on a scale where a 10 is a G80-esque or RV770-esque performers (either clearly the best card out there by a large margin, or one whose performance to value is shockingly high) and where a 1 is a FX5 or R600 card (terrible at everything)

It's the fastest single GPU, no doubt, with a lot of advanced GPGPU technology, but the heat/noise/minimal performance gains (average of 10-15% is what most reviews are pegging it at) makes it dissapointing.
Damn it has to be a 7 due to price/performance. If it wasn't so much higher priced for so little performance gain over the competition's counterpart, that would be at least an 8. But that's not the case. Also, power consumption will finally give all its users a real reason to have 700+ watt PSUs.

I'd rather spend less and take my chances with ATI's shoddy driver suite.
the ONLY thing "good" is 480 sli performance. is that worth $1000 and almost 650w power draw? laff...
I would have to say about a 6. To be honest, I was tempted to give it less, but at least the cards are competitive with AMD's equivalents in performance, if nothing else.

Worse power consumption, worse thermals, worse price, worse sound (of course, this is subjective), and it only trades blows with the 5870? Not a win, IMO. But then, not a huge loss, either. And it has to be said that if you're spending this much money on a GPU then you're probably not going to care so much about power consumption. But good God, surely the temperatures and the sound must get to you...
it has to be said that if you're spending this much money on a GPU then you're probably not going to care so much about power consumption. But good God, surely the temperatures and the sound must get to you...
The upside to these units is that they could replace a space hater. So there's another nice major feature that they have.

Too late
Too expensive
Too much power consumption
Too little improvement over 5870
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After reading the [H] review, I gave the GTX 480 a 7. (But mainly in anticipation of using it in SLI. A single 480 vs a single 5870 would earn more around a 5-6 score).

The GTX 470 is the clear loser since it doesn't appear to beat the 5850 in any shape or form except maybe tessallation intensive apps and clearly costs a LOT more. That probably gets a 4.

The bad:
1) About $100 more expensive than 5870
2) Barely faster than 5870 in most benches; and nearly dead even with 5870 in a few benches
3) Consumes a TON of power @ load--480W--even more than a dual gpu 5970.
4) Runs Hot and very NOISY.

The good:
1) It is faster, even if it's only marginally so
2) Introduces some different image quality improvement options
3) Appears to have a stronger tessellation engine
4) Has .5 GB more memory than a standard 5870 which allows it to crank up more details at higher resolutions.

I'm waiting to see how GTX 480 will perform compared to the new 2GB 58xxx series cards before I make a final judgment. Right now I'd say that it is a mildly disappointing release.
But it is a bit faster, so it does represent 'some' progress.
They just look like they're priced a tad too high. They do use more power but cooling doesn't look too bad if you compare it by dB levels rather than fanspeeds. I'm basing this off the guru3d reviews for 5870 and 480/470. They say if you crank the 470 to 70% (43 dB) it's at 80 degrees whereas they're listing 77 (42dB) for the 5870 (although I don't know the fan speed).

So yea it consumes more power and is hotter, but rightfully so for the extra performance. Wasn't as hot as all the rumours made it out to be imo. The price just doesn't do it any justice. I think a 6/10 is fair.

Edit: Oops misread somethings.. it's the 470's fan they cranked to 70% not 480. Going to check a 5850 review now. 5850 heat/sound profile is the same as the 5870.

I was a bit surprised by how cool/quiet Fermi idles though.
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After reading the [H] review, I gave the GTX 480 a 7.

The GTX 470 is the clear loser since it doesn't appear to beat the 5850 in any shape or form except maybe tessallation intensive apps and clearly costs a LOT more. That probably gets a 4.

The bad:
1) About $100 more expensive than 5870
2) Barely faster than 5870 in most benches; and nearly dead even with 5870 in a few benches

The good:
1) It is faster, even if it's only marginally so
2) Introduces some different image quality improvement options
3) Appears to have a stronger tessellation engine
4) Has .5 GB more memory than a standard 5870 which allows it to crank up more details at higher resolutions.

I'm waiting to see how GTX 480 will perform compared to the new 2GB 58xxx series cards before I make a final judgment. Right now I'd say that it is a mildly disappoint release. But it is a bit faster, so it does represent 'some' progress.

If GTX 470 gets 4, what would get 1 for you? My verdict for GTX 470 would be 1 since it loses in every single way.
They just look like they're priced a tad too high. They do use more power but cooling doesn't look too bad if you compare it by dB levels rather than fanspeeds. I'm basing this off the guru3d reviews for 5870 and 480/470. They say if you crank the 480 to 70% (43 dB) it's at 80 degrees whereas they're listing 77 (42dB) for the 5870 (although I don't know the fan speed).

So yea it consumes more power and is hotter, but rightfully so for the extra performance. Wasn't as hot as all the rumours made it out to be imo. The price just doesn't do it any justice. I think a 6/10 is fair.

[H] review has some videos in it so you can hear the cards yourself.
If GTX 470 gets 4, what would get 1 for you? My verdict for GTX 470 would be 1 since it loses in every single way.

[H] review has some videos in it so you can hear the cards yourself.

"Finally, as we asked in the title, was it worth the wait? No, probably not. A 15% faster single-GPU card is appreciated and we’re excited to see both AMD and NVIDIA once again on competitive footing with each other, but otherwise with much of Fermi’s enhanced abilities still untapped, we’re going to be waiting far longer for a proper resolution anyhow. For now we’re just happy to finally have Fermi, so that we can move on to the next step."

We'll see Munif. Anandtech's benchmarks show that the story will be different.

I am calling you out. I demand you resign from your fanATIc campaign, if in 2 months the Fermi dominates your beloved 5870.

I think it's fair. You've spent a long time ridiculing nvidia products and loyalists. You've also been a hypocrite and turned the blind eye to how badly your beloved 5870 gets the snot kicked out of it in the newer games.

I don't think what I'm asking is unfair, infact I am confident that the 480 will widen the gap.

Bets? Anyone who rated the Fermi below a 5 and posted here has shown their video card to be a 5870, which tells me that they've got serious justification problems.
wow it sure draws alot of power, thats crazy for sure, not good for your power bill :(
"Moving on, we have the GTX 470 to discuss. It’s not NVIDIA’s headliner so it’s easy to get lost in the shuffle. With a price right between the 5850 and 5870, it delivers performance right where you’d expect it to be. At 5-10% slower than the 5870 on average, it’s actually a straightforward value proposition: you get 90-95% of the performance for around 87% of the price. It’s not a huge bargain, but it’s competitively priced against the 5870. Against the 5850 this is less true where it’s a mere 2-8% faster, but this isn’t unusual for cards above $300 – the best values are rarely found there. The 5850 is the bargain hunter’s card, otherwise if you can spend more pick a price and you’ll find your card. Just keep in mind that the GTX 470 is still going to be louder/hotter than any 5800 series card, so there are tradeoffs to make, and we imagine most people would err towards the side of the cooler Radeon cards."

Why are you lying munif? These metrics by anandtech CLEARLY show that the card is better for price/performance. I am going to report you for spreading propoganda. This isn't fair. If you conduct these polls, do so without bias. I will not allow you to misrepresent your favorite brand's competition because you feel you have the right.
If GTX 470 gets 4, what would get 1 for you? My verdict for GTX 470 would be 1 since it loses in every single way.

The performance is comparable. It just loses out on the noise, price, and power consumption front.
So if it pushes the FPS at a comparable rate, the tech isn't that bad, it's just not as good a VALUE as the 5850.
And it certainly wouldn't be considered an upgrade over a 5850 since it came out 7 months later and is still NOT appreciably faster.
For it to earn a 1 it would have to be considerably slower. For me a 1 would mean that i wouldn't even use it for anything but a very expensive paperweight.
The performance is comparable, noise, price, and power consumption notwithstanding. So the tech isn't bad, it's just not as good as a 5850. For it to earn a 1 it would have to be considerably slower. For me a 1 would mean that i wouldn't even use it for anything but a very expensive paperweight.

I looked at your video cards and I stopped reading, please see the above.

You are INCORRECT in saying the 5850 is better than the 470.
"Moving on, we have the GTX 470 to discuss. It’s not NVIDIA’s headliner so it’s easy to get lost in the shuffle. With a price right between the 5850 and 5870, it delivers performance right where you’d expect it to be. At 5-10% slower than the 5870 on average, it’s actually a straightforward value proposition: you get 90-95% of the performance for around 87% of the price. It’s not a huge bargain, but it’s competitively priced against the 5870. Against the 5850 this is less true where it’s a mere 2-8% faster, but this isn’t unusual for cards above $300 – the best values are rarely found there. The 5850 is the bargain hunter’s card, otherwise if you can spend more pick a price and you’ll find your card. Just keep in mind that the GTX 470 is still going to be louder/hotter than any 5800 series card, so there are tradeoffs to make, and we imagine most people would err towards the side of the cooler Radeon cards."

Why are you lying munif? These metrics by anandtech CLEARLY show that the card is better for price/performance. I am going to report you for spreading propoganda. This isn't fair. If you conduct these polls, do so without bias. I will not allow you to misrepresent your favorite brand's competition because you feel you have the right.
We see no reason to purchase a GeForce GTX 470. It provides no gameplay advantages compared to the competition, and will actually end up costing you more power and dollars for the exact same performance you can get with the Radeon HD 5850. Factor in the power consumption, and it doesn’t seem worth it. If you have an HD 5850, stick with it, the GTX 470 is not an upgrade. If you are contemplating a great performing graphics card, for a decent price, the HD 5850 is still the best choice.
I hope that anand didn't use the cutscenes to compare the cards :eek:
I don't recommend buying these cards and [H] doesn't either.

Something that is recommend to avoid is bad IMO.

It's like comparing a 400hp @ 15mpg car to another car that does 375hp @ 23mpg.
A little less raw power but overall higher long term value.
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