Sapphire wants to replace my X1900XT with a X1950Pro

Lie, cheat, and steal. Companies out there (sapphire for one) are doing it to you, its only right to play on the same terms. Of course if you got someone like xfx,evga, or bfg (examples) who aren't going to do everything in their powers to jip you out of a replacement card or an RMA because some memo says they have to meet some quota and actually give you the respect, its only right to show them the same level of respect.

QFT. Treat others as they treat you. XFX, eVGA, and BFG are usually exceptions to the rule, and 99.9% of the time try their best to take care of you. Unfortunately this isn't a perfect world, and you have companies like Sapphire who don't give a rat's ass about their customers (apparently).

In cases like this, do whatever it takes to get results. +1 for Manny's comment for owing you at least a 3850 512MB and a written apology.

And I more than understand about personal troubles and how life can get in the way of things, but just don't let it get you too down. I've been through some really rough times myself so I know it's hard to keep your chin up. There's always a light at the end of the tunnel, so persist, be vigilant, and eventually you will come through it. Best of luck to you with your RMA crisis, and your personal issues.

Remember the saying, "when you're at the bottom, the only way to go from there is up. :D

Cheers and GL!

Ogilvy, should I make you drink Hemlock now? :eek:

You know, as I was writing that Socrates analogy, I was thinking, that someone else would be thinking the exact same thing. :D

But my purpose was not to break balls. It was to bring some reason to this gathering witch-hunt you've all joined.
Ogilvy,you are the type that wrecks it for the rest of us honest folks. :(

Ladyhawk : At this point,they owe you a NIB 3850 and a HUGE apology.Or so says my lovely wife,and she is a customer service supervisor in a very large call centre up here
in Canada.

GL !

'lil 'ol me wrecked it? Cool.... :D "I am tha law-giverrrr..."
Ogilvy, should I make you drink Hemlock now? :eek:

Gr33ngecko is more deserving of that tasty hemlock than Oglivy is. Instead replace his rig with a 3GHz Prescott and a GeForce FX5800 Ultra and make him use it for the next year as punishment for being dishonest with RMAs. :eek:


J/K. :p

I understand though, sometimes you don't want (or are able) to spend money on replacing fried hardware.
Gr33ngecko is more deserving of that tasty hemlock than Oglivy is. Instead replace his rig with a 3GHz Prescott and a GeForce FX5800 Ultra and make him use it for the next year as punishment for being dishonest with RMAs. :eek:


J/K. :p

Back in the day, that was a killer rig. I would like to have that system just for nostalgia.:)

And as far being dishonest with RMA's... I'd be able to set-up a world-wide lan party full of Prescotts and FX5800 Ultras, if we were all forced to use them.
Back in the day, that was a killer rig. I would like to have that system just for nostalgia.:)

And as far being dishonest with RMA's... I'd be able to set-up a world-wide lan party full of Prescotts and FX5800 Ultras, if we were all forced to use them.

I'd rather have a Pentium III 550MHz with a Quantum3D Obsidian X24 paired up with a Matrox G200 8MB. :p Now that was a killer rig back in the day. You had a system like that and you had total 0wnage over the rest. :D

As for your last comment, ROFLMAO. :D
I'd rather have a Pentium III 550MHz with a Quantum3D Obsidian X24 paired up with a Matrox G200 8MB. :p Now that was a killer rig back in the day. You had a system like that and you had total 0wnage over the rest. :D

As for your last comment, ROFLMAO. :D

PIII 550 mhz was my first upgrade. I had a celeron system that I bought at a computer show. Haha!

I couldn't afford that X24 or the Matrox. I had to settle for a Hercules 3D Prophet Kyro 4000XT that I got at Best Buy. :D
I'd rather have a Pentium III 550MHz with a Quantum3D Obsidian X24 paired up with a Matrox G200 8MB. :p Now that was a killer rig back in the day. You had a system like that and you had total 0wnage over the rest. :D

As for your last comment, ROFLMAO. :D

Speaking of the Quantum3D Obsidian X24... I was cleaning out my closet and look what I dug up. :D

my email to athlon micro just got returned as follows:


funny thing is, every time i have sent an email and got an undeliverable message like that, it happens right away, within the hour at worst, the email i sent off was yesterday.....and it took 24 hours + in order to get a "undeliverable" automated message?

so which do you believe?

A. athlon micro added me to their spam/blocked list
B. Sapphire's only USA tech support email is not working

actually....when one thinks about the bar for Sapphire tech support, the latter could be true i suppose....they could have a non-existant customer support email addy....LOL

It's the e-mail address I've been using. Sure they haven't responded, but no bouncy-bouncy.
Here, try their "support" number:

280 S. Paseo Tesoro
Walnut, California
U.S.A. CA 91789
Tel: (909) 594-3128
Fax: (909) 594-9771
Office hrs: 9am - 5:30pm (PST)

I'll be trying it again today.
No answer to my e-mails and no answer at Althon Micro's number. I left a message.

I'm curious to see if anyone else ends up with bounced e-mails. Mine aren't bouncing. It's just no one is answering them. Until now, they've been prompt about answering my e-mails, if only to tell me I need to accept a downgrade or wait.


Ogilvy is right about one thing. Now that I've pissed them off, this probably won't end very well.

Anyone have a halfway decent PCI-e video card I could borrow until this gets straightened out? :cool:
Dugg! Now 69 diggs so far..

Ladyhawk, I didn't defend you because you were a lady. But Gr33nGecko expressed something that sounded like jealousy when I was defending you, like as if Gr33nGecko desperately wanted somebody to treat him/her the same way.

Can't wait to find out what the results will be... if it ever catches some serious attention from Sapphire. Perhaps you will get a brand new HD 3870 from Sapphire? It aint much more expensive anyway. Performs about 50-60% better than X1900XT without AA, and about 20-30% better with FSAA on. (Sorry I don't have any spare video cards as of now.)
Maybe Kyle would have some mercy for you and give you one of his review cards that he no longer needs? Seeing how you're a lady (which is uncommon among [Hard]Gamers), I'll ask Kyle for you.

Dear [H] Kyle Bennett, do you have any a spare video card that you could lend to Ladyhawk, seeing how she was caught in this unfortunate situtation with Sapphire's customer service?
This is totally ridiculous... Sapphire owes you a friggan HD 3870 and a written apology.
I might have a 7900GT to loan you soon.. PM me if your interested.
honestly, why not have a bit of a witch-hunt? everyone's thinkin it, we've all heard it before: ati's aib partner warranties generally suck.

ladyhawk should not have to jump through hoops to receive warranty rma service, let alone being offered a downgrade from a product she spent her hard earned money on. people say, "oh, well she had a choice and refused, so it's her fault!"

that's quite the choice, take this inferior product or just sit there and wait for a product we might not have any more of for a bit.

we'll call you when we've found one. and by that we mean, heh heh heh.

see, that's the weak part and what this is all about.

he might think he's at the center of it all, the reason for everyones ire, embroiled in his own hilarious comedy, but gr33ngecko is just a greasy pustule on the nose of the ugly face that is sapphire's warranty policy. when that nasty-ass thing erupted, some got in my eye and it bothered me a little.

the witchunt isn't focused on him, though he sure helped catch my attention regarding sapphire and how they are completely failing at customer service.

it's never too late for sapphire to make things right. i think it'd be impossible for them to explain their warranty policy, so making things right is all they've got.
I just got this:

Dear Laura,

We have told Sapphire Hong Kong this was a rush RMA request.However,we haven't
receive the replace board form them yet.We truly apologize for the inconveniences this
may have caused you.Thank you for your patience and understanding.If you have any
further questions or concerns, please feel free to let us know.

RMA Dept.
Althon Micro Inc.

Gee, what do you think that means? :rolleyes:
Has anyone contacted AMD / ATI directly? Maybe they are willing to make right on this...


if you read through that thread you will also see where the email i sent got returned by athlonmicro, or their email server, or somewhere in the path it didnt get delivered correctly, but it said it was going to try for two more days and i havent gotten another undeliverable message today maybe it was just a server glitch
I just got this:

Dear Laura,

We have told Sapphire Hong Kong this was a rush RMA request.However,we haven't
receive the replace board form them yet.We truly apologize for the inconveniences this
may have caused you.Thank you for your patience and understanding.If you have any
further questions or concerns, please feel free to let us know.

RMA Dept.
Althon Micro Inc.

Gee, what do you think that means? :rolleyes:

same lies and BS basically the way i see it, all they did was acknowledge that you requested an RMA....and have done nothing about it (after how long....this is all they have to say..?? we make hundreds of thousands of video cards and cant find one single card that is suitable to RMA to you.....??? freaking amazing)

i dont understand why they dont just go ahead and freaking give you a proper replacement.....and no, what they offered is NOT a proper replacement
I just got this:

Dear Laura,

We have told Sapphire Hong Kong this was a rush RMA request.However,we haven't
receive the replace board form them yet.We truly apologize for the inconveniences this
may have caused you.Thank you for your patience and understanding.If you have any
further questions or concerns, please feel free to let us know.

RMA Dept.
Althon Micro Inc.

Gee, what do you think that means? :rolleyes:

I honestly think it means they are working on getting you a suitable replacement in the X1900 series that has 48 pixel pipes instead of 36. They probably do have a few in China somewhere. And they certainly aren't going to overnight it to Althon when they find one.

They should give you an HD 3850, but they are probably making you wait just for spite.
I honestly think it means they are working on getting you a suitable replacement in the X1900 series that has 48 pixel pipes instead of 36. They probably do have a few in China somewhere. And they certainly aren't going to overnight it to Althon when they find one.

They should give you an HD 3850, but they are probably making you wait just for spite.

i honestly think they should have just upgraded her by default, never a second guess, once they realized they did not have a direct replacement they should have simply said:

"Since we dont have that model in stock, we will be sending you a card that is actually better than the one you have returned. Thank you for being a Sapphire customer, we hope you are happy with your RMA experience and will do business with us again and apologize for any inconveniences."

and she should have gotten that replacement card a long time ago too....

thats what she would have gotten from several other AIB partners, the ones worth buying product from anyways....

if they would have done that we wouldnt even be discussing how badly they suck, they wouldnt be getting bad press all over the internet, she probably would have posted here saying about how happy she was that they took care of her in such a timely and appropriate fashion.....

i hope this was worth it to them....i simply cannot see it, they lost far more money being hard headed than by taking a small loss on one card and doing the right thing...
i honestly think they should have just upgraded her by default, never a second guess, once they realized they did not have a direct replacement they should have simply said:

"Since we dont have that model in stock, we will be sending you a card that is actually better than the one you have returned. Thank you for being a Sapphire customer, we hope you are happy with your RMA experience and will do business with us again and apologize for any inconveniences."

and she should have gotten that replacement card a long time ago too....

thats what she would have gotten from several other AIB partners, the ones worth buying product from anyways....

if they would have done that we wouldnt even be discussing how badly they suck, they wouldnt be getting bad press all over the internet, she probably would have posted here saying about how happy she was that they took care of her in such a timely and appropriate fashion.....

i hope this was worth it to them....i simply cannot see it, they lost far more money being hard headed than by taking a small loss on one card and doing the right thing...

Here's how much business they lost:
Maybe you'll get lucky and get a X1950XT/XTX, since it's roughly the same but with higher clocks and better performance. Again, best of luck! :D

wow....maybe you missed the Digg link (that's somewhere around 60 people who wont buy a Sapphire card assuming only those that Digged it), the front page article on (which no doubt was viewed by more than the 15 people who commented), pretty much anyone that happens to go to Sapphire's website and Forums to get information or assistance....countless numbers..., and all the people here that wont take the risk in buying a Sapphire card because they know if it doesnt work they are likely to get bamboozled, the number of people who viewed this thread alone is right under eight thousand....the other Customer Support thread here is approaching 1500 views.....

now, taking into account redundancy and the few people who actually see everything that is going on and will still buy their product anyways......not to mention snaggletooth's 400 units-lost-to-one-customer.......

i'm gonna have to say this cost them profit margins on a couple thousand units maybe, maybe 1000 just to be very conservative.....or lets even say 500 for giggles and to be overly realistic and very optimistic for the sake of Sapphire.....

so, was it worth it?
ATTENTION: Gr33nGecko changed her title from "Super Moderator" to "The Central Scrutinizer".

The moderators are now trying to hide the fact that they are moderators!!! LOL.....

(Now they're aware of the Digg thing and starting to get real nervous.)

Just needed to point that out here in the forums so that they can't get away with the moderator/responsibility thing. Furthermore, gr33ngecko added, "I didn't agree with the offer" in her latest post. I think she should at least "agree" to offer a HD 3850, or better yet a 3870 to make up for the 1-month delay with LadyHawk's (Akasha's) RMA progress.

P.S.--They deleted that thread that I started at Sapphire forums when I tried to jump in and support LadyHawk. They actually blamed me for their decision to not give Lady the exchange that she deserves. How childish of them from a business perspective that should be ethical!
uh oh, guess athlon micro really doesnt want to hear from me again after all....

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75 diggs and it hasnt hit the front pages... I don't know exactly how their system works, but Ive seen topics with way less diggs get on the front page quicker than this.
75 diggs and it hasnt hit the front pages... I don't know exactly how their system works, but Ive seen topics with way less diggs get on the front page quicker than this.

i think the story's being buried more than dugg, i'm honestly not sure how it works either though.

i'm sure more diggs will help though.

My only RMA experience with Sapphire was less than graceful, but not this bad. RMAed a PCI-E X800XT (and paid $25), got back an AGP card. When I emailed them, I was told to ship to back with an ADDITIONAL $25 to get a PCI-E replacement. I told them to fuck off, sold the card, and bought something from Nvidia.
I just got this:

Dear Laura,

We have told Sapphire Hong Kong this was a rush RMA request.However,we haven't
receive the replace board form them yet.We truly apologize for the inconveniences this
may have caused you.Thank you for your patience and understanding.If you have any
further questions or concerns, please feel free to let us know.

RMA Dept.
Althon Micro Inc.

Gee, what do you think that means? :rolleyes:

Well It seems Althon Micro is mainly a swapout type repair depot and probally does not do major repairs etc. I can see how replacing an older card might be problematic but still, a downgrade replacement is not acceptable. To me this means exactly what it says, Althon Micro is not willing to take the hit for the replacement (better) card as they have a business to run and they are kinda caught in the middle. Sapphire should have had in place procedures to handle this kind of situation, perhaps they do (the downgrade) but if so the best I can say is that it is sorely lacking. This certainly cannnot be the first time one of these cards failed recently and it is still under warranty so it is not like it is ancient. At least they are talking to you. Sapphire is still the ones who are primary for making this good. Fingers crossed.