Zuckerberg to Donate $100M to Newark NJ Schools

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Wow, who knew Facebook’s founder had this kinda cash on hand?

Mark Zuckerberg, chief executive and a founder of Facebook, has agreed to donate $100 million to improve the long-troubled public schools in Newark, and Gov. Chris Christie will cede some control of the state-run system to Mayor Cory A. Booker in conjunction with the huge gift, officials said Wednesday.
Steve, you need to change your forum name to [H]ard|Book or My[H]ard and make it into a social network blog format and invite all sorts of Flash and Silverlight game developers to create apps for this site and you're well on your way to your first million.
Steve, you need to change your forum name to [H]ard|Book or My[H]ard and make it into a social network blog format and invite all sorts of Flash and Silverlight game developers to create apps for this site and you're well on your way to your first million.

lol, but first it would have to be named oft|Book or Myofty
I'll be the first to put my personal information on this site.

Name: Travis N
Age: 38
Sex: Yes
Location: Chicago, IL
In a relationship

Status Update: A little late to work this morning as I was caught in traffic. Stupid Dan Ryan Expressway.

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Yeah, keep pumping money down the the rat hole, instead of fixing it. Way to go Mark!
Are you serious? The man just donated 100M and you have no idea how that money is going to be allocated. Your arrogance is unbelievable.
Are you serious? The man just donated 100M and you have no idea how that money is going to be allocated. Your arrogance is unbelievable.

Usually throwing more money at a government run problem will never fix it, and most likely will only make it worse. $300 staplers anyone?

Hopefully this will be different, though I highly doubt it.
hopefully all of that money just doesnt go to improving school infrastructure
I seen a brand new fancy school get run down to a ghetto haven in less than 5 years... bad students will be bad regardless if the school building and equipment is nice or not
Usually throwing more money at a government run problem will never fix it, and most likely will only make it worse. $300 staplers anyone?

Hopefully this will be different, though I highly doubt it.

I doubt it will do much harm.
Dont worry the our fat slob of a gov chris christie will stop it. Since he stops/blocks everything that has to do with education.
hopefully all of that money just doesnt go to improving school infrastructure
I seen a brand new fancy school get run down to a ghetto haven in less than 5 years... bad students will be bad regardless if the school building and equipment is nice or not

if only money could fix bad parenting and screwed up values
An announcement with the Mayor and Governor on the Winfrey show? Publicity much?

From ABC....

"News broke Wednesday that Zuckerberg, Newark Mayor Cory Booker and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie are expected to announce the philanthropic effort -- believed to be Zuckerberg's largest-ever public charitable donation -- on "The Oprah Winfrey Show" Friday."

if only money could fix bad parenting and screwed up values

Very very true.
Yeah, keep pumping money down the the rat hole, instead of fixing it. Way to go Mark!

Hey, it's better than the government "donating" my money to that rathole.

Are you serious? The man just donated 100M and you have no idea how that money is going to be allocated. Your arrogance is unbelievable.

It's NJ. It's Newark NJ. It will perpetuate the horrific level of corruption that underlies any government project there. Booker is no Sharp James, but he is still pretty complicit in a lot of stuff that if you or I did it as private citizens would result in multiple felony charges.

I doubt it will do much harm.

The harm it will do is allow Newark to possibly ride out the recession and continue to be a wretched hive of villany and scum. Even more likely is he just gave them enough money to buy a shovel to dig the hole deeper. $100M is a fraction of a years operating budget.
hopefully all of that money just doesnt go to improving school infrastructure
I seen a brand new fancy school get run down to a ghetto haven in less than 5 years... bad students will be bad regardless if the school building and equipment is nice or not

I disagree. Students with a nice school tend to have more pride over their school than students with a crappy run down rat-infested hole-in-the-wall school. More pride = more self confidence. Students tend to do better in that environment and they should especially nice the improvement in their environment if their previous environment really was ultra-crappy.
I hope this will start a trend of American Fortune 500 billionaires to start donating back to education. There is a a problem in the states and the decline of education is something that is a tipping point of making our country a super-power.

Also, it doesn't take a billionaire to make a change. Small donations, volunteering, and voicing your opinions on how your local schools can step up their education game.
I hope this will start a trend of American Fortune 500 billionaires to start donating back to education.

What makes you think the guberment would keep funding at the current level if this started happening? The first thing they would do is cut it. Do you think they would then lower taxes? Uh nooo that's not how it works.
How about Children's Hunger Fund or something?

I disagree. Students with a nice school tend to have more pride over their school than students with a crappy run down rat-infested hole-in-the-wall school. More pride = more self confidence. Students tend to do better in that environment and they should especially nice the improvement in their environment if their previous environment really was ultra-crappy.

LOL, are you a teacher or a principle? Actually they probably know better.

I do agree about the environment. But environment has little to do with color of the paint. Academically speaking, a "nice" school has everything to do with the quality of the content being taught and the behavior of the students being taught. Behavior is the environment. Mix good discipline and quality teaching with a barn, and the kids will learn at epic levels. Throw in hooligans in a modern school and even the good kids won't learn much.
What makes you think the guberment would keep funding at the current level if this started happening? The first thing they would do is cut it. Do you think they would then lower taxes? Uh nooo that's not how it works.

I don't think that would be so bad as long as the money that was going to education would then go to debt repayment to try to get down the national debt some. I can see that now though if the Fortune 500 companies and other corporations began to fund public schooling.

"Class, get out your Pepsi Eraser and Coca-cola pens and let's write down this equation in your HP notebook. No billy! I said notebook not netbook! Put your Netbook away."

"But its my legal write to be able to Facebook in class thanks to Zuckerberg and you can't stop me or the school district will fire you!"

"Fine! But pay attention. Pepsi + Coke = Fun any=mx+b"
I disagree. Students with a nice school tend to have more pride over their school than students with a crappy run down rat-infested hole-in-the-wall school. More pride = more self confidence. Students tend to do better in that environment and they should especially nice the improvement in their environment if their previous environment really was ultra-crappy.

sure there are always exceptions but I really dont think the physical appearance of a school has a big impact on the vast majority of students
yes students from a good looking school usually tend to be better students than that from a beat down one but I think the correlating factor clearly is that well kept schools tend to be in well of neighborhoods that tend to have families that value the education of their kids
and as I already mentioned, I witnessed first hand what happens when you insert a good looking school in a bad area.
What I thought was funny is he was the youngest on the list. There used to be more young inventors and thinkers who made shit loads of money, but too many of the people inheriting the money don't understand the value of it thus waste it destroying companies that once made this country great.
wow he have more money than jobs? I thought facebook wasn't even making all that much profit and it's not public either