Zotac 8800GTS 640mb $99.99 after MIR

Is FX Video Cards a good company?

Edit: Reselleratings look ok.
hey noob that hasn't been up to date in technology. Which is better in proformancve 9600gt or this?
9600GT probably edges it out by a small bit. One of those "Depends on the game and resolution" type things, which means its darn close.
man i coulda bought two of these for sli and would still have cash left if i hadn't bought the 8800GT a while ago... meh screw waiting i love my 8800
am I mistaken or is this the old version since it only has 96 stream procs?
it is the old g80..

but still not a bad deal... to bite or wait for the new cards to launch and drop prices... hrmmm
actually for those with SLI capability and another 8800GTS 640mb, this is a great deal and good upgrade.
I'd think if it was the 112 stream proc version revision of the 640mb with OC core it would be a pretty sweet deal esp if it was evga but as it sits, just slightly warm.
Was about to bite, but there's sales tax in CA. Good deal for others though.
weird # of ram

other than that hell of a {G}ood deal!:D
prices cant get any lower than that. I tried getting my friends to get this when it was $120. One instead went with the 3650, maybe I can talk some sense into the other one with this (even greater) deal.
prices cant get any lower than that. I tried getting my friends to get this when it was $120. One instead went with the 3650, maybe I can talk some sense into the other one with this (even greater) deal.

Pretty sure it can, if this was the g92 version it would be crazy super hot. But slightly warm as the other guy said (this deal is). I'm thinking a better card, the 8800gt, will be hitting 119 - 109AR soon, that's gonna be bad ass
i ran g80 gts sli last year and it killed. the extra 140mb of ram and the wider data bus (320bits) will prob push this past g92 gt sli at higher res. i would buy 2 of these but i just swapped out my other sli board on my secondary machine.