Your “Westworld” Sexbot Is Almost Here


Aug 20, 2006
Those of you who are in the market for a sexbot but don’t want it lying there like a dead fish as you do your business may be pleased to know that a company called Abyss Creations is testing an AI app called Harmony AI, which will let you inject some relatable personality into your companion. The software develops a profile of you based on questions and other interaction, much like a personal assistant, and the data can then be transferred to a robotic RealDoll head for a “next-level relationship.” The technology could cost up to $10K, but that could be a great deal compared to alimony.

…this isn't just an AI set to talk about sex. Sure, she can do that too (obviously), but the ultimate goal of Harmony is to provide a next-level relationship, beyond what current RealDolls can. The AI will later be built into a robotic-head system that can be placed on a RealDoll. While her limbs won't be robotic yet, the enhanced RealDoll will be able to move her neck and shake her head, and will have full jaw movement/lip sync with the Harmony app, in addition to blinking, roving eyes and moving brows. The Harmony head will also be able to smile at you, or express disappointment, with a frown. You'll also be able to customize her face and makeup, much like you can with current RealDoll options.
Watched the video.

I suspect it would be similar to intercourse with a forklift.

Not sexy at all.
Uncanny valley. Too creepy and boner killing.
Yeah it's creepy, until it starts moving it actually looks better than I expected. Didn't know the sexdoll industry has come this far.
I applaud the research, but we're a ways off from this passing a touring test...and for 10 grand, it's gotta at least come close.
So we're almost to AI robots that become self-aware and murder you? I guess that's one way to spice up your sex life...
I am sure they would want somebody from the [H] staff to test it!

For some reason I could see Kyle and the CEO of that company going at it because after [h] first super honest review the sexbot company won't send another sample to [h] for testing.
I am sure they would want somebody from the [H] staff to test it!

Is there an Avatar model? :D

You can get a hooker to shit on you for less than that. Hell, if you can throw around $10K for a sex toy, I'm sure you already have something some woman wants.
And 100's of different diseases. I'll take the robot
You don't have to raw dog a hooker, still better than some robot toy. Plus, have you tried carrying someone before? Imagine trying to even just pick up a 150 pound or whatever it is robot! And where do you store it? Can't exactly have it chilling on the sofa, and then your friends come over and are like, ew, did you clean that thing? OMG, can you imagine dragging it outside to hose it down, and then a neighbor is like "Howdy, beautiful day we're hav... is that a sex doll?" LMAO!
OMG, can you imagine dragging it outside to hose it down, and then a neighbor is like "Howdy, beautiful day we're hav... is that a sex doll?" LMAO!
"No you insensitive bigot! That's my robot wife and the mother of my robot children!... seriously did you stay stuck in 2015? Do you have any idea how sensitive her Harmony AI is?"
"...will let you inject some relatable personality into your companion."

  1. 1.
    drive or force (a liquid, especially a drug or vaccine) into a person or animal's body with a syringe or similar device.
    "the doctor injected a painkilling drug"
    synonyms: administer, introduce; More
  2. 2.
    introduce (a new or different element) into something, especially as a boost or interruption.
    "she tried to inject scorn into her tone"
    synonyms: introduce, instill, infuse, imbue, breathe More

I'm gonna go patent a vacuum pack that sucks in the male semen that's ejaculated into the unit, mixes it with a choice amount of compounds and binds, and creates a face lotion that I can in turn sell for massive profit to the rich elite. Cause man sperm seemingly does wonders for rejuvenating skin, so this would be an incredible and lucrative farming source!
I dunno how many real doll purchasers are deep into having conversations with them... at least the ones in North America. The Japanese on the other hand may buy only the detached head to have conversations with... those dudes don't quite follow the same social norms as North Americans... :-O

It's probably something that can be done cheaper and better in VR.
You don't have to raw dog a hooker, still better than some robot toy. Plus, have you tried carrying someone before? Imagine trying to even just pick up a 150 pound or whatever it is robot! And where do you store it? Can't exactly have it chilling on the sofa, and then your friends come over and are like, ew, did you clean that thing? OMG, can you imagine dragging it outside to hose it down, and then a neighbor is like "Howdy, beautiful day we're hav... is that a sex doll?" LMAO!
Obviously, she gets stored in a coffin in the basement. Just tell your friends she sleeps during the day, comes out at night, don't mind the cold clammy pale skin and blood red lips that's normal for her kind. Should keep them properly cautious.
I applaud the research, but we're a ways off from this passing a touring test...and for 10 grand, it's gotta at least come close.
For a small monthly fee, the onboard voice synthesizer could be managed by a real indian man in a data center in Bangalore choosing from a database of sexy talk in the language of your choice.
Under $10,000?

Still cheaper than a girlfriend or wife ;)

LOL!! I bought a house worth over 200K a few months back; mainly for the wife. Has the big kitchen, the luxury on-suite master bedroom, private balcony. All things she wanted.
I myself would have been satisfied with a cabin in the woods. Regardless; she is still my better half. And expensive better half. ;)
Great, a walking, talking, glory hole. If they build a 14 inch tongue into it that doesn't feel like sandpaper (or turn into a meatgrinder), they'll double their prospective market.

Can't wait to see the look on the faces of emergency room staff when patients start rushing in with these things attached to their mid sections. Probably similar to the look they had when dealing with those equipped with telephone cords stuck in their bladders and bottles and flasks stuck in, well, you know where.

[some] people will do the weirdest things with their private parts... ref:

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LOL!! I bought a house worth over 200K a few months back; mainly for the wife. Has the big kitchen, the luxury on-suite master bedroom, private balcony. All things she wanted.
I myself would have been satisfied with a cabin in the woods. Regardless; she is still my better half. And expensive better half. ;)

Yes sir. "The things we do for love, like walking in the rain and the snow when there's"
LOL!! I bought a house worth over 200K a few months back; mainly for the wife. Has the big kitchen, the luxury on-suite master bedroom, private balcony. All things she wanted.
I myself would have been satisfied with a cabin in the woods. Regardless; she is still my better half. And expensive better half. ;)
Luxury and $200k... those two don't go together in northern, VA unfortunately... you have to pay at least 2x that to just get a normal town home in a mixed-income neighborhood :(

$500k gets you 2000sqft with no basement and cheap vinyl windows.
I dunno how many real doll purchasers are deep into having conversations with them... at least the ones in North America..

I will leave this here for you

it wasnt the one documentary i was looking for, but it still shows the point
The real money will roll in when they roll out their fleshy pony line for the bronies. Exploit that market for fun and profit.

I'm gonna go patent a vacuum pack that sucks in the male semen that's ejaculated into the unit, mixes it with a choice amount of compounds and binds, and creates a face lotion that I can in turn sell for massive profit to the rich elite. Cause man sperm seemingly does wonders for rejuvenating skin, so this would be an incredible and lucrative farming source!
Thanks to Tosh.0 I know that you can do other things as well. Natural Harvest: A collection of semen-based recipes
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Luxury and $200k... those two don't go together in northern, VA unfortunately... you have to pay at least 2x that to just get a normal town home in a mixed-income neighborhood :(

$500k gets you 2000sqft with no basement and cheap vinyl windows.

Would never live in an area where you money doesn't go very far.
All depends on where you live.
I've always been the type to get the most for my money.

I only paid about 10K more than what the smallish, basic house I sold in the city was worth.
Boy was I glad to get out of there.
Moved out to the country were the demand for expensive properties is low. Got a good deal.
Luxury and $200k... those two don't go together in northern, VA unfortunately... you have to pay at least 2x that to just get a normal town home in a mixed-income neighborhood :(

$500k gets you 2000sqft with no basement and cheap vinyl windows.

That would be around $650k where I live in Southern California :eek:

I'm just lucky I bought my place over 20 years ago when they where about 1/3 the price.
Otherwise we'd be stuck in the small 2 bedroom condo or apartment, since that's all I could afford on my current salary.