Your HD tune scores

jasondean98, your images are dead. well, at least for me they are, at the time of this posting, hehe.
My score is lower than it was on a prior install. Maybe cuz I had prefetch disabled bakc then or something. Vista X64 Ultimate.
Using the proper AMD AHCI, NB port, and southbridge drivers from catalyst 9.5.


Here is everest, also a lil lower than before but better

I use a 100gb short stroked partition and the rest of the WD 640 Black empty. I guess hdtune is a raw drive speed test and not affected by partition?

crystal diskmark x64 results:
CrystalDiskMark 2.2 (C) 2007-2008 hiyohiyo
      Crystal Dew World :

   Sequential Read :  110.111 MB/s
  Sequential Write :   96.185 MB/s
 Random Read 512KB :   50.163 MB/s
Random Write 512KB :   71.709 MB/s
   Random Read 4KB :    0.676 MB/s
  Random Write 4KB :    1.815 MB/s

         Test Size : 100 MB
              Date : 2009/05/31 11:08:35
2x Acard 9010 (Hyperdrive 5) @ ARC-1261D-ML (2GB ECC-Ram)...


thats impressive



i know mine do not look impressive but the system is very fast do not take Transfer rate as the good speed of an SSD as any SSD is far faster then an HDD
in real world not likey to see any difference between SSDs (that have cache on them) apart from JMicron SSDs (that do not have cache on them) that tend to have poor Write access times

alot in here that have Burst speeds of 2GB/s must have turnd on Write back cache on the intel Matrix driver
Here's my new vertex 60gb. It is about 1/2 full. It has my o/s (vista 32) installed on it as well as 2142 and office 2k7.

Feels snappy. My transfer rates are very close to my old 6401aals raid 0 array.

1.10 firmware


1.30 firmware

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...and now for something completely different. This was done this morning, and yes, the drive is still fully functional. It's a Seagate drive by the way.

...and now for something completely different. This was done this morning, and yes, the drive is still fully functional. It's a Seagate drive by the way.[IMG][/QUOTE]
I found a 40mb drive too. It was fully functional, but I wasn't sure what the formatting on it was as I couldn't read the data within Windows. I didn't want to format it just for HD Tach. That 545mb Seagate came out of our 386 though. It still had Windows 3.1 on it.
Indeed. Of the 8 I found in a drawer, only 1 was dead. The biggest drive of the lot was a 2.5gb WD. There were a couple Quantum (now Seagate) drives and even some made by Conner Peripherals (also now owned by Seagate).

3x 15,000RPM Savvio 15k.1 2.5" SAS drives in a stripe on a dell 6/ir controller

old wd 80gb with 10,000 hours on it
Time to replace this thing. I think I shall retire it by firing squad next time I go to the range with some AP ammo.
How bad is this HD? its pretty old and been thru ALOT of hard time


old wd 80gb with 10,000 hours on it
Time to replace this thing. I think I shall retire it by firing squad next time I go to the range with some AP ammo.

Holy shit I hope you have your data backed up..

I think some people in here could benefit from a defrag..

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Defrag does matter. Tested many many times on different drives. ^ What program did you use? Try Diskeeper or Jkdefrag.
Four GS Kill 128GB Falcon, RAID0 ARC 1680ix-24 (2GB) 128KB Stripe.


:D @ CPU use!
lol nice one, is it in use yet? can u do write benchmark and random access pls
Cannot do write tests with the volume in use!

We're working on a system to replace hot noisy SAS arrays. So far it seems to work well and you really have to go out of your way to break it! :D

Some more benches on the same configuration:



The array is to hold frequently used segments in HD non linear editing. STR as well as random i/o is important with the former being the most important. The random i/o of solid state definitely trumps the SAS 15K (Fujitsu MBA) drives we had previously - up to 20 disks were used.
What's with my burst rate? lololol

2x WD 40gb 5400rmp 2mb cache drives, RAID0, Promise 378, Vista 32. Nice quiet 80gb setup actually.


979 mb/sec? what the heck? I've repeated it a few times, same results.