Your favorite energy drink for gaming?

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Aug 12, 2004
With energy drinks rapidly encumbering themselves into the mainstream, there is now a wide assortment available to consumers - including the geek/gaming enthusiast. I find myself at this very moment drinking a Monster Khaos energy drink, and I have to say that I prefer it over all others I have tried. Post your choice!

Look at it tower over your pitiful little Red Bull.
Tab, dietcoke, water... sometimes, I just realized, all at once... :)
Umm... Energy Drink + Gamer = Fat Gamer. We don't need huge gobs of energy to play games (unless it's some marathon DDR session). Ignoring that, I've started drinking Sprite 3G, but I used to mostly drink Red Bull.

Stuff is all stupidly expensive for what it is though, so I find I mostly drink water and coffee.
Bawls is the best but its so hard to find and too expensive to order over the internet. Rockstar is 2nd but i only drink those if i want to know what it feels like to be on crack. Next would be Pure Power and last would be Sobe Adrenaline Rush.
Water, plain and simple. As Psychotext said those energy drinks are very bad if you are just going to be sitting playing games for hours on end.
I agree with those that think the stuff is overpriced junk. If you have to stay up all night, drink coffee.

Actually the ultimate energy drink is alcohol. Sugar, carbohydrates, and proteins have 4 Calories a gram while alcohol has 7. Fats have 9, but I'm not going to be drinking oil or cream.
I stick with AMP, it has always been my favorite.
Sobe is pretty good too
A little bit of Adderall doesn't hurt either :)
Well I don't want a triple bypass or waste my money or fry my brain so I stick to water and atleast 6 hours of sleep.
I always drink a high protein shake mixed with creatine. I also take a multivitamin during gaming, really gives me that edge that I need...
Are these things as bad for your heart as "they" say they are? Somehow i'm doubting it, millions of people drink coffee, and they aren't dead yet.
i usually drink water or sometimes mountain dew, dr.pepper, etc. I tried bawls once and i didnt like the taste.
Water, sometimes a beer when I feel like it.
No energy drinks or soda for me.
Water - best in the world.

IBC Root beer - for when I'm eating something that doesn't taste right with water

Dr. Pepper - for the caffeine fix.

dont know if you guys got it in the US though....its mad...better tasting than Red Bull.
dotK said:
Water. Energy drinks are overrated.

Very true.

I'm 28. I say that to point out that I am *not* a kid any more, and my age is supposed to be "catching up with me". Last week, I stayed up til 4 am gaming TWICE, and then went to work three hours later. No energy drinks, just a Dr. Pepper or two and lots of water.

If a guy pushing 30 can pull two all-nighters in a week without energy drinks, I just don't see much use in them.
I'm 28. I say that to point out that I am *not* a kid any more, and my age is supposed to be "catching up with me"

You have some more time before you are old ;)
I usually drink water or Propel. If I want a soft drink, I love drinking Vault or Mountain Dew while gaming.
Water for me unless I start early in the morning, then I'll have about 32 ounces of coffee.
Why not just take a caffeine pill? You get all the effects of those drinks (And then some...) without having to piss like a fucking racehorse.
Coffee, Rockstar Black, or Bawls. I'm good with any of them. Pepsi works too, but only in extremely large quantities, as in 10-15 cans for an all-nighter.
Water. Some of my friends love Redbull, but I think it tastes like crap.

I want to try Bawls, but I don't really like having energy drinks, because I can't tell the difference for the most part.
K600 said:
Why not just take a caffeine pill? You get all the effects of those drinks (And then some...) without having to piss like a fucking racehorse.


But then again, who needs "energy" when you're gaming? Seems counterintuitive, if I'm having fun, I don't get tired.

Something to sip on is nice though, so it's pepsi for me.
I find it sad to buy an energy drink so you can stay up all night to game, but for times I drink an energy drink, bawls hands down.
Oompa said:
BAWLS. I love drinking and licking my hard blue bawls.

You know, given all the positive comments I really must try that stuff. Anywhere you can get it in Europe? I've been known to work for days solid coming up to deadlines so a tasty drink that also gives a bit of energy and caffeine can be useful. :)
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