You Are Invited...

if all computers run the same kind of client, you can also copy the client.cfg file everywhere :)
I dont see anything covered in the rules forbidding that, but you have to ask yourself how you would feel if another team did that. We can take this thing without going there.

As others have said not something I or any [H]ard members would do, i was curious as to the rules pertaining to it and if it has been addressed in the past.

if all computers run the same kind of client, you can also copy the client.cfg file everywhere :)

This is probably the best idea. Since I'm sure everyone has already mapped the drives of all their boxes for monitoring with fahmon or fahspy, it would hopefully be a simple copy/paste from your main box.

On a side note, this thing doesn't start for almost another month. This thread and the corresponding ones at the other 3 forums are going to get out of hand real quick.:D
I pledge my allegience and boxen to the [H]. I will sacrifice my defenses against Seamonkey to maintain our dominance as the #1 team.

It's cool Connundrum1. I'm pulling my quad dual xenon box off for the aid of my team 33 monkey brethren. We can call a truce until the monkey prize is ours.

Viva La [H]ardMonkey !!!

It's cool Connundrum1. I'm pulling my quad dual xenon box off for the aid of my team 33 monkey brethren. We can call a truce until the monkey prize is ours.

Viva La [H]ardMonkey !!!

quad dual xeon? yea looks like i'm about to be run the F*ck over before the start date. As long as we secure that jaded monkey i'll call it a win.

I'm not going to do this, nor am I saying we should. I'm just wondering if they do have any stance on this at all.

there's no official stance...the short deadlines with the smp client really negates this strategy anyway plus the management overhead for the guys with many many nodes scattered everywhere would make it a major PITA...personally, i wouldn't do anything to jeopardize the science

who knows, it may be the little edge that you guys need to get over the top....nah, you are going to get hammered LOL
Quad dual? 7000/7100-series processors?

4 x 7130M's. Been running esx on it with some linux smp clients. Recently turned one of the VMs off through to make sure they are all hitting the preferred deadline.

I can swap the VMs over to [H]ardmonkey for the cause.

It's been down for a few days while ac work and ups work was being done, but it's coming back now. Plenty of time before Cinco de Mayo.

Let me know when and I'll swop my farm over.
Add another 45K PpD to the score.

It going to be the first time any of my boxen haven't folded in my name ...... :eek:

Anybody got a rough idea of what our PpD could be ?

Luck ............. :D
We're definitely going to get hammered, the mojo and beer will take care of that.

Please don't remind me of getting hammered. I feel like I've coming off a week long bender and I haven't had any alcohol since early Sunday morning. Hell, I didn't even feel bad Sunday after waking up even though I expected to. :(

And if you must know, one of my uncles died last week and the funeral was Saturday. Many of us spent a nice chunk of Saturday after the funeral drinking and reminiscing. I know my uncle is proud of us for that one. I think he also came back down for a bit to make sure every one of us drank at least 3 for him. :)
