xp locks up....


Oct 19, 2004
all the time! i just did a clean reformat, and i't'll just occasionnally lock up, its so frustrating! what's causing this?
There could be countless causes of this. When you post your question, include the specs of your machine with as much detail as you can. Also, be a little more specific with what the problem is. When does it happen...at boot...opening a certain piece of software..etc.

Some of the most common problems that could beh causing WinXP to hang are bad/wrong drivers, memory issues, PSU issues, heat, and other failing pieces of hardware along with a multitude of software settings and incompatibilities.
if a a reformat(totally unnecesary) didnt solve the problem, I would say its a hardware or driver issue. We need more info.
Ranma_Sao said:
Does it bluescreen or just freeze?

These are the type of threads you mentioned in your other thread. I need help, but I'm going to tell you anything about the problem that might assist you in any way possible!!!!!!
*waves hand over crystal ball*

I predict a 53% chance of memory failure. Run memtest86 for several hours/overnight. 0 errors is the only acceptable report.

I predict a 29% chance of a failed power supply. Replace to test.

I predict a .01% chance of a OS issues since you reloaded, probably because it was locking up in the first place. When you replace 100% of the software, your likely to replace all software errors.

87% of all statistics are made up on the spot.

edit: wow, how machine machines are you supporting? You have a lot of threads with different OSes and different hardware..
solved the issue, was a hardware/driver problem. i have lots of questions, plus lots of machines sitting around, just trying to learn what i can, with you guys' help :eek: