XFX Radeon HD 6990 Drawing!

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The 6990 is EXACTLY the card I really want to upgrade to, but cannot afford to. I'm running my 295 still, which is a very powerful card, though it is starting to fail on me. That line had a lot of long term heat problems, the BFG's did anyways.

I would be freaking stoked if I won one of these monsters, go XFX!
Running Dual XFX6870s right now and I have been loving them.
Awesome performance for my 1080p monitor setup. But I would love a 6990, or two, so I can go ahead and start playing at Eyefinity resolutions! :cool:
Simple Jack like lifetime warranty.

"It m-m-m-muh-makes me happy!"
I just sold a XFX 5970 BE, picked up a XFX 6990 and now I want another 6990. Do I win? :D
XFX makes quality cards for us gamers...they were willing to take a chance on AMD/ATI, and for that, I salute them...and want a 6990 from them. ^_^
I like 6990's because they are many times faster than my 4870x2 and because they are DX11 of course, gotta love XFX, cause they are just plain awesome.
I like XFX because they have pretty much the best warranty. That and their hardware is top notch.
I like that XFX tries to cater to the enthusiast community and that they support Hardocp by advertising here and give away stuff in drawings like this.
XFX lifetime warranty plenty of power for your games what else could a man ask for ?????
I've always liked their cooling solutions, reminds me of how HIS used to be unique with theirs back in the day.
I have been an AMD user since Radeon 7200 days. I currently have dual 5970's in my system and am getting the upgrade bug again, so of course I am looking at the 6990. I would love to have an XFX version for the name and reputation, but mostly for the dual-lifetime warranty! Comes in handy for the next upgrade ;)
I like the double lifetime warranty and the color scheme they use.

And my ride.
My first XFX card was a GeForce 6800GT. I bought it to kick DOOM3's arse, and it did a phenomenal job! It was then replaced with a XFX 7800GTX. Which was fallowed by a pair of XFX 7900GTXs. Then I went with a XFX HD4870. Now I am stuck with a XFX HD5770! So a free XFX HD6990 will satisfy my lust for horsepower!!!
It's not an nVidia card, and I want to go 'red' again. I've never owned an XFX product before, so that would also be a bonus.
Plus there's the double lifetime warranty so they are (IMHO) the best gpu manufacturer out there.
My current ride is an 05 Mazda 6 hatch, also coincidentally red :D and I run around on Nikes.
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