XFX 6870 Temps

I'm going ot guess some of it has to do with your fan profile, and check if your idle clocks are actually being reached, and the card isn't stuck permenantly in 3D mode...
With fan profile on stock auto settings, my idle is ~63C. My core clocks down to 300 MHz at idle. I am running dual monitors. How to check if I'm stuck in 3D mode?
Yikes! Is TMPIN1 the MB or CPU? Either way thats not good. Good call zyklon. OP, hows your case cooling?
1. How should I set up my fan profile, then?
2. The high motherboard temp is from what I understand a common sensor issue with this motherboard.
3. I have one side case fan, H50 CPU water cooler with one fan and one intake fan.
4. My CPU idles at ~20C and under load at ~35C
If you have a second monitor attached it's going to run hotter, go ahead test it out, unplug one monitor and see the temps go down.
Who made u that retarded fan profile?


Just turn off 'Enable user defined ...'
Tbh the motherboard temp may well be accurate, that's about how hot nforce chipsets ran in the past, they just used code to alter the temperature that readout programs actually showed so you didn't think they were overheating. MSI may have just in this instance circumvented this, or perhaps it no longer exists.
I can assure you that nothing I can touch on my mobo is 200 F! Also, what makes my profile retarded? How should it be? I get lower temps at idle and load with my fan profile.

With one monitor my idle dropped all the way down..........to 58C:confused: