xbox vs pc...huh


Mar 12, 2003
Why can you take an Xbox and put Doom 3 on it and have it run smooth with these specs on the xbox

Intel Celeron 733 MHz CPU
64 MB of RAM
nVidia GeForce 3 graphics card (on most versions)
Dolby Digital AC97 sound card
8 or 10 GB hard disk
DVD drive
10/100 EtherNet port
4 USB ports (cleverly disguised as custom joystick ports)

Yet if you were to try those specs using regular PC equipment, and play Doom 3, it wouldnt even run.
because the box is not running windows, its dedicated hardware and all resources are used for games. plus visual quality is taking a hit to get that smoothness but that is obvious
Have you seen Doom 3 on the XBox? It's missing higher resolutions (also a limitation of standard NTSC televisions) and also it's missing something called TEXTURES.

Looks like crap compared to it on a high powered PC.
The Xbox version is completely optimized for the hardware, and the graphical quality and resolution is MUCH worse than the PC version.
I would post a witty response, but that question just sucked all the lifeforce from my body I find it nearly impossible to type.
Mase said:
because the box is not running windows, its dedicated hardware and all resources are used for games. plus visual quality is taking a hit to get that smoothness but that is obvious

This is the only post that maked sense in the wholr thread...........and yes visually quality is atking a big hit i'm sure.........But also I am sure the folks at ID are taking plenty of steps to make it look better than most X-Box games...and that's good enough for me.

Hmm.I can spend 2000 dollars on a high end system to play games like Doom 3 in all it's glory OR I can spend $150 on and X-Box to play it at 75% of what the PC can do......I think i'll go with the X-Box.

PS:I am assuming that the graphic quality will be 75% of what the PC can do so don't flame me toooooo much!
not even close to 75%

you could build a machine for less than 1k$ that would run doom 3 on ultra high smoothly at 1600x1200

only the computer companies like alienware and falcon northwest want you to believe you need to spend 3k$ on a gaming PC
I still wouldn't spend $1000 to play one game, especially one as short as Doom3. Unless you're going to turn to PC gaming permanently, there's no point in building a new rig.
Nothing beats agood pc man! once OC'd and optimized for will beat the crap out of the xbox...try it out with a GOOD not talking celerons 700mhz...more like 3.0 p4's or amd 64 3000+....nvidia 6800 video cards or somehting...1 gig of that and you'll understand what i'm talking about, not to mention a mouse is much better than a controller

How is that "not even close"? It looks perfectly acceptable to me (please don't hand pick the very best pc screenshot vs the very worst xbox screenshot like I've seen done before). Maybe not some ultra-fetish high quality, but it was made to look acceptable for us philistine unwashed masses. There sure are a lot of snob attitudes towards consoles.
Tsk, Tsk, Tsk - A true gamer doesn't sqauble about Xbox -vs- PC, he or she just does the logical thing and that is to have it all (PC, Xbox, PS2, and a GameCube). :D
WillowHawk said:
Nothing beats agood pc man! once OC'd and optimized for will beat the crap out of the xbox...try it out with a GOOD not talking celerons 700mhz...more like 3.0 p4's or amd 64 3000+....nvidia 6800 video cards or somehting...1 gig of that and you'll understand what i'm talking about, not to mention a mouse is much better than a controller

all this is true but most people just can't afford to stay on the bleeding edge because it also slashes your wallet in twain :p however i'm just one of the people who is willing lay down a massive amt. of cash and I also want to do more than game like play online, browse the internet, print docs, watch movies, etc.(though mostly game) and an x box obviously can't do all of those for me.
Abysmal said:

How is that "not even close"? It looks perfectly acceptable to me (please don't hand pick the very best pc screenshot vs the very worst xbox screenshot like I've seen done before). Maybe not some ultra-fetish high quality, but it was made to look acceptable for us philistine unwashed masses. There sure are a lot of snob attitudes towards consoles.

it's easily not even close. My lowly 9600xt looks better than that. It's major flaw is the low resolution. Even with a 9600xt (highly overclocked mind you...but still just a 9600xt) I can run at 1024x768 at high detail...with decent textures and at a decent framerate (30-60- no flamewars.). Mind you I can't run at 1600x1200 with AA/AF at ultra quality...but it still looks magnitudes better than the xbox. The Xbox hardware is using GF2/3 technology and can't effectively produce the dx9 effects that any modern card can. So your missing the heat shimmer, glows and other effects that add to the environment of the game.
That's quite a bit of an exaggeration in my opinion, after seeing the game in action on a PC myself. TVs are not monitors and lower resolutions look better than the PC equivalent. I'm not really stuck on resolution and textures though, I like games. When I consider games, the decision is based on content and not graphics, and console version generally always have additional stuff (though I think I'll be able to live without the dull and artless Doom 3 game).

Plus consoles are a reference standard, they'll always work and be hassle-free. I know it's elite to tweak settings and hack exes and test beta patches, but this PC enthusiast grew tired of all that.
Its true that the quality doesn't quite compare. However, the fact that a console with those specs can render something that looks similar, demonstrates that pc games are hardly optimized to take advantage of modern computing power.

Then again, why would game developers optimize? After all, they just help sell you the next overpriced graphics processor. :rolleyes:

no, not even close to the quality of m y $1100 dollar machine puts out

and, "overpriced" is an opinion, i think that the $415 i spent in my 6800gt was well worth it knowing i saved 100 dollars on it (i run at ultra speeds a lot) just like the $100+ i saved on my cpu by overclocking.

and also, factor in the price of the tv you use when you say how much xbox cost too, it's just like counting a monitor for a PC.

sorry if that shot was 'handpicked" but it was either that or a 10 body pile up :eek:
retardedchicken said:

no, not even close to the quality of m y $1100 dollar machine puts out

and, "overpriced" is an opinion, i think that the $415 i spent in my 6800gt was well worth it knowing i saved 100 dollars on it (i run at ultra speeds a lot) just like the $100+ i saved on my cpu by overclocking.

and also, factor in the price of the tv you use when you say how much xbox cost too, it's just like counting a monitor for a PC.

sorry if that shot was 'handpicked" but it was either that or a 10 body pile up :eek:

You do you TVs can be used for OTHER things besides videogames! :eek: A nice HDTV is a much better investment than a 1,500$ computer thats going to end up sucking in a year.
monitors can be used as tvs also, just need a tv tuner :)
9700pros have been out for years now, do they still suck?
same with the 2500 bartons

when youre 15 like i am, touching yourself at night due to the lack of a significant other is not really an insult :cool:
Oh my god the texture on the left of the screen is blurry! Horror!

Anyways, I think the Xbox can easily convery that kind of atmosphere (it already has in other games). I'm not going to upkeep a several-thousand dollar computer just so my textures/resolution can be a little higher, that just doesn't strike me as practical or important. I have a tablet PC and would never look back at a desktop.
I've got all the big 3 consoles and a gaming PC. The consoles can and do look suprisingly good for the hardware that is in them. But my PC annihilates them utterly. Also my Xbox has begun to play only what it feels like. My ps2 needs some type of driver update since it won't play anything made after a certain date, but plays my old stuff fine. I just cannot find a good game for GC. I'll be sticking to the pc. I can at least work on it.
Abysmal said:
Oh my god the texture on the left of the screen is blurry! Horror!

Anyways, I think the Xbox can easily convery that kind of atmosphere (it already has in other games). I'm not going to upkeep a several-thousand dollar computer just so my textures/resolution can be a little higher, that just doesn't strike me as practical or important. I have a tablet PC and would never look back at a desktop.

yea well i was right next to the wall, cant help that

all i own out of the 3 big consoles now is gamecube, and i love it
Circuitbreaker8 said:
A nice HDTV is a much better investment than a 1,500$ computer thats going to end up sucking in a year.

not to jump into an argument but who can honestly say one is better than the other? it really comes down to what YOU want to do with your money. I can say I would rather buy one ferrari rather than lets see...*thinking of something equivalent* 20 hyundais but you might really like cheap cars. so in the end it can't really be a valid argument.
Milez6 said:
all this is true but most people just can't afford to stay on the bleeding edge because it also slashes your wallet in twain :p however i'm just one of the people who is willing lay down a massive amt. of cash and I also want to do more than game like play online, browse the internet, print docs, watch movies, etc.(though mostly game) and an x box obviously can't do all of those for me.

My modded xbox can do all of those things except print documents. A modified xbox has way more potential then a standard xbox. I can stream movies from my PC to my xbox to watch on the big screen. I put linux on my xbox just to see what it would be like! A modded xbox crucifies every other console system including a modded PS2. But there is one fact that still remains.


My rig decimates my xbox. Any game thats on PC and Xbox or PS2 I will get the PC version simply because it will look better, play better, and load MUCH faster. Any real gamer knows that PC gaming is the best, especially for FPS games. Console controls for FPS suck balls, nothing can beat the optical mouse for aiming.

Doom3 only runs on the xbox because its being heavily altered. First of all Doom3 on xbox will run at 640x480 resolution, the PC versions lowest possible resolution is 640x480. Second, there will be no Anti Aliasing. And third, there will be a huge lack of lighting effects and particle effects that the xbox gf2\3 simply cannot do. And finaly the textures will all be much much lower quality. The xbox only has 64MB memory TOTAL, system+ram. Theres no way they could fit the standard textures in that.

Oh yeah and there is some xbox version Doom3 footage video floating around the net, watch it carefully it shows some choppyness. Don't be surprised if you play doom3 on xbox and it has some unavoidable slowdown at some times.
this is just like when someone told me socom2 for PS2 looks/runs better than call of duty :D

but yea, the complete versatility(sp?) of a pc cant be equaled by an xbox, although they are great for parties/madden/any sports game tournaments
TheJuice said:
My modded xbox can do all of those things except print documents. A modified xbox has way more potential then a standard xbox. I can stream movies from my PC to my xbox to watch on the big screen. I put linux on my xbox just to see what it would be like! A modded xbox crucifies every other console system including a modded PS2. But there is one fact that still remains.


My rig decimates my xbox. Any game thats on PC and Xbox or PS2 I will get the PC version simply because it will look better, play better, and load MUCH faster. Any real gamer knows that PC gaming is the best, especially for FPS games. Console controls for FPS suck balls, nothing can beat the optical mouse for aiming.

Doom3 only runs on the xbox because its being heavily altered. First of all Doom3 on xbox will run at 640x480 resolution, the PC versions lowest possible resolution is 640x480. Second, there will be no Anti Aliasing. And third, there will be a huge lack of lighting effects and particle effects that the xbox gf2\3 simply cannot do. And finaly the textures will all be much much lower quality. The xbox only has 64MB memory TOTAL, system+ram. Theres no way they could fit the standard textures in that.

Oh yeah and there is some xbox version Doom3 footage video floating around the net, watch it carefully it shows some choppyness. Don't be surprised if you play doom3 on xbox and it has some unavoidable slowdown at some times.

holy crap yeah, I know pc's are better! I would never disagree with that :) I mean when new tech comes out it is ALWAYS for the pc first and then streams no wait.. trickles down to the consoles
Milez6 said:
holy crap yeah, I know pc's are better! I would never disagree with that :) I mean when new tech comes out it is ALWAYS for the pc first and then streams no wait.. trickles down to the consoles

LoL I wasn't arguing with you I was just saying my xbox can do *almost* everything you would need it for. Only my first paragraph was aimed at you. :D
This PC game is about a year and a half old. One aspect that makes this game unique is that literally every piece of land that the eye can see is accessible by foot in this game. This screenshot doesnt do the game's beauty justice either. Does anyone know of a better screenshot program than fraps? It really downgrades my UT20004 screenshots. BTW This pic of the mid 2003 Gothic 2 looks wayyyyyy better than that unreleased X-Box Doom. In all honesty that pic of X-Box Doom is laughable.

Too bad Gothic has got some of the worst interfaces and controls I've ever had the displeasure of trying out. Even eye popping visuals couldn't get me to play that game.
BTW This pic of the mid 2003 Gothic 2 looks wayyyyyy better than that unreleased X-Box Doom. In all honesty that pic of X-Box Doom is laughable.

Have you seen Doom 3 for the Xbox in motion? :rolleyes:
oh my thats a pretty nice shot, good find (or folder digging)

the thing is, will doom3 for xbox ever see the light of day when halo2 comes out?
heatsinker said:
Too bad Gothic has got some of the worst interfaces and controls I've ever had the displeasure of trying out. Even eye popping visuals couldn't get me to play that game.

Lol No disagreement there. The controls had me so angry that I am surprised that I have put about 40 hours into the game.
TheJuice said:
LoL I wasn't arguing with you I was just saying my xbox can do *almost* everything you would need it for. Only my first paragraph was aimed at you. :D
I actually had no clue you could do so much with an x box. still for me there just aren't enough games on xbox that would cause me to buy it. I would rather lay down the cash for comp. upgrades. I have seen some crazy mods with them though, like stuffing them in pc cases or modding the stock case. Pretty cool crap.
when youre 15 like i am, touching yourself at night due to the lack of a significant other is not really an insult


i feel ya my brother, dont worry your time will come.

xbox is for HTPC shit not gaming, dont get it mixed up ;-)
The thing is, console games look worse because they are considerably cheaper. You should never expect any game to look near as good on a console as it does a PC. If you try to compare the two, you're just being retarded. Are we supposed to be suprised when it doesn't look as good. Should people be pissed because they were expecting the most resource hungry game to date to look as good on outdated equipment put in a console as it does on a PC?

Consoles are for people who game and believe that price > extreme quality.

PCs are for those who believe extreme quality > price.

Also, I'm not sure who said that optical mouse aiming is better than crappy console controls, but you are crazy. It's all preference. I'm sure if I played some halo or rainbowsix3 on pc, you'd probably beat me, but you put an xbox control in my hand, and you can't touch me.
What is the fact that people relate how old the 9700 is...HOW OLD IS THE XBOX?!?!??!?!?!?


This debate is ignorant....

It's like comparing an 01 Yamaha R1 vs the 04 Yamaha R1 -- they are basically the same...except one is old and one is new and well....the difference in performance is HUGE.....

Regardless -- I wish I could afford a PC -- College student = laptop. Gaming -- 20" TV with an Xbox that i spent my left nut on. Halo2 -- I took out a loan to preorder it.
Guy, i really hate to burst ur bubble...but you know what? after reading what i just read. i STILL hate consoles...just cause...they suck..but if any of you didnt read the specs for the XBOX2 you ought to..just to whet ur tongues....

"The CPU includes three independent processors (cores) on a single die. Each core runs at 3.50GHz speed of faster. The Xbox 2 microprocessor can issue two instructions per clock cycle per core. At peak performance, Xenon can issue 21 billion instructions per second."

it looks damn good fellas...i would be interested in the kinda graphics this thing kicks out...but every single gaming system in existence today sucks, the contest....the speed, and fluidity of gamplay is paramount to my experiences..i'll shell out the money for it
There are some things that PC's do better.

There are some things that consoles do better.

I own both and have games that are more geared toward one or the other. I love them all. UT2k4 rocks on my PC, but I love curbstomping my friends in Soul Calibur 2 on my XBox.

Own what you like, play what you like.

Arguing on the internet...
PC: Any damn controller I want.

Console: Their controller.

PC: Does damn near everything media related, with no invasion of their security system to keep you out of your property.

Console: Plays games, may play DVDs, and .wma files. You can modify it, but then you lose the ability to play online (from my understanding) in the case of the xbox, and even then you're stuck paying a subscription fee for it, every game.

PC: Can be an expensive habit. But it isn't heroin, uh, well, for some of us.

Console: Cheap!

Advantage: PC. So long as you're employed, I guess.