xbox vs pc...huh

WillowHawk said:
Guy, i really hate to burst ur bubble...but you know what? after reading what i just read. i STILL hate consoles...just cause...they suck..but if any of you didnt read the specs for the XBOX2 you ought to..just to whet ur tongues....

"The CPU includes three independent processors (cores) on a single die. Each core runs at 3.50GHz speed of faster. The Xbox 2 microprocessor can issue two instructions per clock cycle per core. At peak performance, Xenon can issue 21 billion instructions per second."

it looks damn good fellas...i would be interested in the kinda graphics this thing kicks out...but every single gaming system in existence today sucks, the contest....the speed, and fluidity of gamplay is paramount to my experiences..i'll shell out the money for it

You play and buy games according to how they look in the screenshots? And how fast the game runs? You need to raise your standards. :p
To phaelinx:
Do you take a wedding picture with your camera phone or your professional camera???
Do you surf the web and check emails with your Xbox or your PC???
Do you play Mario/Sonic/Final Fantasy on your eMachine or your console???

Except for a few exceptions, everything does what it was originally meant to.

We now have 5megapixel camera phones in japan/korea, high end PCs that play anything u throw at it, and much more is getting integrated here and there.

Doom 3 might look better to you on your "lower than PC spec" Xbox, but you need to realize that somewhere along the lines, you missed out on alot of intellect.
I guess I look at consoles as for people who like games, I don't go for the whole masculine more-powerful-than-thou status (if I had a dollar for the amount of "dominates" and "annihilates" thrown around).

You're basically only missing out on high resolution and slightly higher res textures. It's funny to look at the 1280x1024 screenshots that keep getting posted, where the texture quality is never in sync with the resolution. When you go higher the textures don't follow, it just ends up looking worse to me (like playing Half-Life at 1600x1200). Different tastes I guess. TVs are NOT the same as a computer's 640x480, it looks way better than that, and these games are BUILT around that resolution standard that a TV has. The textures don't look bad because they are in line with the resolution, and the game is able to convey the exact same atmosphere as these supposedly superior screenshots being posted (even the game developers will admit this).

And the Xbox is unique in hardware (between a GF3/4), no 2 in there. It does pixel shading and the developers will be able to recreate any effects easily, even though it'll probably already work. Heck, most of the time they add effects, I can't count how many ports I've played with upgraded models, new effects, and everything tailored for that machine. And just wait until the next gen arrives. It's a lot more comforting to stick with standards, than deal with sloppy PC headaches. Just one man's stupid opinion, don't take it as an attack.
Seriously, why in the world do people insist on comparing consoles to PCs??? They are two COMPLETELY different things. It's like saying "My car is so much better than your boat." Just stop it already. I own an Xbox and a PC (P4 2.6C, 1GB PC4000, 6800GT). Obviously I enjoy gaming on my PC. But that doesn't mean that I dislike it on my Xbox. Consoles are for wheh you want to chill in the living room playin' some games. PCs are for other purposes. Both have their respective places. Quit comparing the two trying to figure out which is better.
Maximus825 said:
Seriously, why in the world do people insist on comparing consoles to PCs??? They are two COMPLETELY different things.

Have you checked your XBox hardware? It's a P3 700Mhz with a standard EIDE Hard drive, and an Nvidia graphics controller based off a GeForce 2/3. It even runs a stripped down streamlined version of Windows. Strike me as a little odd...but weren't those popular PC specs a couple years back? I know I had a PC with those exact same specs (except the cpu was a 733Mhz).

So, tell me again why people can't compare the XBOX console to a PC if both were built specifically for games??? (IE, the builder of the PC is a gamer like many of us here...and built their PC to play them, not play around in MSOffice.)
nst6563 said:
Have you checked your XBox hardware? It's a P3 700Mhz with a standard EIDE Hard drive, and an Nvidia graphics controller based off a GeForce 2/3. It even runs a stripped down streamlined version of Windows. Strike me as a little odd...but weren't those popular PC specs a couple years back? I know I had a PC with those exact same specs (except the cpu was a 733Mhz).

So, tell me again why people can't compare the XBOX console to a PC if both were built specifically for games??? (IE, the builder of the PC is a gamer like many of us here...and built their PC to play them, not play around in MSOffice.)

You said it right there.. Xbox console... It doesn't matter what it has on the inside, it's still a console. BTW, you are wrong on the specs. It's a P3 Celeron 733, and a Gefore 3/4 GPU...
The Xbox doesn't run Doom 3 smoothly. Unless 30fps with frequent drops into the teens is your definition of smooth. And the game is so stripped down graphically it looks worse than Quake II.
2 different products aimed at different markets. If you enjoy games then really it doesnt matter what platform you are playing as long as the gameplay is good.

Everyone gets hung up on specs...get over it, enjoy the games.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. IMO you can't compare the costs of an X-Box to a PC, becouse a PC can be used for so much more than an X-Box. It's like comparing a go cart to a car. Not to mention a PC can always play PC games as long as the hardware meets the requirments. On the console side of things if you want to play every console game you have to buy all 3 systems. Plus the mouse/keyboard owns an X-Box controller.
Maximus825 said:
You said it right there.. Xbox console... It doesn't matter what it has on the inside, it's still a console. BTW, you are wrong on the specs. It's a P3 Celeron 733, and a Gefore 3/4 GPU...
well, la-de-fuckin-da I missed it by a whole 33Mhz which equates to an even slower cpu since it's a celeron.

so here, just so I don't get it wrong again, I'll post them for everyone
CPU: 733 MHz chip crafted by Intel
Graphics Processor: 250MHz custom chip named XGPU, developed by Microsoft and nVIDIA
Total Memory: The RAM in the Xbox will be supplied by Micron, it will be 64 MB running at 200MHz DDR (Double-Data-Rate)
Memory Bandwidth: 6.4 GB/sec
Polygon Performance: 125 M/sec
Sustained Polygon Performance: 100+ M/sec (transformed and lit polygons per second)
Micropolygons/particles per second: 125 M/sec
Particle Performance: 125 M/sec
Simultaneous Textures: 4
Pixel Fill Rate - No Texture: 4.0 G/Sec (anti-aliased)
Pixel Fill Rate - 1 Texture: 4.0 G/Sec (anti-aliased)
Compressed Textures: Yes (6:1)
Full Scene Anti-Alias: Yes
Micro Polygon Support: Yes
Storage Medium: 2-5x DVD, 10GB hard disk, 8MB memory card
I/0: 2-5x DVD, 10GB hard disk, 8MB memory card
Audio Channels:64 (up to 256 stereo voices)
3D Audio Support: Yes
MIDI DLS2 Support: Yes
AC3 Encoded Game Audio: Yes
Broadband Enabled: Yes
Modem Enabled: No
DVD Movie Playback: Remote control package required
Maximum Resolution: 1920x1080
Maximum Resolution (2x32bpp frame buffers +Z): 1920x1080
HDTV Support: Yes
Controller Ports: 4 USB Ports

And for your info, the minimum bandwidth on a GF4 card is 7.1gb/s. The GF2/3 have from 2.7gb/s to 8gb/s, 6.4gb/s being the most popular from the midrange cards. The fill rate of the xbox is about that of a GF4 Ti4200. And the Polygons per second matches up with a GF4 Ti4400. So just to prove us all wrong, it can be called a GF2/3/4.

so, basically you have a small desktop computer running a slimmed down version of Windows,64mb DDR Ram, with a custom graphics chip, hard drive, tv out, dvd drive, etc...

I still don't see how you say you can't compare the two.
The chip is actually a Geforce 3 with an extra vertex and pixel shader...

Why aren't you comparing the PS2 or the Gamecube to a PC then? All the consoles are built the same. So what if the Xbox has off-the-shelfish PC parts. That doesn't make it any less of a console and more of a PC. The Gamecube runs on hardware similar to a PowerPC. Are we calling it a Mac? No, it's a console.

2 different products aimed at different markets. If you enjoy games then really it doesnt matter what platform you are playing as long as the gameplay is good.

Everyone gets hung up on specs...get over it, enjoy the games.

This guy gets it. It's not that hard of a concept. They are designed, built, marketed, supported, used completely seperate. I like the car and the cart analogy that someone said. Yes, they can be used for similar things, but you're not going to say that a cart is a car. It's not. It has 4 wheels, a body, engine and steering wheel. But it's still not a car...
i love my xbox, me AND MY FRIENDS have a great time playing IN THE SAME ROOM and that is why xbox >>> pc to me. Plus im not locked in front of a keyboard and mouse i can own my friends and jump over and yell in their faces. A much more enjoyable gaming experience, even with a "geforce 2/3/4"
Ultra high quality will cost you more than $1000.

Whenever a thread like this comes up, all the "my PC is better than Xbox" fan boys come out and strut their very annoying attitudes.

I am sure it will be fine on Xbox if you choose to get it on that platform.