Xbox One officially drops mandatory Kinect

Who gives a damn? You don't choose which console you want based on paying a small fee for online services or not paying said fee. If you do, you're an idiot.

Considering Live is the only thing almost everyone claims as the reason to have a 360 over the PS3 I'd say lots of people would care.

It's certainly not exclusives, hardware power or features.
If you buy a XB1 and don't plug in the Kinect, then you are an idiot or a paranoid lunatic. Really there is no reason not to use the functionality, even basic voice control, if you've paid for it and have the hardware.

People who think its spying on them won't even buy the XB1, I wonder who this actually helps. This is simply a reaction to the paranoia and total bs built up around Kinect.
God forbid a company changes its stance on one of its products after people were disappointed with it at first. How could anyone do such a thing?

People were in an uproar because they WANT to buy the Xbox. If no one wanted it, no one would have cared in the first place. So MS decides to listen to people who WANT to buy their console. Of course, they want to sell more consoles and make more money too. That's business. You people are morons.

And when it comes to paying for online services, get a job. I have no issues paying for service as long as it is a quality service, and that's exactly what Xbox Live has always been. I'd have no problem paying for online service from Sony either if that's the route it goes.

while it is nice to see MS pull their head out of their reear end for a moment, don't think for a moment, they are changing course in the long run. I would not be surprized if hey started to slowly add this draconian DRM crap back in once they solidify their base....
If you buy a XB1 and don't plug in the Kinect, then you are an idiot or a paranoid lunatic.

What planet have you been living on for the last couple of months? Microsoft and other companies have been sharing their data with the NSA for years. The NSA is already hacking phones. It's only common sense to expect they'll soon be hacking into the Kinect camera.

The "tinfoil hat" crowd has been proved right.
Microsoft does this all the time.

Give people what they DON'T want.

Pay attention. Buy a PS4.
I'm still going to just wait for a year and see what games come out. The Kinect wasn't a selling point for me one way or the other. I'd classify it as a "makes swallowing the pill a lot less bitter" point, though, making it easier to choose it if they have the games I want.