Xbox Live! ??


Limp Gawd
Jun 2, 2003
well i just got xbox recently and it has been a blast .. so i want to step it up to the next level and start to play on Live!

so while i wait till the end of next week (stores near me dont have live starter kit with crimsonskies yet) i want to put in a 2 month free coupon i got with a game .. my questions ..

- i was setting up my info .. gamer name / country / b-day .. all that stuff and then i enter my 2 month free code.. all seems good .. then i click next and it wants my credit card .. wth ?

- when i get the starter kit is it still gona ask me for a credit card ?? i really hate having card info tied to an account .. since i hate using credit cards and normally ONLY use them for emergencies.

credit card = the devil to college students LOL :rolleyes:
You'll stilll need a Credit Card entered for the starter kit.
any particular reason ?? if i pay the money for the game card at the store .. why should they still want my credit card . wasnt that the whole point of these game subscription cards ?? :D

silly microSHAFT :rolleyes:
One reason could be for verification purposes. A more sinister reason probably could be that they want you to forget the promotion end date which would allow them to start billing immediately after. Plus if you have your card entered they can sell you on their 'premium' services, although I'm not sure if I've come across any yet.
Phantasy Star Online is a premium service with an additional monthly charge, but I think that's the only one right now.
well...basically it it set up to be easier -- however painful it is -- to pay for live subscriptions along with downloadable content that may cost money in the future.

What will happen is you will have a start kit that is good for 12 months....after 12 months MS will charge your account again for like 50bucks for the next year. The way charged downloadable content works is simple too. You see something for download -- it costs 4.99 or whatever and you choose yes to charges or no and then download if you chose yes.

The only thing that you will be accepting with this setup is the next 12 months whenever that comes...

Afaik, before then you can cancel your account if you don't want Live anymore so that it doesn't charge you again.