Xbox 360 Sucks Stupid Xbox

If you ever buy a 360, always get a warranty on it. I'm convinced already that the quality of the 360 is similar to windows 95's reliability lol. Not sure why they haven't jumped on top of this and made a recall or something. Nintendo to me the best quality out of all 3 of them this gen.:eek:
Well, I picked up a 360 on May 23rd. Took it back (to Target) 2 days later for dashboard and in game freezing and dirty disc errors. Took the second one back a few days later for DVD drive noise and drity disc errors that required hard reboot. Both were manufactured the latter end of 2006. My third (and current) 360 was manufactured near launch day in Nov of 2005. No dirty disc errors or freezes of any kind just yet.

As far as the percentage of defective consoles..who knows? I bought the Target 3yr warranty and called them about how to use it and they asked what item I purchased it for...and when I told the operator the 360 she asked if I had the "3 Red Rings"...

I think it's just a crap shoot. Two of my friends with launch era 360's haven't had a single problem with theirs at all. My launch week Xbox (with crappy thompson drive) is still going strong with it's new owner.
Having worked at a certain retail outlet -- and the owner of a launch 360 -- has anyone thought of shipping-related issues? I know we would sometimes "drop" shipments of equipment. Repeatedly.

My launch 360 is still trucking after nearly 2 years of 4 hours per day usage.
So people are actually having to put their system in a TOWEL to kick it back into life? Haha, My haven't we come far from blowing into our zelda cartridges to get them to work :D, but in all honesty, Nintendo's systems have all been very well made, and the defect rate on the 360 is just abhorrent.

There is a reason the xbox 360 is as cheap as it is, because you get what you pay for, in my opinion, why not build yourself a decent and reliable PC for the same price as if you were to get a 360 L33T, xblive subscription and whatever other micro transaction bells & whistles you desire?
I actually did build myself a PC before I decided to pick up a 360. But, buggy games like Stalker reminded me how much more fun and easy a console can be since (assuming your console hasn't bricked :p ) your game is going to run.
I had my 360 since December and havnt had any problems with it. It gets some good use too. Either with games or DVD's, so its pretty active and its still going strong. Havnt brought the extended warrenty but I believe I may pick it up soon as December is nearing and im sure with my luck once that warrenty is up, its going die hardcore on me.
I don’t believe the defect rate is in the norms.

Everyone I know who has a 360 except myself has had to replace one. The worst being my friend whose launch console broke about 3 months ago. He sent it in and received a new one about 2 weeks after the initial problem. Now just a month ago the console he received as a replacement broke down. He called Microsoft and they said they would send him a box. Well guess what, 4 weeks now and no box. Microsofts response is they are having a shortage of boxes to ship to owners with defected 360’s.

I got a laugh out of that. A shortage of boxes

I think for a piece of hardware that costs a couple hundred dollars this is a joke. The 2-5% defect rate is probably BS, and I can’t see why anyone wants to stick around and defend that number as even Microsoft has quieted down on what the defect rate is. I wish this would get a little more media attention as IMO it’s a big problem and I hope Microsoft does something about it.

If Microsoft had done a proper job from the beginning it might have actually ended up being cheaper in the long run as far as warranty and returns go. To me this just shows that the 360 was rushed to beat the Wii and PS3 to the market. Sure it makes sense but the build quality is shit and an extra month or two of product testing might have solved this. They miss the Christmas season, sure but they would most likely still have the market lead and been around 10 million in sales. It succeeded but has left a sour taste in my mouth. The last Xbox IMO had superb build quality, with the exception of the DVD drive which I had to replace once. But other then that it runs perfectly even though I used to be pretty rough with it. Carry it around to friend’s houses, tripping over it, tossing controllers on top and general abuse that a console shouldn’t get.
My 360 fell from the vertical position as well... off of the entertainment center. There are a few black scuffs on the side now but no noticeable damage in-game. I usually leave it on so that I can play short spurts of GH2 without having to reboot each time.

Sorry to hear about your console, maybe you should have dropped it a few times prior to tuffen it up?;)
So all they did is add an suspended in air heatsink to the gpu heatsink? I thought the motherboard had warping problems.
Motherboard is warping because of heat problems... but like I said, this is probably fake anyway.
buy the ms warranty. Sucks my first two went down, but they were pretty easy to get replaced, and my most recent one is going strong and long.
My sons 2nd 360 died yesterday, the first one died the day after christmas with the ROD, but this one would just freeze after a few mins of play. He said it worked better if he put it verticle, but I still returned it. I am just happy I bought it from Costco, just took it back and got another, no questions asked.

I am not happy with the reliability, but when I asked the lady at the returns desk if there were a lot being returned, she kinda shrugged and said not too many. But I know she doesnt always work that part of the store.
wow it never gets any better does it? i'm glad i decided not to repurchase a new 360 after my first one went south. i'm honestly quite surprised microsoft hasn't attended to the reliability issues by now. that thing is expensive and it had better damn well work for the money.

pfff. i realllly hope the 65nm release comes soon because i miss all my old 360 games. not enough to spend another $400 just now unfortunately.
Since when Bill Gates is an italian gangster ?... You have to buy an extended warranty in case ur xbox dies ? rofl

I can imagine Bill saying

"It would be unfortunate if anything would happen to ur 360 if u dont pay up, MUAHAHAHA"
I don’t believe the defect rate is in the norms.

Everyone I know who has a 360 except myself has had to replace one. The worst being my friend whose launch console broke about 3 months ago. He sent it in and received a new one about 2 weeks after the initial problem. Now just a month ago the console he received as a replacement broke down. He called Microsoft and they said they would send him a box. Well guess what, 4 weeks now and no box. Microsofts response is they are having a shortage of boxes to ship to owners with defected 360’s.

I got a laugh out of that. A shortage of boxes

I think for a piece of hardware that costs a couple hundred dollars this is a joke. The 2-5% defect rate is probably BS, and I can’t see why anyone wants to stick around and defend that number as even Microsoft has quieted down on what the defect rate is. I wish this would get a little more media attention as IMO it’s a big problem and I hope Microsoft does something about it.

If Microsoft had done a proper job from the beginning it might have actually ended up being cheaper in the long run as far as warranty and returns go. To me this just shows that the 360 was rushed to beat the Wii and PS3 to the market. Sure it makes sense but the build quality is shit and an extra month or two of product testing might have solved this. They miss the Christmas season, sure but they would most likely still have the market lead and been around 10 million in sales. It succeeded but has left a sour taste in my mouth. The last Xbox IMO had superb build quality, with the exception of the DVD drive which I had to replace once. But other then that it runs perfectly even though I used to be pretty rough with it. Carry it around to friend’s houses, tripping over it, tossing controllers on top and general abuse that a console shouldn’t get.

I agree with you a 100% I'm on my third as we speak and even now I randomly get the E74 message and I have to turn the console off and back on and it works but I'm sure it's days are numbered. The build quality of the 360 is SHIT, I don't care how many people chime in and say "had mine since launch with no problems" there's a big problem because the people with 3 ring 360's is not getting smaller.
I really do believe that manufacturing quality has gone way downhill since they were released. like others, me and my brother both have launch day 360's that run rock steady. but now that microsoft is acctually making a profit off the consols, they start breaking alot, see a link here. Not saying that they made them with the best quality on launch but I think micrsoft is just cutting way to many corners now to save a few bucks.
Over all I think the build quality on the 360 is standard with that said I do feel they botch the design of the console size. I have no doubt if the case was a little larger to allow proper air flow this would not be an issue. Just MHO.
I'm surprised this thread has lasted 4 pages. The guy has a broken 360, so he feels the need to come on here and swear at Microsoft. I understand he's frustrated, but how exactly does this benefit the gaming community? It's not something new, his case isn't special, so why does he get his own thread about his situation and why did the moderators let such a poorly worded post get past the first page?
I enjoyed reading this thread.

I do not own a 360.

But I went through this same type of hell with my xbox (xbox one). After two months of use, but four months of ownership (a Christmas gift for my kids) it failed... with only a 90 day warranty. After paying way too much for factory service... and getting it repaired... something new went wrong within 30 days.

So I had it repaired two times... but the good news is that things have worked pretty good since then. I still get disk read errors, and my disks do get scratched... seems like the 360 will be just like my first xbox.
I am gonna go cry in a corner and beg for my Xbox360 to stop giving me the 3 Red Lights of DOOM why the fuck would it take a shit on me after 2 yr's the 3rd day Forza2 comes out, I was just about to buy Microsoft's Racing Wheel but no0oo now I gotta replace my POS xbox /end rant/begin bash/ anyone revive their broken xbox and how?

2 years would have been nice, but then again it would have also have meant my warranty expired, for me. My 360 died on me earlier today. I had it for just under three months. :( It's the first sytem (console or handheld) that I've had die on me, and will have to return... and I've owned, and still own systems going back to the NES. So I guess the odds finally caught up with me :)
While we're at it, my 360 got knocked and fell from the vertical position to horizontal last night and spits out disc read errors ever since. Oh, the the unit was off when it fell :rolleyes:

WHEW.. turned out my Madden 07 (shame.. my fav game) is what's dead. It had major scraches on it.. but it was scratched to hell in the first place.. must have gotten worse over time and I didn't even notice it. So because it works, I only dislike M$ (used to be hate)
I really do believe that manufacturing quality has gone way downhill since they were released. like others, me and my brother both have launch day 360's that run rock steady. but now that microsoft is acctually making a profit off the consols, they start breaking alot, see a link here. Not saying that they made them with the best quality on launch but I think micrsoft is just cutting way to many corners now to save a few bucks.

My launch 360 bit the bullet today so I cant really say the launch consoles are indestructible. Oh well, free repair from MS, shipping is paid even.

The adding cooling that is added is a plus too :)

New -
Old -
I'm surprised this thread has lasted 4 pages. The guy has a broken 360, so he feels the need to come on here and swear at Microsoft. I understand he's frustrated, but how exactly does this benefit the gaming community? It's not something new, his case isn't special, so why does he get his own thread about his situation and why did the moderators let such a poorly worded post get past the first page?

I can see what you mean about this thread and the only thing I can see that is keeping it going is the fact that it isn't just one member on here with a dead system it seems to be many many people. This thread is giving them a place to vent their frustration and anger for the situation.

I was thinking the same thing as you were when I saw that the PS3 one of the same title ( very close anyway ) was locked and that the 360 one was let to go on. I just wish the thread title wasn't so inflammatory.
I feel as if some people on here are fan boys. Why let this thread live yet kill this one?


First thing I thought of when I saw it/clicked on it was "oh, probably an off-topic flame/rant or humor attempt about the PS3 to go against the 360 thread w/ similar name" I bet others did too, but then again, to your credit, the replies weren't the best. ;)
I've had a Wii and a PS3 crap out on me due to overheating - both replaced with no problems. I fully expect my 360 Elite to crap out on me to when I buy one - consumer electronics are shit these days.
So did you get your stupd xbox fixed yet?

stop whining and posting your thread over and over. it is locked, because it was just you crying over burning yourself on your PS3. it has NOTHING to do with this thread.

And on topic...

Before you get a new one, try the clamp method and the towel method... they SHOULD get it working if done right :)
Thing is... most of the failures are fixed by the x-clamp method. It's not that the heatsinks are inadequate, but that the retention method sucks big time.
I app. all the responces, and yeh go away Mr. burnt fingers go cry to mommy cause you cant take the heat.. I have let it sit and "COOLDOWN" for a few days now and I still get the errors (no video on screen at all) next thing I do before putting it back together and taking it to EBGames is the towel trick. Don't have any tools to remove those black screws under the heatsinks for the X-Clamp replacement. I hope the Elite doesnt give everyone the same problems as the regular one has been a headache. The title was just me MAD at the time I don't HATE MS but think they did a shitty job with this console. Better luck next time right? LOL..
So if one were to do the towel trick and it worked, then went to eb or wherever and traded it in for credit, would eb come after you a couple days later when it breaks again?

will they take systems back with the warranty seal broken?
Hrmm.. I am a little confused now. I let the console sit for about 2-3 days not using it at and just tried the infamous "Towel Trick" (let run for about 15 minutes and it overheated).
I turned it off let it cool for another 15 minutes and turned it on. WOOT we got video at least. So I put in Forza2 and it starts up but then almost instantly gives me the two red lights saying its overheating (the console is without it's casing) so I touch the heatsink and it's burning hot (no I am not crying like the other kid although it did burn the shit out of me) meaning I might have to try this X-Clamp thing to keep the console alive. So to anyone who hasnt tried the towel trick it got the box to boot but it's just temporary. Now I am not getting the 3 Red Lights Of Doom but the 2 Lights of HEAT.. What else can I try maybe putting a fan blowing cold air directly on top of the box? Oh and it turns on normally then before it starts overheating as the heatsink is getting hot the fans start spinning faster and faster till it gives me the error .. :mad: